Fine Division Group

The plane set sail.

"I must kill this one. I can't tell you there is no dignity."

It may be the rhythm of the barrage in her live broadcast. Tuantuan feels that even if he has Jiang Siming's belt, he must give it a good volatilization!

Don't let everyone underestimate that you're just a rookie who relies on your 'boyfriend' to lie down, even though she loves to hear these words~

"In this round, I will be a killer, a killer of certain emotions, I have a strong self-esteem and I will talk to you!"

Jiang Siming also allowed her to keep chattering like a little old woman in her ears, not only not annoying but also a little funny.

Marked a relatively remote city, the two jumped over, but found that there were still two teams of outsiders following.

"Very good! Xiao Ming, if I kill someone, you can praise me, okay?"

"Okay, no problem." Jiang Siming agreed happily.

The affirmed Tuan Tuan became more motivated, and chose a house that was a bit far from Jiang Siming.

She was afraid that Jiang Siming would steal her head.

Jiang Siming was also willing to trust her technology, and searched it by himself.

But within half a minute, he heard the screams of the other party.

"Wow! Xiaoming, come, come, I beg you, I'm dying, ohhh, they are just outside my house~"

Jiang Siming saw that this girl had lost half of his health, and it seemed that she had been shot.

"I'm here now, you hold on."

"I can't hold back, woo, they are coming in~"

"Then tell them that big brother don't kill me."

"Big brother don't kill me, don't kill me, okay, I have an old man... ah~ useless! They are storming the building~"

"Change to English and broadcast in bilingual."


The live broadcast effect brought by the two singing and playing together was so good that it exploded, and the audience's mouth was almost crooked.

Perhaps Tuan Tuan's "sonic attack" played a role, and the other party gave up attacking the building and planned to throw a grenade.

Jiang Siming, who had already rushed to the battlefield, killed the team with three attempts.

With a startled cry of cold sweat, the hearts and livers trembled.

Frightened, she picked up something and started to follow Jiang Siming's pigu, not going anywhere.

"Will you kill yourself?"

"What about a woman with a good self-esteem?"

"I'm a killer of certain feelings, now?"

"Kill people go yeah Tuantuan."


Faced with the barrage in her live broadcast room, Tuantuan was no longer fooled.

"I think this game turns out to be a double row. I can't ignore Xiao Ming and go on his own. This way he will be very dangerous and no one will protect him."

Tuantuan said very 'meaningful', his face was not red at all, really, there was even a sip of bubble tea.

"Do you want to point your face, Myojin needs your protection?"

"It's not bad if you don't pray that others will meet him. I want you to protect a hammer!"

"Tuantuan's face is getting thicker and thicker."

"You are so clingy to Myojin, aren't you afraid that old women will be jealous?"


What did the barrage say, Tuantuan said that he couldn't see it, so he continued to drink milk tea and served as an attendant for Xiao Ming.

I drank too much and accidentally hiccuped in the live broadcast room.

Jiang Siming just wanted to make a joke, but found that this girl had already begun to excuse herself.

Tuan Tuan: "Sister, who made you hiccup, my sister is live broadcast, you will make them think that the hiccup was caused by my sister."

Sister (extracted): "I have (poorly)~"

Tuan Tuan: "You have wine! Don't admit it yet, you are dishonest, do you know how your sister usually educates you, how can you be so disobedient?"

Sister: "Woo, I was wrong with my sister."

Tuantuan: "Well, this is a good boy, go out and play, sister is going to work."

Sister: "Sister bye."

Tuan Tuan: "Well friends, my sister was naughty just now, don't be offended, don't get me wrong, Xiao Ming~"

Jiang Siming was stunned, is there such an operation?

With Tuan Tuan, the essence of the drama, Jiang Siming's game killing journey is a lot more fun.

A game in Jiang Siming's relaxed and comfortable, twenty-six kills eat chicken.

Jiang Siming can manage the 4500 points without pressure, not to mention the 2000 points with Tuan Tuan.

Tuantuan's scores linearly lowered the scores of their two matched players, making Jiang Siming seem to be playing a fish pond. It's too simple.

Moreover, because Jiang Siming was heady, he also let Tuantuan kill a full 6 people, making these two fools unable to find North.

After the chicken came down, Tuantuan returned to the hall excitedly, and said loudly and proudly to everyone: "My KDA must be soaring. Now I will let you see my KDA!"

When she clicked on her record data, Tuantuan was silent again.

Jiang Siming was curious and checked Tuantuan's data.

KDA: 0.22

This KDA is really amazing, I really don't know how she can play it...

Embarrassed and unbelieving, clicked on Jiang Siming's record data.

KDA: 22.99

Exactly one hundred times the Tuan Tuan...

The audience ridiculed that Jiang Siming could play a hundred groups, which is too bad.

KDA has risen again, and Jiang Siming feels nothing.

His skills are getting stronger now, and the chicken just gave him three white pieces, which are Vss, AWM and Mk14 proficient.

Jiang Siming had obtained the essence of the two airdrop sniper skills. So far, Jiang Siming had completely controlled the sniper rifle.

The two were planning to continue matching, when Jiang Siming suddenly received an invitation message from [4am_GovdzzZ].

"Alright? I'm solo." A message from the Great God came.

Jiang Siming pulled him directly into the team.

"Wow, it's been a long time since Wei Jiang." Tuan Tuan greeted the great god.

Great God laughed and ridiculed: "Are you feeling like Lao Jiang now? You never found me to take you to play games. You used to shout every day."

"Hey, Brother Xiao Ming is so tired, I can provoke me as long as he takes me."

"Hehe, women, they are all fickle animals." Great God said with disdain.

"Hey, hey Wei Jiang, if you are so careful, I will file a complaint and sue the bee sister!"

"Eh eh eh, just kidding, be it real, let's get started, Lao Jiang." Weishen skipped this topic happily.

The three officially entered the game, and Great God automatically ignored Tuantuan and chatted with Jiang Siming.

"Next month, the PCPI national knockout tournaments will start. We have to start playing at home. We have to make at least the top three before we can go to the United Kingdom. If we have time this month, we need more training. We need to run in and tactical exercises."

"Well, I'll go if there is nothing wrong."

Jiang Siming didn't care too much, because he believed that in the face of real strength, tactics or something were not reliable.

There is only one biggest effect of tactical exercises, which is to improve the fault tolerance rate of one's marksmanship, and use cooperation to make up for the shortcomings and mistakes of marksmanship.

This is an FPS game. As long as your strength is much higher than others, any tactic is just a bullet.

Even if the other party encircles you, he needs to expose his position to the gun with you. As long as he dares to expose his position, Jiang Siming is quite sure to take him away!