A folk song suprised four people!

The game started soon.

One after another, students stepped up to perform their talents, some singing love songs, singing bel canto, and some playing various musical instruments.

Zhang Wei also went up to sing a love song with affectionate style. The most painful thing for Jiang Siming, this B sang his own song, "Walking Horse".

Although he is not far from his level, it is compared with him.

Compared with other students in the college, he is still pretty good.

Jiang Lan went up last.

Jiang Siming didn't expect that this girl who looked fashionable and graceful would actually be a guzheng performer.

And he played very well, and received unanimous applause from students and teachers.

The students have finished their performances, and the teachers are preparing to select the top three.

Zhang Wei stood up, turned his eyes on Jiang Siming, and said with a smile: "There is one of us who hasn't come out to perform, friend, please?"

Jiang Siming was indifferent, and even looked at him jokingly with his legs folded.

He understood, Zhang Wei, this kid was just digging holes for him.

"He is my boyfriend, and he is not a student of the music department." Jiang Lan stood up 'protecting the calf'.

Zhang Wei smiled and didn't smile, and said "reasonably": "Because it's your boyfriend, that's half a conservatory guy. Since we're here, we'll do whatever we want, and we're not embarrassed. He, please be happy, it doesn't matter how he sings, do you think?"

"Yes, dare to soak away our school flowers, don't you have the courage to sing a song on stage?"

"Zhang Shao is right, everyone is out to play, don't make anything special."

"It's just a song, why didn't you let him do it? The teachers are watching, don't worry."

Many students agreed with Zhang Wei's words. Not only did they have a good relationship with Zhang Wei, but there were also some boys who were also jealous of Jiang Siming's ability to embrace a beautiful woman. They didn't mind taking this opportunity to get into trouble.

Jiang Lan was speechless for a while and didn't know what to say.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Siming walked out from behind her and strode towards the center of the beach with meteors.

I wanted to be awkward and grow up and not play a group, but I couldn't hold back others from rushing over to give someone a head.

When it comes to the face at hand, they will feel afraid of them without hitting them.

He raised a guitar from among the many instruments, adjusted it briefly, and stood in front of the microphone.

"This kid can still play the guitar?" Zhang Wei's eyebrows twitched, and he felt indescribable.

Only Zhang Wei and the others had seen Jiang Siming before, and now Jiang Siming is standing in the center of the audience.

Students in the entire grade saw Jiang Siming clearly.

This time the girls worked hard, screaming collectively, blushing and heartbeat.

He even spontaneously cheered for Jiang Siming and became Jiang Siming's temporary support group.

"Let your kid scream for a while, after a while, you might be laughed at after you start singing!" Zhang Wei thought.

He didn't think Jiang Siming would be so good to sing, even in the eyes of passers-by, he sang well.

But they are students and teachers at the Conservatory of Music, and ordinary people listen to them well, but they don't think so in their ears.

That belonged to playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong and Lu Bu playing with Euphorbia in front of him.

When the time comes, a few words of ridicule will make Jiang Siming embarrassed!

Although he couldn't bring any substantial harm to Jiang Siming, being laughed at and humiliated by so many people was enough for him to drink a pot.


The sound of the guitar rang on the quiet beach.

It is completely different from the noise and noise of the guitar students who have performed on stage before, playing with various difficult guitar scores.

Jiang Siming played like a small boat passing quietly in a dark night, only the sound of oars and clear water.

Many music students searched for the memory of this score in their minds, but found that they could not find it at all, as if they had never heard it.

"Village in the North

There lives a southern girl

She always wears a skirt with flowers

Standing by the road


Jiang Siming's voice suddenly sang, and a simple folk song broke into the ears of everyone present.

Low and deliberately with a hoarse singing voice, people can't help but think that the young man in front of him has experienced many storms.

From his singing, I really want to explore his story.

"Southern Town

The rainy winter is not as cold as the north

She doesn't need a bloated coat

To cover her watery face


The scene was extremely quiet, with only Jiang Siming's singing.

Apart from the guitar strings, there is only the background music of the waves hitting the beach.

The three teachers' heads turned sharply, as if trying to recall the origin of this song.

"Have you heard this song?"

"No, shouldn't this young man write it himself?"

"That's really a talent, and singing skills are amazing. Isn't this a student of the Conservatory of Music in Kyoto?"

The three teachers communicated very quietly for a while, and then continued to listen to Jiang Siming's singing after no results.

"Southern Girl

Are you used to the autumn coolness in the north

Southern Girl

Do you like the straightforwardness of northerners


Together with the chorus, all the students on the beach couldn't help but fall in love with this song.

Most of the students in the Conservatory of Music don't really like pop songs, they prefer niche folk songs.

Jiang Lan stood on the opposite side, listening to this song as quietly as everyone else.

It's just that she looked at the man in front of her, with the little girl's worship in her eyes, which was clearly visible without words.

Until the entire song was sung, everyone still remembered it.

When they reacted, Jiang Siming had put down the guitar and returned to Jiang Lan.

"Young man, which music school did you graduate from? Which class of students?" A teacher hurried over and asked kindly.

"I haven't read music school, I just sang and played casually." Jiang Siming took out a cigarette and smoked in front of the teacher casually.

The look of squinting eyes with a cigarette holder fascinated a large group of female students.

Even if some people are handsome, smoking is not good-looking, this thing is like a kind of innate talent.

You need to form a relationship between the owner and the props with the smoke. The smoke is a prop product that can embellish your temperament, not a silly old smoker who just smokes.

The difference between the two is a heaven and an underground.

For details, you can refer to Leslie Cheung and Takeshi Kaneshiro's appearance and temperament when they smoked. Jiang Siming couldn't do more than them.

The teacher didn't mind at all, but laughed out in surprise.

"Young man, your musical talent is very strong, and what you just sang was a folk song? Did you write it yourself?"

"It's okay to write nonsense." Jiang Siming replied in a mixed manner.

"Then are you interested in coming to our Conservatory of Music? I can assure you that with your musical talent, coupled with the fact that I will find a music company for you to package for you, you will be able to become a famous folk singer in the next few years."

"Not interested, let's go." Jiang Siming took Jiang Lan's hand and turned away.

"Hey boy, you are the number one, with a gift!"

"That thing is not rare for me."

After speaking, Jiang Siming had already taken Jiang Lan into the car, and the shadow of the car disappeared from everyone's sight as soon as the engine rang.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that such a good seedling."

The teacher is still sorry.