Play the game as a passerby

"Xiu'er, don't show anymore, I have no knees anymore."

"This is absolutely TOP1 operation, it's amazing!"

"How can Myojin be so strong? Is this a human operation?"

"Chen Sigou squatted and failed, but he was killed, hey, retribution!"

"My husband is so tired of it, hey, love you~"


Although it was the anchor of his own platform that killed, Shark was still very happy.

Myoshin just killed a small anchor on the platform, and gained the conviction of audiences on all platforms.

Originally there were only more than 13 million online viewers. Because of Jiang Siming's operations, it rose to more than 16 million in one go. It's a huge profit!

After killing Lao Yinbi who blocked the bridge, Jiang Siming also found the person's ID.

He simply didn't even beat the blood, and danced and mocked directly on the body of Chen Sigu.

"Cnm!" Chen Siguo slapped the computer desk, furious.

But the referee immediately sent a warning behind him, letting him go back in seconds.

The audience laughed at this scene of Jiang Siming. It seems that Myojin also hates this kind of old Yinbi. After killing, he will laugh at it. He didn't do it before.

Only the audience on Shark's own platform saw a different taste. Isn't this the result of a fight between rivals, hehehe...

Kill Chen Sigou and no debris will fall.

Jiang Siming didn't even want to search his bag. After he recovered, he continued to drive his motorcycle.

No one blocked him this time, and Jiang Siming also rushed out of the bridge.

At this time, the first wave of circles has already begun, and the map has shrunk, and the anchors who have been developing wretchedly have come across.

There have also been deaths, and the number has begun to decline rapidly.

After the first wave of circles, there are still 75 people on the map.

Just by looking at the number of people, everyone is quite stable.

This is considered good, because the rules have been revised and the homicide score has increased, so some people are still willing to fight with just guns.

Like killing a talent for five points last year, no one wants to do it first.

At the end of the third wave, there were more than 70 maps, which was too scary.

Because no kill shots appeared for the time being, the official score ranking was called out.

Except for those who died, they have 0 points.

The lowest score is 30 points, because every time you refresh the poison circle, as long as you survive, you will automatically add 30 points.

There are a lot of people with 30 points, 45 of them.

They didn't meet people, or didn't want to meet people, just wanted to run drugs.

Many of these people are familiar IDs, such as Teacher Ma, Doumei, Tuantuan, and many other female anchors and entertainment anchors that are familiar with other platforms.

The next level is 60 points, and they have killed one person.

Finally, the top ten rankings, the bottom six, all have 90 points and 2 kills.

The top three are all 120 points and 3 kills.

Only Jiang Siming had a score of 150 and had 4 kills.

The gap is not big, and it can even be said that the people behind are about to catch up.

"The score gap between the top ten is very small. Myojin is temporarily ranked first, the second place is Great God and the third place A+ is close behind. I think they will soon catch up with Myojin... Wait, what happened? !" Xie Yan hadn't finished speaking, the kill message in the upper right corner broke out again.

"The player [4am_ming] used the SKS sniper rifle to kill the player [QuanMinTV_xiaoK]"

"The player [4am_ming] used the SKS sniper rifle to kill the player [BiliBilitv_huli]"

The camera was turned around. The motorcycle driven by Jiang Siming passed M City and heard gunshots in the city. It was the anchors Xiao K and Fox who were fighting fiercely.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Siming immediately stopped and ran to the high point, SKS fired two shots each, and easily stole the two anchors who were unprepared and had little health.

Everyone could only sigh that Jiang Siming really dared to fight, and others couldn't hide from the gunshots, but Jiang Siming pulled to a house close to him as soon as possible!

This time the score opened the second and third places with a full 90 points.

Jiang Siming, who came out of the house, had a happy expression. He was lucky to be able to collect two heads by passing by.

Another golden shard lit up in one of the corpse boxes. This was the biggest reason Jiang Siming was happy.

"Pick up [Qing Dynasty Monochrome Glazed Porcelain Teapot] Fragments*1 (1/1). The number of fragments is full and can be used directly."

Is there an antique explosion?

Jiang Siming laughed badly, and then he thought about it. There are even luxury cars and mansions. It is not surprising that there are antiques.

Not choosing to use it for the time being, Jiang Siming scoured the two packs of equipment.

The bags of the two of them didn't have any good things, they both even sniper and rifle, picked up all the grenades inside, and set off again.

Unlike other people, looking for a place to stabilize the development, Jiang Siming's style of play is extremely unrestrained in the eyes of the commentators and has never been seen in the game.

Driving a motorcycle on the island map unscrupulously, even if passing by the center point, he would not stop, like a headless fly.

"I can see it, Myojin doesn't seem to be playing around, he seems to be looking for someone to search!" Xie Yan saw some clues.

"It seems to be true. He has been wandering around the circle, and he is not willing to occupy any high points. This style of play... is really too violent." Xiaotong stuck out his tongue with emotion.

Hundred Billion was a little proud, and said with a smile: "This is where Myojin is particularly popular with everyone. His live broadcast is full of violent aesthetics, and you just fight when you see people."

Isn't it right? Jiang Siming's motorcycle drove to the side of a circle and found a person who was setting up a house. He immediately drove the motorcycle into the other house.

Miss, who was searching for something in the room, was trembling with fright, and quickly got stuck on the stairs and pointed his gun straight ahead.

But the opponent did not show up at all. Three consecutive grenade was thrown in from outside the window, and Miss who could not hide was killed on the spot.

"Mingshen smashed the flowers and killed Miss. The game experience of Miss is too bad." Xiaotong expressed sympathy.

But hundreds of billions of dollars immediately spoke for Jiang Siming: "Myojin doesn't know that this is a miss, but the official game does not care about this."

Xiaotong smiled bitterly and said, "Hundreds of billions, you have completely'rebelled'."

She doesn't know what Hundred Billion's mood is, she only knows that the mood of many male audiences must be very sad at this moment.

After Jiang Siming killed the Miss, there was no debris. He didn't even bother to get in, so he drove away in his motorcycle and went on looking for the next prey.

Unconsciously, the scene of the game was almost locked on Jiang Siming.

There is no way. There are few fights in other places. Jiang Siming played so violently and bloody. The director used his **** to know who the audience wanted to see.

"The director is spiritual, it should have been this way."

"A missed shot of Myojin may be a collection of kills, so it should be directly locked on him."

"The director collects the money, right? Only watching one person?"

"Is the one upstairs stupid, do you think other anchors are playing so fiercely?"

"Just look at my husband, the other anchors are too embarrassed."

"Blood index: Earth bursts into the sky! Myoshin's live broadcast is really exciting no matter how you look at it."