Exploding Black Technology again!

But the day failed. Mozi, who had just arrived at the low house, heard footsteps from the other end of the house.

The voice is still very loud, and the other party doesn't seem to press his feet at all.

When someone came over, Mozi's attention was focused to the limit, and the SCAR_L full-automatic rifle in his hand was ready to fire at any time.

Mozi just thought about the other party, even if he knew he was there, he shouldn't rush over directly.

But the next moment she heard heavy footsteps getting closer and closer to her.

What the **** is this man? So reckless? Not afraid of death?

A figure appeared from the stone wall on the edge of the house, Mozi saw it, and shot it up!

The other party didn't hide at all, and also raised the gun to strike back!

Not only was Mozi not nervous, but he was delighted.

Because she fired the gun first, even if it only fired for 0.5 seconds, it was enough for her to fire three bullets first!

Sure enough, all three bullets hit the opponent's body, and the body armor on that person's body was instantly pulverized.

But at this time, the other party's bullets also hit, only one shot!

Yes, a 98k bullet with a silencer tube!

It was dull but pleasing to the ear, but it instantly took Mozi's life.

Mozi stared at Meimu in disbelief. At such a close distance, the other party didn't take a rifle, but instead shot her headshot with a sniper rifle.

This has to be how confident he is!

As long as she fired two more bullets just now, she would be able to securely win this duel!

But the reality was in front of her, she was blown head by the instant shot of the opponent's sniper rifle.

"Who is it? It's crazy."

Mozi looked at the kill prompt unwillingly.

"The player [4am_ming] killed the player [Snake_TC_mozi] with a 98k sniper rifle"

It's him!

Mozi woke up, and then showed a bitter smile. He didn't expect that she would meet this killer in the end, and she would die without being wronged.

The emotions of the three commentators about this duel were much more excited than the A+ Zhou Lili confrontation just now.

"How dare Myojin play like this! Oh my god! Leaning in and taking three shots at a close range, and then a sniper counter-kill!"

Xie Yan barely patted the table to express his perplexity.

Xiaotong nodded too, not knowing whether to laugh or cry:

"I'm also very puzzled, but it just happened. If Myojin sniped slightly off the spot and hit the neck or other parts, he would die."

"This is Myojin! His self-confidence seems to be innate. He is sure to shoot a headshot, and then he did it without any accidents!"

Hundred Billion was completely reduced to Mingqi at this time. If she were not still playing, she might have gone to Myojin to do something.

At the moment when the foam was killed, shining fragments appeared in the box again.

It turned out to be black!

Jiang Siming only got a black shard, a game tamper, a good thing that can be said to be a cornucopia.

I didn't expect to explode the black fragments again this time, I don't know what it will be.

Checked while beating Jiang Siming.

"Pick up [Black Technology Series · Opposite Sex Friendship Degree Display] Fragments*1 (1/1). The number of fragments is full and can be used directly."

It's the black technology series again!

It seems that the things exploded by this black fragment are all black technology stuff.

Show the degree of favorability of the opposite sex? What is this?

[Display of Favorable Degree of Opposite Sex]:

It can detect the favorability of each person with high beauty and opposite to you, and give a [good first impression buff].

[Good first impression buff]:

From now on, if you meet the opposite sex, if you don't hate yourself, the other person's opinion of you will automatically be +30 points.

Note: A good impression of 60 points or more means that the other party is in love with you and can get a random golden shard reward.

A favorability score of 80 points or more means you are dead and you can get a random red shard.

A favorability of more than 100 points means that life and death follow each other, and a random purple fragment can be obtained.

I go! This thing is too powerful!

The first impression automatically increases 30 points of favorability, and every time you reach 60 points, you can get fragments. The higher the fragments, the better the quality.

Isn't this encouraging me to pick up girls...emm...I'm not the kind of silver...


Jiang Siming is full of inner play, click to use, this black technology is directly implanted in his mind.

Jiang Siming took the opportunity to look up at Tuantuan's location, but the distance was a little far away, and his favorability was not shown.

Let's try it after finishing the game.

Jiang Siming filled the state and picked up the intact armour on the foam body.

At this time, the circle shrinks again, and the number of people is reduced to 3!

A+ was unfortunately eliminated because of the 17shou ambush after the gun shot with Zhou Lili.

When Jiang Siming killed Mozi, the little lion and the great **** came to a peak duel. In the end, the little lion defeated the great with a slight advantage.

Of the three players at the moment, only 17shou, Little Lion and Jiang Siming are left.

At present, the best position is the little lion, followed by 17shou, and the worst position is still Jiang Siming.

The little lion has already started to block mines at several points he guessed. He has the greatest chance of eating chicken, and the little lion himself is very confident.

17shou is still a safe area, Jiang Siming is not, he must run the poison again and drill into the circle.

The smoke bomb on hand is gone, if you want to go in, you will definitely be found.

Jiang Siming took a look, and the 17shou, who showed only a shadow in the house, rushed to his place boldly.

This is also helpless, he must run in the direction of 17shou, otherwise he will be beaten by the little lion and 17shou.

Although a few smoke bombs were searched from the Mozi box, if the smoke is closed for such a short distance, a master like 17shou can definitely determine his position based on the sound of footsteps and execute himself in the smoke bomb, but he is in the smoke. Nothing can see each other.

In this wave, Jiang Siming can only fight marksmanship.

People charged up, 17shou was naturally unceremonious, and the two sides also had a fierce exchange of fire.

Bullets shuttle, like a movie of a rain of bullets.

But 17shou was still defeated. Most of the bullets he shot were bodies, while Jiang Siming's bullets were all heads!

This is the difference between head shot and body shot. If you hit someone on the body, they have armor that can withstand most of the damage, especially the ** armor, you can't die without a five or six shots.

But the head is different, even if it is the head, it still can't hold three rounds of the rifle.

This can only be said to be inferior to human skills, 17shou is also very convinced.

In the end, there was only the battle between the little lion and Jiang Siming for the first place.

In fact, even if the little lion kills Jiang Siming, his score is still not as good as Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming, who had already killed 18, would add 100 even if he only finished second, he would add 100 for seven laps, 540 for homicide, and 850.

The little lion killed Jiang Siming only 11 with a score of 640.

So there is no need to fight for the first place in this one, it is already Jiang Siming's.

However, the duel between the two is still the most anticipated.

Will the world champion win or the passerby Wang Mingshen will win? All the audience waited with bated breath.