No, blood pressure is a bit high!

After Jiang Siming drove into the car, Yin Enhui was silent for a moment.

Because when she saw Jiang Siming drove so smoothly in the bumpy mountains and forests, they never even dropped a drop of blood.

"Oba, your driving skills are awesome!"

"Oba, are you the 'old driver' mentioned by Chinese netizens?"

Easily won the little admiration of the two young girls, only Yin Enhui hummed twice to show that she was not angry, her driving skills were not bad, and she was just inferior to this Chinese man.

"There are other cars next to us, ready to drive to sweep them." As soon as Jiang Siming dumped the car, the jeep rushed out of the forest.

The three women immediately discovered that what Jiang Siming had said was true, and there was a car passing by.

The three of them immediately leaned out of the car and swept across the car, da da da da.

The bullet was beaten into a blue-fire Gatling by them, but for a long time, they didn't see the other person falling down, and they didn't even see anyone in the car bleeding...

Jiang Siming was about to complain about the three men's marksmanship, when the car suddenly turned, and Ling Yun'er, who was sitting behind him, turned the gun head around.

It's okay to turn the gun head, but the thing Jiang Siming is most embarrassed is that she just retracted her body from the outside of the car when she turned the gun head.

In other words, the gun she fired in the car... it was Jiang Siming...

"The player [prohin] used the Scarl assault rifle to kill the player [4am_ming]"

"You were knocked down by your teammate!"

Jiang Siming's screen was gloomy, he rolled down from the car and slumped to the ground.

The most desperate thing was that the three women didn't even know it. They didn't realize until the car stopped...the driver was gone...

The audience who watched the live broadcast laughed.

"Hahahahahahaha, do I just laugh or go through the program?"

"Unexpectedly, my Myojin tortured and killed so many professional players, but could not escape the gun of a Korean girl."

"Myojin's technology has declined, why was it knocked down? Hahahaha."

"These three women are also Buddhas, and I'm still changing bullets to beat people."

"Myojin: I have a special sentence about mmp, I don't know whether to say it or not!"


"Ah! Oppa!" Zhixiao exclaimed.

"Ah! Yoona! Why did you kill Ouba?" Yin Eun-hye found the kill reminder in the upper right corner.

It was found, Jiang Siming was relieved, thinking that he was going to be forgotten ruthlessly.

"Yeah! I'm sorry, sorry..."

Ling Yuner, who realized that she had done something wrong, hurriedly jumped out of the car and went back to help Jiang Siming, apologizing constantly in Chinese.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..." Ling Yuner was apologetic and embarrassed, but the swelling would sweep Ouba off.

"It's okay, you just owe me a song, and then you can sing it to me." Jiang Siming is not the kind of person who has suffered and just says nothing. He must get something back.

"Um... you don't have to be angry." Ling Yuner responded shyly.

Jiang Siming was resurrected and filled with blood before he drove in the car again, leading the three women to continue driving forward.

Fortunately, the team was just running around without getting out of the car and shooting, otherwise they would have been cold.

"Yoona, don't shoot, don't sweep the driver down." Ji Hyo sarcasts mercilessly.

"Emm...I see..." Ling Yuner felt even more embarrassed, and the delicate hands holding the mouse felt hot.


At this time, there was the sound of cars again behind him, Jiang Siming dared not drive anymore, jumped off the car, raised his gun and swept away at the car behind him.

Leaning on the three women is obviously unreliable, and the blood lesson has warned him.

Bang bang bang!

Without finishing half the shuttle, all four people in the opposite car rolled off the car.

Wow! ! !

Listening to the exclamation of the three women, I don't know why, the audience in the live broadcast room felt more accomplished than Jiang Siming.

See it, this is the strength of my Myojin! It's really like Yourong Yan~

"Pick things up, we have to go."

Jiang Siming was extremely calm, and even his expression did not fluctuate.

This cool look really made Yoona and Ji Hyo both heartbeat. This Huaxia Oppa turned out to be so cool.

Amid Jiang Siming's urging, the three women reluctantly left the four boxes on the ground and returned to the car.

It's really not that Jiang Siming wanted to urge them, but that they licked the bag too much, so just don't lick the gun and lick the medicine.

They actually look at the clothes other people are wearing first, then try them on, take them off if they don't look good, and change them again.

Is this playing a gunfight game? Jiang Siming feels that they should be visiting the mall!

Picking up the three 'freak' women into the car, Jiang Siming ran forward with a kick of the accelerator.

Before leaving, Ji Hyo didn't forget to say: "I think that red plaid dress looks good, I want to go back and change it."

Jiang Siming was full of crows flying by, ignoring him, racing fast.

The audience laughed badly and felt sorry for Myojin. It turns out that Korean girls and Huaxia girls have something in common.

When the car came to the airport bridge, I heard two groups of people on the other side of the bridge fighting fiercely, and the gunfire sounded like firecrackers.

"There are a lot of people ahead, shall we jump into the sea and swim over?" Zhixiao said scaredly.

Not only her, but the other two women were not much better, and they all agreed with Ji Hyo's proposal.

Jiang Siming's brain hurts, and he said: "The poison has been brushed over, and there is no boat in the sea. If you swim, 80% will die in the sea and become a water ghost."

"Then what should I do...We would be killed in the car in the past, and my body will definitely be full of bullet holes by then. I am so beautiful and I don't want others to be sifted..."

"Yes, it's better to become a water ghost, that's also beautiful."

"I agree."

Jiang Siming covered his forehead, no, his blood pressure was a little high.

Jiang Siming parked the car next to the abandoned car at the bridge, and said to the three women: "You wait here for a while, I will clear the people and take you away."

After all, Jiang Siming disregarded the idea of ​​the three women wanting to continue jumping into the sea, raised the MINI in his hand, leaned on the triple mirror, aimed at the bridge head, and pulled the trigger!

At this time, Qiaotou was fighting between the two teams, and I couldn't care about Qiaotou at all.

Without any precautions, it was too simple for Jiang Siming. One shot, one head, twenty rounds down, and the opposite side was all dead.

Ding! A red light lit up, and fragments appeared!

"Go, cross the bridge." Jiang Siming honked the car horn and said to the three girls who were still a little dumbfounded.

"Oba, how did you do it?"

"I saw the upper right corner keep jumping. He killed at least six people."

"so amazing!"

The chirping voices of the three women, in the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room, are quite face-conscious.

Look, this is their Huaxia Mingshen! It's so strong! Strong enough to make three Korean girls admire them at once!

But Jiang Siming didn't react much, only the fast red fragments.

Stop over and pick up.