New song again!

After playing a few more solo games, it seems that today's explosion rate is indeed not high. It is still the problem of Hanbok. Jiang Siming is not sure.

But the burst rate is so low, he has no interest in playing.

After performing a few wild killing games, Jiang Siming and the audience in the live broadcast room retired.

In the evening, there was a dinner party with Tuantuan. Jiang Siming didn't want to miss the appointment.

But how can an audience who has been appetizing so foolish.

"Isn't it because I want to do something to the old woman and Tuantuan when it is broadcast so early?"

"No! To broadcast so early, you must sing two songs!"

"That's it, sing and sing, otherwise don't let go."

"It's all to blame for this old woman and Tuantuan for taking away my husband's soul."

"If there are beautiful women inviting, Myojin doesn't want to sit here."

"Sing a song and let you go."

"After finally showing up on the live broadcast, I haven't watched it enough yet."


Looking at these barrage, Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry. No wonder, he can only blame the former for raising their appetite so much for the live broadcast effect. Now they are all starting to bargain with him.

"I'm fine, I'm not talking or singing, I'll give you a new song today, isn't this the head office?" Jiang Siming said.

The barrage atmosphere immediately changed, and it was faster than a woman flipping through a book.


"A new song again? Hahaha, come here!"

"I'll go! Myojin, are you sure you won't be a singer?"

"Myojin is about to sing a new song again! I'll go to other live broadcast rooms to report."

"This song writing speed, genius, don't you really consider debut?"

"Husband, I love you, I want to listen to new songs!"


Jiang Siming has nothing to say to these 'fickle' and 'hypocritical' audiences.

Get up from the computer chair and turn to the piano.

This time he did not plan to play the guitar, but chose to play the piano.

The sound of the piano is much more melodious than that of the guitar, and it is full of force. It is really necessary for acting cool and handsome.

"I really can play the piano, I thought it was just a decoration."

"Be good, you guys! Is there anything you can't do?"

"It doesn't matter if you are so handsome, and you can still play the piano. This combination is a lore for women!"

"When will I be as good as Myojin?"

"Lol's Theshy is also versatile, but I feel much worse than Myojin."

"Nonsense, can Theshy write songs? Is Theshy so handsome? Are you dreaming of jio?"


Because of the need to sing, Jiang Siming's live broadcast room also ushered in a peak online number of more than 14 million before the broadcast, and it is still soaring.

The gifts of the audience also rained down.

Basically, this is already the practice in Jiang Siming's live broadcast. As long as Jiang Siming wants to sing, the gift will be like rain!

At present, Jiang Siming's performance in the live studio is almost close to the full level.

Level: Level 95 (There is still 2 million gifts to be upgraded to the next level.)

Fan cards: 235,100

The highest number of online users: 1,4054,000

Highest popularity value: 410 million

Today's gift value: 841245 shark fin

Today's anchor list: No. 1

You can reach the top of 100 by only five levels.

Although Shark has many anchors who have reached level 100, they and the audience know how they do it.

It all depends on the labor union and the company to get it up, and some even pay for it out of pocket.

To be honest, there are only two people in Shark's 100th level and there is not much water.

The first is the Great Macaque. His level was really sent by 8 million warriors, and he reached level 100 in 30 days.

The second is the late grandfather Lu. He was the first 100-level anchor of Sharks at the time. Although he also brushed a few, unions and companies were not popular at the time.

So there are not many brushes, which can be regarded as real results.

Except for these two, basically the other anchors are all moist.

Including PDD too. Of course, he didn't question his number of fans and gifts, but he was rushing to the top 100 in 2 hours.

This result is not true, and he himself made nearly 10 million in.

Of course, if he doesn't brush, it's easy to get to level 100, after all, there are so many lol fans.

Dai Xiaomei also admitted that her 100 was because her company finally spent more than five million rushed up, but she didn't feel much water.

Tuantuan is the same. They are all contracted companies. The company sees your development well and will naturally help. Their company will also benefit a lot from this, and there is nothing to say.

In addition, other outdoor anchors, beauty anchors, etc., Quan Nima is brushed up, and the moisture is amazing.

But Jiang Siming was not. It took only eight or nine days from a passerby to an anchor, and he had no union power or company background at all.

It was given by fans willingly after watching his live broadcast.

230,000 fan cards, Jiang Siming has never even done a card draw to increase fan cards, this is a real result.

Even in the eyes of shark executives, it is a miracle.

Even Shark had already planned to negotiate with Jiang Siming and took the initiative to change the A-level contract to S-level or even higher.

Before sitting on the piano, Jiang Siming pulled up his sleeves slightly, revealing his well-proportioned arms and long, skeletal fingers.

"The name of this new song is "Luzhou Moon""

Luzhou month?

This name is so elegant!

The audience fell silent, and the volume of barrage decreased rapidly.

Many old viewers are very experienced. Those who watch the computer turn off the audio and put on their earphones. Those who watch the mobile phone also turn off the external sound and put the earphones in their ears.

The live broadcast room returned from noisy to tranquility.

Although no one can speak in the live broadcast room, this peaceful transition is clearly felt by every viewer.

The fingertips fall, dancing lightly on the keyboard.

A melodious and reverberating rhythm is transmitted to everyone's ears through the piano and the radio.

"When I was a child, I stole someone's light

Su wash without combing for ten years of suffering

Nowadays, under the light, reading red sleeves and adding fragrance

Half-length fame is just vain..."

No one thought that Jiang Siming's new song would be completely different from the previous two songs.

A strong nostalgic Chinese style blows, with exquisitely carved lyrics and delicate melody.

Everyone seemed to see Jay Chou of that year, singing "A Thousand Miles Away" and "Blue and White Porcelain".

At that time, Jay Chou's Chinese style was unbeatable! Attracted the favor of countless fans.

But unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Jay Chou's peak composing period passed. Although there are occasional Chinese songs, the quality has declined.

After that, Jay Chou got married and got rich. Jay Chou, who became a father, threw himself into the family.

The Chinese wind dissipated at this point.

During this period, there were countless singers vying to write Chinese songs, but none of them could compare with Jay Chou.

Fans sighed that after Jay Chou, there is no more Chinese style in the world.

Now Jiang Siming wrote a song suddenly, but it reminds everyone of that era, the lush green days of the sky and the rain, the sound of the piano is hard to guess.

In fact, there is only Xu Song's Chinese style, which is considered the only existence comparable to Jay Chou by fans.