Stop a brokerage company!

"These dozen numbers are from Ascendas Limited. Liu Genhua is a member of their company, and none of them are good things." The emperor [A dream of adventurousness]

"I used to bring rhythm in the live broadcast rooms of major broadcasters, and I want to get me in the car, I can't help you!" The emperor [Da Ma Hou Ha Fan Ye]

"The shark has this kind of company, the union is a bit smoggy, and I bother with these comparisons." The emperor [Dragon Knight, Long Xiao Tiandi]

"These people will deal with it sooner or later. Don't worry about this. They won't be proud of it for a while, but the other directors of Shark are still concerned about their financial resources and economic benefits." The emperor [Shark, Xuan]

"Ascendas Co., Ltd. I am familiar with it. The assets are only a few hundred million. I have made a lot of money by supporting the anchor. The chairman of the company is called Tengyu. He is a scumbag and likes to play with women. The female anchors of their company are basically all. He played with a group of broken shoes and a lot of **** silks gave them gifts. I was also drunk." The emperor [Dragon Knight, Black Panther]


Hundreds of emperors stepped forward to support Jiang Siming, and no affection was left to Tengfei Company. Even the emperor who was a little affectionate refused to speak.

Suddenly, the company took off and became the target of thousands of people, and the female anchors involved in it were all scraped all at once.

So many emperor local tyrants personally admitted that the female anchor of Ascendas Company has been asleep. This news is very high.

Soon countless viewers rushed to these female anchors' rooms, regardless of whether you started the broadcast or not, it was just a question.

"Have you been slept by Tengyu?"

"How many people have you been in the company?"

"Torn shoes, are they comfortable?"

Waiting for these barrage to appear everywhere, the silence can't be suppressed.

Many fans who have given gifts to those female anchors are very upset, scolding themselves for being blind, and giving money to their broken shoes.

So one after another ran to their live broadcast rooms or yelled at those who had WeChat.

Then he tore the fan card and quit the live broadcast rooms of these female anchors.

The movement was getting louder and louder, and many female anchors began to look for Tengfei to report the matter.

The chairman of Tengyu, who is also the full-level emperor who cursed, was dumbfounded. Finance told him that they had lost millions of dollars in the company.

The nobles and fans who had promised to buy gifts at the recent Shark Fan Festival all turned back and said they would not spend any more money.

And they haven't counted those who tear their fan-brand fans into black, these people have to count, and their company has suffered even worse.

In the end, the emperor of Ascendas Company left in disgrace. Before leaving, he didn't even dare to let go of a fart.

If you let it go, they are afraid that these emperors will soon burst out some unexpected news, then they will have to lose money.

You know, in order to train anchors, the brokerage company has to spend a lot of money on these anchors in the early stage, and it is very common for hundreds of thousands of them.

Larger anchors all smashed up several million. Liu Genhua, who was soaring, was level 95, and their company smashed more than 10 million.

Just pointing to them to get money back after they became popular, but now this one can be said to be a mess.

It is very difficult for Liu Genhua to wash it. Either he can only change the platform and start spending money again, or he has to lose all money, just as the tens of millions of dollars.

Adding to the company's reputation, Chairman Teng Yu has the desire to kill people, so why bother to mess with the monster Jiang Siming!

The incident gradually subsided, and the rhythm faded.

It seems that Jiang Siming's live broadcast room is still harmonious and normal, but only the audience in the live broadcast room just knows what a fierce scolding battle happened here just now.

But Jiang Siming was able to solve this trouble in such a short time.

It shows how many local tyrants and true fans are in his live broadcast room, so that he can give a brokerage company to him so quickly.

Many viewers have discovered that many of the heroes of the major broadcasters have become regular visitors in Jiang Siming's live broadcast.

What made the audience even more interesting was that Jiang Siming basically never took the initiative to speak to them about the arrival of these emperors.

That is, whoever gave a reward, Jiang Siming would say that when he saw it, and he simply ignored these local tyrants at other times.

If you change to other anchors, no one will have to exchange a few more words and leave a good impression. There are many people who kneel and lick without morals.

Jiang Siming is so peculiar. No matter what level of emperor you are, even if it's the name of Principal Wang, he is still a bird.

Principal Wang sent a barrage, and Jiang Siming also replied when he saw it.

Yesterday President Wang asked Jiang Siming if he wanted to sing, but Jiang Siming was also ignorant.

But I really didn't see it. After learning about it, he found it troublesome and didn't reply.

Such a hanging appearance really subverts the audience's understanding of the anchor.

The irritating thing is that the Mingshen Live Room has the most users of Shark Aristocrats. How can you make sense?

Because of this incident, the two girls, Daxiaomei and Tuantuan, had no intention of playing.

The little girl is afraid that the rhythm will get bigger and bigger. After all, Liu Genhua can come here because of her. Jiang Siming is scolded and she has to bear the main responsibility.

Although Jiang Siming said that he didn't care about it, he didn't suffer any more.

But the little girl is really ashamed, afraid that someone with a heart will bring the rhythm, so she will go back to her own live broadcast room and broadcast it alone.

Tuantuan was very interesting when he saw this. This time he didn't enjoy Brother Xiaoming alone, so he ran to comfort the little sister.

Jiang Siming was left alone, it didn't matter, he just played the game as usual.

It's just that Jiang Siming, who is tired of playing Asian servers, does not plan to play Asian servers for the time being.

His Asian server score is almost 6000 points, and the second place is less than 4,500. It takes a long time to wait for a solo match.

And everyone on each server has a different style of play. Jiang Siming wants to learn how to play some players from other countries. Hearing that the US server is just a gun, he went to the US server.

Hanging up the accelerator, Jiang Siming took a trip to the US server.

"Does Myojin want to play US clothes? Don't you go to Hanbok to find those three Korean girls?"

"It is recommended not to go to the US service. The US service has a bad atmosphere. There are some anchors who specialize in killing foreigners. The thieves are disgusting."

"I heard that it is true that my friend is studying in the United States. He often encounters American servants who deliberately kill his teammates. Recently, he doesn't want to play."

"Let's go to Hanbok and see if the three Hanbok girls are there, we have to see!"


Jiang Siming glanced at the barrage and replied: "The Hanbok people are a little bit unfun, and none of the three young ladies you want is online, so we still go to the US server to shop, maybe we are lucky enough to meet G God or Grimmmz."

Although this probability is very low, the audience does not believe it.

Can't stand Jiang Siming's arrogance, don't talk about them, even those emperors who speak, he should fart.

Anyway, it's all about learning technology. It's not a good idea to see which server you are in. It's not beautiful to see Mingshen slaughter the US server players.

As soon as the mouse moved to the opening game column, Jiang Siming's trouser pocket suddenly shook.

There was only the game program tampering chip in his pocket. Jiang Siming hurriedly clicked for preparation, then lowered his head and took out the chip to see what was going on.

At first glance, I realized that half a month has passed and the chip function can be used again.