Intermediate genetic medicine!

The other broadcasters' live broadcast rooms don't know what happened.

How come so many pop-red all-platform barrage pops up at once, and they continue to bounce, without stopping!

Regarding the information about his full level, Jiang Si obviously hadn't gotten it yet. He was busy killing people and had no time to look at the computer on the other side.

Seven or eight umbrella bags survived, and they ran to pick up guns.

Jiang Siming's bullets were gone, and he jumped downstairs from the balcony, and re-searched 30 rounds of 7.62 bullets with first-class head and first-class armor.

After a simple supply wave, Jiang Siming opened the door and rushed on the way to murder.

His game is as simple as that, it's either killing or killing people...

There are only three or two salted fish left, how is Jiang Siming's opponent.

Killed one by one, leaving only Wei Lisi, Bob and David three teammates.

The three had already escaped, found a river and jumped down to commit suicide...

The scene just now completely frightened their courage, and the idea of ​​resisting something could not rise at all.

Rather than being chased by the devil and ridden with nightmares, it's better to cut it off by itself, and it's a hundred.

"This person is the devil! It's the devil!" Bob turned off the game decisively, and even needed two roars to be bold.

The same is true for Weilis. After quitting the game, his face was pale and he collapsed on his chair and stared at the screen.

Today's encounter left an indelible shadow on them.

Let alone whether you have the courage to broadcast it.

Even if there are, they estimate that they will not match passers-by for a long time.

Because as long as the game is played, their minds are full of Jiang Siming's shadow and the arrogant laughter.

Jiang Siming didn't follow Bob and the others to quit the game this time, because several pieces of shining fragments were shining under his feet!

Red, gold, white, and even a piece of purple!

The relaxed Jiang Siming picked them up piece by piece.

"Pick up [Five-star Weiss Hotel on Cross Road, Minhang District, Shanghai] golden fragments*1 (2/3). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

"Pick up [Smoke Bomb Immunity] White Fragment*1 (2/2). The number of fragments is full and cannot be used temporarily."

"Pick up [Elementary Medical Proficiency] Red Fragment*1 (2/3). The number of fragments is full and cannot be used temporarily."

Except for the purple fragments, Jiang Siming picked up two of the other three-colored fragments, and one fragment of [Smoke Bomb Immunity] can be used.

This fragment allows Jiang Siming to see the enemy through the smoke bomb in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, which is quite abnormal.

The proficiency of elementary medical skills also made Jiang Siming covetous, and he would be able to heal his illness when he had all the items.

Although it is elementary, the information says.

The elementary level is equivalent to the expert-level doctors in the top three hospitals, and they are in all aspects.

For example, orthopedics, gynecology, neurology, etc., Jiang Siming can do all of these.

Jiang Siming thought to himself that opening a clinic would be enough to feed himself.

Of course it was just a joke, and there were two golden fragments, which surprised Jiang Siming.

Before, I only gave money to the car and the room, but now it's fine, and I gave him a hotel!

Jiang Siming hasn't touched the five-star hotels in Minhang District, Shanghai.

If this is all together, he will have an extra cash cow who earns a lot of money every day, and the profit at that time will not be less than that of black technology chips.

One more thing, I will open a room with my sister in the future and go directly to my hotel, and then let the hotel manager make a special luxurious presidential suite for him, and he will only be allowed to live alone.

At that time, you can be happy and happy.

Thinking that this was broken for Jiang Simingmei, she almost didn't drool.

The last fragment is the purple fragment.

Jiang Siming only got one piece of the purple shard, which was obtained a long time ago [Elementary Gene Medicine]

After only drinking that bottle, Jiang Siming changed from a thin nerd to a soldier with comparable physical quality.

I don't know what treasure this purple fragment will bring to Jiang Siming.

"Pick up [Intermediate Gene Potion] Purple Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

I go! middle range!

Jiang Siming was surprised, and then immediately became excited.

The elementary level is already so good, what the intermediate level is like, think about it and look forward to it.

Considering that it was still live broadcast, Jiang Siming did not take out this fragment for the time being, and it still exists in his mind.

As long as he doesn't choose to use it, these fragments will be stored in his mind.

After picking up the pieces, Jiang Siming quit the game leisurely and continued to click to start to see if he could be queued to Wei Lisi again.

But after waiting for a long time, I couldn't enter the game.

Some viewers who watched the live broadcast in the United States used subtitles to tell Jiang Siming that the two anchors had been retired from the tour, and even the live broadcast was closed.

Seeing this news, Jiang Siming gave up the idea of ​​waiting.

When changing the server, Jiang Siming finally took a free time to glance at the computer next to him.


Jiang Siming couldn't get under the bridge and was a little dumbfounded.

"When will you brush me up to level 100?"

These guys, silently, rushed to the 100th level for my brother. He still wanted to get excited when he was at the 100th level.

It's fine now, it's been so long, and I'm so excited.

The audience has a Coke.

"Hahaha, didn't you expect it?"

"No surprise, no surprise, hehehe."

"Millions of gifts in the live broadcast room of a certain anchor are ignored. It is extremely cold."

"Gao Leng Mingshen, online dumbfounded."

"This is the gift we gave you to express the evil spirit for us, Myojin, don't make a fuss~"


Seeing these people's barrage ridicule, Jiang Siming pretended to curl his lips and hum and said: "Do you think I would be scared of your gifts...please step up!"

The full screen suddenly only brushed two words: xx!

(Guess what the word is, tell me in the comment section~)

Jiang Siming didn't play for too long. Today, killing these Yankees killed him. He wanted to broadcast sleep sleep. Of course, it was not really sleep sleep, but a girl to sleep.

Finally, they sang "Luzhou Moon" and "Walking Horse", and the audience reluctantly let Jiang Siming go.

With the approval of the uncles, Jiang Siming immediately sent a wave of light speed to broadcast, and the speed seems to have set a new record...