Home and Wanshixing

"Grandpa, I'll go to the uncle's house to say hello, and by the way ask them to come over for dinner." Jiang Siming said to Grandpa.

"It's okay to say hello, but if you invite your uncle for dinner, it's fine." Jiang Guoqiao's face was a little unhappy.

"what happened?"

"It's not about the house. Your uncle came to your dad again last week to ask for money. Your dad didn't give it, so he quarreled with your dad. Now he is sulking." Jiang Guoqiao sighed helplessly.

"Didn't I give my dad one hundred thousand yuan?" Jiang Siming was puzzled.

"Your dad is afraid that you will have to spend money outside when the time comes, so this money is for you temporarily, and he didn't dare to move a single point, let alone give it to your uncle." Jiang Guoqiao explained.

Jiang Siming listened and patted Jiang Guoqiao's back with a smile, and comforted: "Grandpa, don't worry, I will invite the uncle's house over for dinner. As a family, don't hurt your peace over this little thing."

"Oh, I think so too, family and everything are happy."

"Yes, I'll go there first."

Jiang Siming said that he would take the tobacco and alcohol and a box of foreign milk that he had taken from the car before, and he carried the bag he had with him on his body, and rushed to the uncle's house.

The uncle's family was planning to cook. Seeing that Jiang Siming was here, they were very enthusiastic and asked.

The uncle and the aunt are still clear-cut, knowing that their quarrels are theirs, and have nothing to do with the juniors.

The uncle's family has only two daughters, both of whom are married outside, so the family is very deserted, with only their two elders.

Jiang Siming is considered the only seedling of the Jiang family, and his uncle has also loved Jiang Siming since he was a child.

Sitting in the living room, Jiang Siming smiled and put the bought gifts on the table.

"Aming, come as soon as you come, what kind of gift do you have, then see you outside!" The uncle blamed him.

Jiang Siming chuckled and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you and aunt, so I can't bring anything when I come here. This is what my dad meant."

At first it was Jiang Shaoqing's meaning, the uncle's face was somewhat reluctant.

Jiang Siming saw it at a glance. The aunt pushed him aside, and then changed the subject: "Aming, I haven't seen the cigarettes and wine you bought? How much does it cost?"

"Oh, this cigarette is a pack of 100 yuan, and a bottle of wine is more than a thousand." Jiang Siming reported honestly.

Suddenly, the two couples were shocked. The uncle was surprised at first, and then the expression on his face became even more ugly.

He couldn't help but asked Jiang Siming softly, "Aming, did your dad buy this thing? He can afford this, can't he not pay us back?"

Jiang Siming took a sip of the tea poured by his aunt, smiled and took out a full twenty stacks of banknotes from his bag and placed them on the table.

The two couples were stunned. They had never seen so much money.

The most frequent time was when the house was built, more than 70,000 were used.

This is more than two hundred thousand, for them they have never seen it.

"Uncle, tell you the truth, I used to pay 100,000 yuan to my dad before, but he was mainly afraid that I would be useful, so he kept it for me, and didn't dare to give it to you if he didn't spend any money. I will come back this time. Yes, even if I help my dad pay back the money."

"Then...that won't take so much..."

Jiang Siming handed a cigarette to the uncle and helped him light it up.

"Uncle, you have watched me grow up and loved me so much. What's the point of this money? Besides, when my dad owed you money, it was more than ten years ago. It was just interest."

"Amin, are you doing big business outside?" the uncle asked curiously.

"Right." Jiang Siming nodded and admitted.

"It's no wonder that Aming is promising! Uncle has been looking forward to you!" Uncle sighed, and was really happy for Jiang Siming.

"Thank you, uncle, come with me for dinner later? Grandma cooked a good meal."

"This..." After hesitating a little, the uncle nodded: "Go! I have to apologize to your dad. I didn't do a good job as a brother."

The three of them looked at each other and all smiled.

Home and everything are prosperous, this is a famous saying since ancient times.

The blood is thicker than water among the loved ones. It's just a little contradiction, just let it go.

At night, the Jiang family was brightly lit, and all except the two married sisters were there.

The family was in harmony. Father Jiang and the uncle of Jiang Siming also got back together. They drank so much that they drank so much that they all fell to sleep after a while.

Jiang Wanwan ate a small bowl of rice, and then she held a lot of snacks that Jiang Siming bought for her, eating and watching TV, very comfortable.

That night, Jiang Siming slept in a familiar nest, happily tossing about and couldn't sleep.

Isn't it this moment that he strives for outside?


There was a message from the cell phone, Jiang Siming picked it up, it was sent by Zhao Xuan, and asked how he was at home, and another one was sent by Wang Xinyi in the afternoon, but Jiang Siming didn't pay attention.

Jiang Siming went back one by one, saying that he was fine.

I just wanted to make a call to Wang Xinyi. The phone rang, it was from Great God.

"Lao Jiang, we are the first today, Niubi?" The great came over to announce the good news.

Even without Jiang Siming's help, 4am is still a top-notch team.

On the first day, it was a team with uneven levels, and it was normal to get the first place.

"It's just the first day that you are so forgotten, I doubt you will dream back to S5." Jiang Siming laughed and teased.

Great God's S5, that was his nightmare and shame. In the League of Legends S5 World Championship, the Great God led LGD to fight the world as the number one seed.

But I didn't expect to break the halberd group stage, return to China dingy, and reluctantly retired under the anger of countless fans, and only then has today's 4am great god.

"Bumping! Which pot or not, pick which pot, come back and wait for death!" Great God laughed.

After chatting with Jiang Siming, he hung up.

Jiang Siming also fell asleep and slept very securely.

On the third day, after Jiang Siming got up, he found the largest restaurant in town and wrapped it up like a local tyrant.

Two days later, Father Jiang's birthday, and his uncle's birthday is also in these few days. Jiang Siming plans to give them a lively birthday party together.

The banquets in the town are generally very cheap, more than one hundred tables are considered good, Jiang Siming gave the restaurant owner one hundred thousand oceans, but only a deposit.

Ask him to adjust according to the specifications of more than 1,000 yuan per table, and it does not include cigarettes and alcohol. The cigarettes are unified to be soft and Chinese. Two packs per person, and the wine is all good Wuliangye.

Fifty tables are tentatively scheduled, when the time comes to entertain the whole village.

After Jiang Siming got it right, he went home and told his father Jiang that he said it was unnecessary, but his face was full of joy.

The same is true of the uncle, the two elders have never had their birthdays.

When that day came, almost the whole village came over.

Everyone was shocked by this magnificent banquet. There are more than one thousand dishes, and they also send Ruan Zhonghua and drink Wuliangye. This is too good!

[The homecoming plot is about to end, the next chapter, the progress starts again! Conquer the World Championship! ]