Sniper and instant sniper

No one expected that this battle would end in this way.

VSG's mentality can be said to be bursting, and almost crying.

This has to be blamed on themselves. They were not abused enough in the group stage, and the finals came to send points.

Many Korean viewers almost suspect that VSG was bought by 4am to send points...

"This is the first time I have used this method to kill people. I hope I will have the opportunity to kill you like this in the future."

While licking the bag, I didn't forget to make a sarcasm. It's because the VSG people didn't hear it. Otherwise, I had to come over and have an offline PK with Jiang Siming.

Two pieces were held by Jiang Siming.

"Pick up [Hypnotism Mastery] Red Fragment*1 (2/4). The number of fragments is not full, so it is temporarily unavailable."

"Pick up [1 box of GurkhaBlackDragon cigar] golden fragments (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

Half of the hypnotism, Jiang Siming seems to have heard of this GBD cigar.

Come to think of it, when I went out to socialize, I heard a certain company chairman say that someone from abroad gave him a box of this GBD cigar.

One cost more than one thousand U.S. dollars. Jiang Siming calculated at the time that the other party smoking a cigar would be worth the profit he had smoked for a year. It was so extravagant.

Now Jiang Siming also got this kind of cigarettes. There are only ten boxes per box and ten cigarettes per box. Tsk tsk, that's a small one hundred thousand dollars.

He got a cigar after the game, but he wanted to try the difference between the cigar of more than one thousand dollars and his beloved Liqun.

After clearing the equipment, the four set out to leave the military base.

Wei Shen and the others are still immersed in the joy of sarcastic VSG, Jiang Siming is very good, never sarcastically ridicule others, everything is solved with guns.

It's boring to ridicule why you can kill the team.

Although the desert map is very large, the enemy is also found. There are no trees to block it. It is full of houses and deserts. It is really difficult to hide people.

Immediately after coming down from the military base, Jiang Siming spotted a group of people who were searching the waste water plant and driving away for drugs.

"Do it, I'm the fastest motorcycle, I'm blocking in front of them, you keep up."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, his feet were suspended in the air, and his hand grasped the motorcycle joystick to turn the throttle to the end.

The speed of the dashboard on the motorcycle soared to 120.

Many parts of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds are well done in detail. Just like driving a car, it doesn't matter if the dashboard will move, and you will turn the steering wheel when you turn around.

Many players who have not taken a driver's license can get the certificate directly after a long time. Some people really practice reversing and warehousing in PUBG for the driver's license (laughing and crying).

The motorcycle drove all the way from the high, next to the team and stopped not far ahead.

Jiang Siming jumped off the car and fired, M762 burst out sparks like Lu Xian's enthusiastic bullet.

The bullet flew out in a moment and hit the bus at the front.

Passersby can't drive the bus, it's too slow, but many professional teams love this car.

It is stable and durable, and the body is huge. It can be used as a big fortress. You can use it as a bunker when you park at any time. Of course, the premise is that you don't get swept off the car.

It just so happens that the person in this bus convoy is the strongest STK in North America, and the driver is Alow, who is known for its response and sniper in the US server.

The moment he saw Jiang Siming jumping off the car, he immediately slid the bus across the middle, switched seats and jumped off the car to avoid the bullet, reacting quickly.

Jiang Siming was a little surprised. If the other party is slower by 0.5 seconds, this head must be his.

"It's a good opponent." Jiang Siming said with some rise.

This world game also allowed Jiang Siming to see exactly how far away he is from others.

In his eyes, these World Championship players currently have two kinds of people, one is a rookie.

Just like the Korean team, it can only rely on operations. Personal strength is very good in everyone's eyes, but in Jiang Siming's eyes, it is a chicken.

The second type is the little master. Generally, this kind of people are the strongest players in their respective countries and their personal strength is very outstanding.

In Jiang Siming's eyes, this can be said to be a small master, a bit like an opponent.

Jiang Siming will also become excited when he encounters such an opponent, he doesn't want to kill the rookie, it's boring.

As soon as Alow stopped, the other STK team members stopped immediately, and the car ran in all directions, blocking almost all points.

The three STK members held up the back, even if Wei Shen and they rushed from behind, it would be difficult to steal their ass.

Alow and Jiang Siming are left in a stalemate on the front battlefield.

"Alow, can you kill the one in front?" the captain asked.

They are now on the defensive and must make a breakthrough, otherwise they will be killed by the opponent and the tires will be repaired.

"There should be no problem, the other party is very arrogant and has been showing up."

After speaking, Alow confidently raised the M24 in his hand, went out sideways to open the mirror, and the bullet was shot out in less than half a second after the cross-center switch.

This is the sniper style that Alow has become famous for. After the shot is turned on, Zhuan Xin fires in advance on the way to the opponent's head.

This kind of sniper is very proficiency and operation, but it is almost always unfavorable for people who can really sniper against the gun.

The sniper can be more than one level lower than the sniper. The difficulty of the sniper is almost the ultimate level used by the sniper rifle in the Jedi.

Do not open the mirror, rely entirely on the feel, but also have to take into account the distance of the gun, the height of the bullet drop, etc.

It is more than ten times more difficult than the instant sniper in the CF, because the gun in the CF has no recoil, and the bullet has no falling trajectory. You only need to remember one point and practice it to make perfect.

This is also the reason why Jiang Siming's instant sniper in the group game came out and received full applause.

Because in the game, no one can kill with instant sniper, but Jiang Siming can.

Alow is very confident in his sniper, and he is sure that this shot can at least hit the opponent's body even if it doesn't start.

But the fact is that he was shot empty.

"Did you hide so timely? Coincidence or deliberate?"

Alow frowned slightly, suspiciously.

Unconvinced, he saw Jiang Siming leaned out again, and immediately wanted to open the mirror to take a shot. He didn't believe that Jiang Siming could escape his bullet twice!


Alow shot.


Jiang Siming's sniper rifle also fired.

God's perspective is firmly locked on the two.

I saw that both sniper rifles fired a bullet at each other.

Jiang Siming's bullet was fast and cruel, and hit Alow on the head with one shot.

But Alow's bullet was once again avoided by Jiang Siming squatting sideways!

"Oh! Alow is also defeated! Isn't it true that no one has won ming on the sniper rifle!" The hook nose commentary was rather regrettable, he was very optimistic about Alow.

The bearded commentator stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Although Alow's sniper is also very strong, but it is not as good as Ming, and Ming's sniper is the strongest I have ever seen."

"Well, I admit that you are right, but STK is going to be dangerous, the strongest Alow is down, STK's people will score soldiers to help him, Godv and the three of them will definitely beat the dog."

What Ying Hook Nose said was right, this kind of strong confrontation, once a person suddenly fell to the ground, the situation would become precarious.