Scene reproduction

I gave a groza in the airdrop box. Jiang Siming rarely picked up this gun, but it was very powerful, and it could only be equipped with a silencer, so it was impossible to wear it for compensation.

As soon as he went ashore, Jiang Siming got a bad news, and Wei Shen gave it to him...

Being double-teamed by the two teams, all three were killed without a point.

"There is no way for this, but fortunately Lao Jiang didn't come, otherwise the feeling would be gone."

Wei Shen didn't blame Jiang Siming, but rejoiced.

However, Jiang Siming knew that if he were there, this would never be the case. This was his reason. For this fragment, Wei Shen and the others suffered.

"This blames me, but don't worry, brothers, I will definitely help you get revenge."

Jiang Siming said confidently that the two teams that killed them were Thailand AG and Japan BB.

It was shown that the BB team came to provoke the little eye-catching them. After the two teams fought, the AG ran over to steal their ass.

Encountered in the belly and back, 4am regretted being eaten.

"How can I blame you? Are you getting fewer points for us? This is mainly bad luck. It's fine if you are free to play." Wei Shen comforted.

"Brother Jiang, why don't you have another crossbow arrow as Lao Yin Bi. Anyway, it is the island map, and I feel like I can eat chicken until the end." Xiao Xing persuaded.

Indeed, if Jiang Siming chooses Gou, with his camouflage technique, at least it will be no problem to enter the top ten.

But Jiang Siming resolutely refused.

"Gou is too boring, the branch is very low, I will do it earnestly with all my strength, and see how many can be killed." Jiang Siming said very seriously.

Xiao Xingmu were all startled. What this meant was... he never used his fullest effort to play? Do you still retain your strength?

Is this person a pervert?

This sentence appeared in the minds of all three.

Serious Jiang Siming even sat upright, did not speak to Wei Shen and the others, staring at the screen earnestly.

I found my car from the shore and drove towards the school.

Not long after driving, when passing by Port L, Jiang Siming's car was hit by someone. The opponent was three people. It looked like he had just sailed over to find the hapless teammate who airdropped.

Jiang Siming was also shot twice, but the third-level A didn't lose much blood on his body.

Jiang Siming drove the car into a Z-shape, the speed did not decrease, and rushed in towards Port L.

The three of the AW1 team were shocked to see Jiang Siming not only not running, but also daring to rush over. When their teammates died just now, they knew that Jiang Siming was in the car.

Seeing Jiang Siming rushing over, the three of them suddenly panicked. Brother, you don't have to be so reckless to play games. We are three of us!

Regardless of Jiang Siming, he rushed into Port L. The three of them could only fight harder, trying to beat Jiang Siming down.

But Jiang Siming's driving skills were the same as when he was driving the car, twisting left and right, they could only hit the car, but the people inside were all right.

When the car was about to explode, Jiang Siming had also successfully entered Port L, and after jumping off the car, he ran towards the position of the three people just now.

The AW1 three were not to be outdone, and immediately turned around and wanted to surround Jiang Siming.

For the dignity of professional players, it is impossible for them to give up Port L and escape, otherwise they will be laughed off by audiences all over the world, and it is so humble to be driven out of Port L by one person.

The three of them dispersed to search, but they were very close to each other. As long as something went wrong, they could immediately go over and support.

The AW1 member on the far right side of the side just crossed the road when he heard a footstep, which made him look back immediately.

But seeing Groza's muzzle facing his forehead, he shot twice, and he was already on the ground.

"Here here!"

The other two team members who learned the information arrived at the same time and aimed their guns at Jiang Siming.

This scene is very similar to Jiang Siming in the group stage facing two TL members alone with a big pineapple.

At that time, he did not have the micromanipulation skills, and successfully eliminated TL, but he also lost a lot of blood.

But this time, the scene reappeared.

Jiang Siming's fingers holding the keyboard and mouse flew up and down like butterflies, and the nearest Wang Duoyu even saw an afterimage.

Their guns are fast, but Jiang Siming's guns are faster than them, and more than one grade faster.

Groza's bullet sound was like a piece of metal, deep and thick.

After locking down one of the targets, Jiang Siming immediately flicked the mouse after the three bullets had finished shooting.

From the lens, everyone didn't see the moving process of the magnifier, they just saw the screen flash, Jiang Siming's holographic scope had reached the opponent's head on the other side.


It was still three shots, and after the shot was closed, I couldn't bear to shoot an extra bullet.

This operation is only between the electric light flint.

Everyone only saw that in less than a second when the two AW1 members had just raised their guns and were preparing to aim and shoot, Jiang Siming had already done all the operations just now.

That is, the two AW1 didn't fire a single shot, and Jiang Siming took them second.

This is simply unreasonable, how can there be such a scary speed.

Kill one first, then change the direction of the muzzle, and then another one in seconds, without even seeing any gaps in between.

If it were not for the repeated confirmations of the referees, even the audience in China would have thought that Jiang Siming had hanged up.

This is no different from self-pointing, doesn't this person need to aim? This is too scary!

With a single shot safe and sound, Jiang Siming's third-level class A had eaten the team intact.

A white fragment burst out of the corpse bag again.

"Pick up [Throwing Object Rebound] White Fragments*1 (2/2). The number of fragments is full and can be used directly."

The fragments of this skill were collected. After Jiang Siming clicked to use it, he immediately found a pan and an SKS combo in their box.

He took some more medicine, drove their car, and left without looking back, heading to the next place.

All players in the team have seen the information in the upper right corner.

The corners of their mouths twitched, this guy is really an exterminating monster. From the beginning of the group stage to now, I don't know how many teams have been destroyed by one person.

Many team members are scared to hear his name, this is a demon!

The most panic of this was the Japanese team and the Thai team. They just ate three players at 4am, and then Jiang Siming killed AW1.

If Jiang Siming caught them, this guy would definitely not let his team go.

It's good if you don't chase it. I just hope that other teams can take the head of the devil and they can rest assured.

"Be careful, brighten your eyes." The captains of the two teams gave orders at the same time. This feeling of sitting on pins and needles was too uncomfortable.

I had known that 4am would not be played, and the two teams even split the three-pointer, and they had to face Jiang Siming's anger.

Especially the Thai team, they only hate their low hands, and can't help but tempt to make a shot~