Supper takeaway taster

"Brother, why did you sit on Sakurako's private sofa? Sakurako likes this little sofa the most. You never let others touch it. Get up quickly and don't make Sakurako angry."

Liao Fan walked over and persuaded her in an 'impatient' manner. He spoke louder than Yingzi's keyboard, making her afraid that Yingzi would not hear him.

"What's the matter with you, why are you talking so much nonsense? Didn't you see that I was scoring? If this one loses, will you give me back the pot?" Jiang Siming suspended him.

A trace of anger flashed across Liao Fan's face, but he still didn't give up, and said to Li Yingzi: "Yingzi, take a look for yourself. I can't control your classmate. He even sat on your most beloved sofa. Sit and lie down without taking off your shoes!"

At this time, Liao Fan was like a pupil giving a short report to the teacher.

Jiang Siming still didn't hear him, and even took the time to buckle his nose with his right hand very gracefully.

Li Yingzi said without looking back: "I let him sit, what's the problem with you."

"Aren't you the most annoying that others touch your sofa?" Liao Fan was puzzled.

Once he accidentally sat down, Li Yingzi scolded him in front of a large number of colleagues, and even removed the cushions on the sofa and replaced them with new ones.

Only then did he know that Li Yingzi had a serious addiction to cleanliness.

Her personal items are strictly forbidden to be used by others.

But I don't know why, but Jiang Siming is fine.

"That's someone else, Xiao Ming is not someone else. If you have anything to do, go out and close the door for help." Li Yingzi still didn't look back, crackling quickly on the keyboard.

Liao Fan was angry, looking at Jiang Siming who was already sleeping, he was jealous, hated and all kinds of unhappy.

"It's okay, I'll just sit here for a while, I will chat with this brother."

Regardless of whether Li Yingzi answered or not, he took a chair and sat next to Jiang Siming, chatting with him.

"Brother, look at your well-dressed, what do you do by profession?"

"Supper food appraiser." Jiang Siming replied rashly.

"What? There is still this profession?" Liao Fan was puzzled.

"Of course, I'm still returning to the basket as an early-conscious artist, indifferent to the best actor, let alone an exclusive spokesperson, and the only heir to a long-term lack of money for non-material traditional skills.

Liao Fan: "?????"

"Haha, my brother is really humorous. Is there anything wrong with you looking for Yingzi? If it's about the securities firm, you can come to me. Although Yingzi is a manager, he is only a deputy. I am the division chief of this securities firm. Manager, I can help you solve any problems you have."

Liao Fan stopped asking about Jiang Siming's occupation, for fear that he would continue to say something that made people speechless.

Unexpectedly, when Jiang Siming heard this, he immediately got up and asked Liao Fan, "Can any problem be solved?"

"As long as it is within my abilities, it is guaranteed to be fine." Liao Fan patted his chest.

"Do you know any senior trader?" Jiang Siming asked.

"Of course, there are no less than 20 traders I know, they are all top players in the industry, but only five are in this stock exchange. Are you looking for them to operate the stocks for you?"

"Then you don't care. Give me the phone numbers of these traders, but how do I know if these people are high-level professionals?" Jiang Siming didn't believe it.

Liao Fan slapped his thigh and said, "You still can't believe me. Besides, if you can't believe me, you can ask Yingzi. These people are all well-known people in the circle. Yingzi should know everything."

"Well, thank you so much, please give me their business card." Jiang Siming reached out for it.

Liao Fan was planning to give it, but fortunately, his head stopped the car and didn't give Jiang Siming a ditch.

Why did he help Jiang Siming so unconditionally?

"Brother, it's fine for you, but you have to exchange it for the same price."

After speaking, Liao Fan approached Jiang Siming and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"Tell me about Sakurako's gossip. You are her best friend. You must know a lot of her secrets. You tell me what you like and hate, what embarrassing things you did in high school, did you wait for love Wait, the more detailed these are, the better."

A little gossip, I believe Jiang Siming will not stop talking, as long as he said, Jiang Siming will definitely be out of play.

Because he believed that no woman would like this kind of man who tells others secrets casually.

As long as he adds more energy and jealousy to say something in front of Li Yingzi, Jiang Siming will definitely be blacklisted by Li Yingzi.

And he can still know the preferences of various Li Yingzi, and there will be a shortcut to chasing her.

But who knows that Jiang Siming just played the cards out of common sense. After hearing this, he asked Li Yingzi loudly: "Yingzi, he asked me to tell him your gossip. The more detailed the better, can I tell?"

"Dare you tell me that I used a pen to poke your stinky Xiaoming to death!" Li Yingzi looked back at Jiang Siming.

But Jiang Siming was just such a painless 'warning', but when she turned around, she stared at Liao Fan with horror.

Liao Fan couldn't say 10,000 words in mmp, and he wanted to choke Jiang Siming to death.

"Sakura, you misunderstood, I'm just curious and want to know more about you..."

"Don't come to this set with me, you give me out, I don't want to see you!" Li Yingzi immediately issued the eviction order.

Liao Fan wanted to save, but Li Yingzi was just getting angry, so he could only compromise and get up.

Before getting up, he stared at Jiang Siming ferociously, and said, "You don't want these people's phone calls, don't want any of them!"

"It's okay, didn't you say that Yingzi also knew each other, and she was there." Jiang Siming showed a row of white teeth, and Liao Fan's teeth were itchy, and finally left angrily.

"Xiao Mingzi, did you deliberately?" Li Yingzi locked on Jiang Siming's goal with a grin.

"No, shouldn't I tell you, after that, when people ask me, I will answer them honestly."

"Dare you!" Li Yingzi raised the pen in her hand, aggressively.

This look of Li Yingzi makes Jiang Siming seem to have returned to the high school era. This is her signature move and often appears in front of Jiang Siming's desk.

"Okay, please hurry up and get things out. I'm almost falling asleep, waiting to eat lobster."

It finally took more than an hour for Li Yingzi to finish the report. The two went out of the office door and found that Liao Fan was still guarding outside.

Jiang Siming was convinced, this guy's perseverance is really admirable.

But this stalker method of picking up girls will only make girls even more disgusted.

This is it.

"Liao Fan, this is the report you want. You can talk to your client slowly, Xiao Ming, let's go." Li Yingzi didn't have any good expressions.

Liao Fan felt that if he didn't do anything, the relationship between Li Yingzi and himself might turn into an ice age after today.

Immediately he took out a large bouquet of roses that he had just bought in time outside, ran to Li Yingzi, knelt down on one knee, and used the initiative to resolve his passiveness!