Win Huan Finance

Li Yingzi introduced to him that these five are all gold medal traders from the financial market. She personally reviewed and dug them up. Professionalism and character are beyond doubt.

"Very good, the company invites you to come over before the renovation. It is still in such a shabby place. I know everyone is wronged. But when the first vote is finished, the five of you are all the pillars and veterans of the company. I will give you direct dividends on the dry shares."

Jiang Siming started a wave of sugar-coated shells as soon as he arrived, but the five traders were not very excited.

They have been fighting in the financial market for so many years. What kind of sugar-coated shells have never been seen before. Most of them are talking about it orally. Sometimes the stock loses, the boss goes bankrupt, and the salary can't be paid.

So for this promise, the five people only slightly happily said thank you to the chairman.

Jiang Siming didn't care, turned his head and said to Li Yingzi: "Although the current conditions are not so good, we must ensure that everyone's working environment meets the highest standards before the company's renovation is completed."

"Let's work here, pay for three days a day, and pay special attention to food. The six of you do not need to take the subway to and from get off work. You don't need to take the subway and take a taxi. The fare will be reimbursed by the company. After I leave here, I will personally give you 20,000 yuan as a reward."

Jiang Siming's remarks made Li Yingzi's head feel a little dizzy. This treatment is also great!

One day is three days, one meal is two thousand yuan, and one day is six thousand.

The six of them eat for 6,000 yuan a day, so they can order the restaurant's dishes every day.

Take a taxi to and from get off work, and get a subsidy of 20,000 yuan when I return to the new company.

This is the first day of work. Does the boss just give out benefits like that?

This is much more practical than promising share dividends. This is visible and can be obtained from today.

And the one in front is too vague, they don't even know what the future will be like, they like this one more.

"Thank you, Chairman!" The five people finally showed sincere smiles and were very happy.

Jiang Siming smiled calmly and said, "Then everyone sits down first, and President Li will release the first task for everyone! The amount of money for this task is 20 million."

The five people were shocked. They didn't expect it to be so big at the beginning. Now the stock market is quite sluggish. Ten million orders are rare.

The five immediately sat upright, while Jiang Siming sat aside, leaving the main seat to Li Yingzi.

Li Yingzi knew that Jiang Siming was helping her consolidate the company's position, and she was grateful and began to explain the goal of this 'offensive' to everyone more seriously.

"The stocks we are eyeing this time are Liang'an stocks. Their stocks were only on sale last week and the price was very low, only one yuan. I believe it will be a dark horse in the recent market."

Liangan stocks?

The five traders stared at each other for a moment, and had never heard of this stock.

Dare to play this kind of new stock? Is this president really reliable?

The five traders suddenly felt that the dream they had dreamed of was broken. Like this kind of newly-born baby, who would dare to play like this unless there is inside information.

But Li Yingzi didn't seem to see their expressions, and continued to sternly said: "So before tomorrow, we have to use 25 million to clear all Liang'an stocks on the market, and the price will reach 3.5 yuan. Above, let's move on to the next step, and now I'll arrange the task."

"Lin Jingrong, your task is to build a position, which is also the most important task. You need to raise Liang'an stock to more than RMB 2 and 70 today. Is there a problem?"

Lin Jingrong is a middle-aged man with a rare appearance without baldness. He readily agreed, saying that there is no problem.

Li Yingzi was very satisfied and continued to give orders: "Li Zixi, your task is to cover the position, today and tomorrow, you..."

"Yuan Wenbin, your task is to close the position, the task is..."

Five people in a row were all named by Li Yingzi, and they were all assigned heavy tasks.

There is no way, there are only five people, and more than 20 people or more have to be done.

Jiang Siming was watching Li Yingzi quietly. He felt that if Li Yingzi was born in ancient times, he would definitely be able to hold the post of a female general, and a woman would not be shaven!

After finishing the assignment, Li Yingzi closed the notebook in her hand and smiled and said to everyone:

"This is the company's first time on the battlefield. We want to fight a beautiful battle to show the chairman, and we will live up to the good treatment the chairman gave us. Do you understand it!"

Li Yingzi is very famous, deputy manager of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, almost everyone in the Shanghai stock market knows.

Although her performance in the past two years is very mediocre, her brilliant achievements in the past few years are still imprinted in the memories of these old financial people.

So seeing that Li Yingzi was so confident, the five of them were also infected by this emotion and shouted in unison!

Next, the company immediately began to operate, the computer keyboard sound has almost never stopped since then, and the five traders kept reporting information to Li Yingzi.

"Three thousand shares of Liang'an stock, all bought."

"Five thousand shares of Liang'an stock, all bought."

"Liangan's stock has risen to RMB 1.8."

"President, all the scattered shares of Liang'an stocks have been purchased, and there are still some small and large investors, do you want to buy?"

"Bought them all! Twenty-five million, you must spend all of them before tomorrow, but be careful, don't let your opponents see the clues, buy quietly, buy in hundreds of accounts, and don't let your opponents have the opportunity to raise prices!"


Listening to their crackling work, Jiang Siming was dull there, completely unable to understand what they were talking about.

After saying something to Li Yingzi, he left first, and Li Yingzi didn't look up, so he went on busy.

Jiang Siming can't laugh or cry, and Li Yingzi, a workaholic, is really not worthless.

He was worried about this kind of assistant, and went home to find his wife to sleep!

"Chairman!" Li Yingzi chased out from the house.

"Why do you have such a birth? Didn't you always call me Xiao Mingzi." Jiang Siming was surprised.

Li Yingzi shook her head and said seriously: "I must call you the chairman during work hours. This is the rule. I will call you Xiao Mingzi during breaks."

"All right, it's up to you, what do you call me?" Jiang Siming asked.

"Our company's name hasn't been determined yet, chairman."

"Aiyou, look at my brain, forget about it!" Jiang Siming patted his thigh.

It is really unfortunate that Li Yingzi presses his temple and stands on such an unreliable boss.

"How about Siming Finance?" Li Yingzi recommended.

Jiang Siming immediately shook his head and said, "No, no, it's too earthy. How can anyone use his own name as the company's name? It's too high profile."

After thinking about it, Jiang Siming thought of a name.

"Well, let's call our company Yinghuan Finance."

Li Yingzi read it again: "Winning Huanyu Finance, winning Huanyu, a good name!"

Win Huan Financial Co., Ltd., even if it is officially established.