Eat chicken anchor, go crazy online

Not long after the two searched, the horns of several cars suddenly sounded outside the city.

Jiang Siming and Tuantuan immediately went out to take a look. They thought they were enemies, but they were all shirtless water friends.

"Myojin, I love you!"

"Myojin, I want to learn techniques from you!"

"Where are you Tuantuan?"

"Myojin, I am your fan!"


A total of seven or eight people, and a few more cars drove behind, a total of more than ten or twenty people added together.

"Oh, I forgot to adjust the delay. These friends should have watched my live broadcast to snipe you, Brother Xiaoming." Tuantuan stuck his tongue out.

She usually does not open the delay, because she needs a water friend to give her a head, otherwise she can't kill anyone at all.

Jiang Siming will delay the start, otherwise he will encounter many water friends every time. He does not like to interact with water friends in the game. This will affect the game experience, and it will also be difficult to kill them.

"It's okay, just treat it as entertainment." Jiang Siming said it was okay.

Since it was the entertainment bureau, everyone was happy. More than 20 water friends wandered around Jiang Siming and Tuan Tuan, while shouting the words of Myoshin Leather, 4am Leather.

"Wow!!! There are so many water friends~"

Xiao Tuantuan was like Pikachu seeing a monster, his mouth opened into a cute O shape, and the audience's bones were a little crisp with this scream.

More than 20 people dare not do anything after landing, just run around looking for people.

Among them, the most people are looking for Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming also feels that it is fun to come occasionally. This game seems to be a hand-in-hand social game.

The Tuan Tuan who had been following Jiang Siming suddenly stood still. Jiang Siming was about to ask her when suddenly an English BGM hi song rang.

And it was accompanied by tuan tuan singing, do you dare to believe it?

"Die Shangjun asks for help from Ballet~ Die Shangjun is afraid to ask for help~ Die Shangzun is at Walker~ Die Shang Village is crooked~ Die Shang is everywhere in the tree~ Ivy Barty is with me~ Hey, come on~~"

This magical song reached everyone's ears, and Mingge was very familiar, but in Tuantuan's construction site English, they just couldn't remember what this song was!

"The pig is crazy, the identification is complete!"

"Hello, rehabilitation center?"

"A chicken-eating anchor went crazy online?"



The audience laughed badly, this is indeed Tuantuan's daily operation.

At the end of singing, Tuantuan smiled embarrassedly.

"Goose, goose, goose... Seeing them get together, I want to make some accompaniment for them, Xiao Ming, can you understand me?"

"I believe that I can, and I also believe that you will recover." Jiang Siming replied funny, and Tuantuan suddenly smiled more like a goose.

After playing around with the water friends for a while, Jiang Siming said goodbye to them and drove away with them.

Everyone has been playing foolishly with this one, and Jiang Siming didn't want to eat chicken in this kind of game, so he simply died in the poison with Xiao Tuantuan.

Re-opened a round, this time Xiao Tuantuan cleverly adjusted the delay, and finally got rid of the trouble of a large number of water friends ambushing.

After the two landed, they found a car and planned to search a little farther. This is the meaning of Tuantuan.

He said that he couldn't chat with Xiao Ming just after he came, so it's better to stay a little bit.

"Come on, I'll have some fruit." Jiang Siming switched seats and handed the driver rights to Tuantuan.

The Tuantuan that was driven by the main driver immediately became happy again. Many people drove with them to the wild spot, and many cars and motorcycles passed by Tuantuan.

"Ah yo huo! What is it? Is this a racing game?"

"Look, Xiaoming, everyone is in a sports car, giggle."

Don't know why, this girl loves to laugh.

Just as a car passed her face, Tuantuan immediately changed her tone, shouting fiercely at the car in front.

"I hit it to death, believe it or not, what are you crying in front of me! Huh?"

(Arrogant attitude) (Extremely domineering)

"How do you say, do you want to do it? I'll knock you into the sky!"

(Eager to try) (gradual change)

With that said, Tuantuan really stepped on the accelerator and ran into that motorcycle.

Who would have thought that the other party would be much faster than her, without saying that there was a big tree in front of him.

"Brake and brake, turn around!" Jiang Siming shouted to Tuantuan with the grapes in his mouth about to fly out.

Because he drove too fast and didn't have time to turn the steering wheel, Tuantuan forgot to step on the brakes and bumped his head against a big tree.

The two threw off a full half of their blood, and then, a car just happened to come up behind them.

For a time, the car exploded instantly!

Jiang Siming and Tuantuan were killed in the car.

The audience burst into laughter instantly

Tuan Tuan: "emmm..."

Jiang Siming: "I have to calm down, I have to get used to it. It is my fault. I should have asked her to brake two hours in advance. I blame myself for being bad."

I drove again and there was another car.

This time Jiang Siming stopped eating the grapes, and said that she would not let her hit the car and drive by herself.

"Um...Xiao Ming, I think I can come again..."

"To shut up!"


The exchange between the two stopped abruptly, and the female driver group did not dare to have more bb.

Drive safely to a small local city area, get off and search for things.

"Tina! Buy it! Brother Xiaoming! I picked up the flare gun!"

Tuantuan controlled the role of Miss Sister in the short skirt, holding a small red pistol in his hand, and rushed to Jiang Siming excitedly.

"The luck is so good, not bad." Jiang Siming praised.

Tuantuan unloaded the flare gun generously. The flare gun was more precious to her than 98k, and she never gave it to others.

But if the other party was Jiang Siming, she gave it out without hesitation.

"Brother Xiao Ming, come and try." Tuantuan said.

Jiang Siming did not decline, and he did not play flare guns.

"But you can't put it right now. You need to wait for the first wave of poison circles to finish, and there will be a super airdrop in the safe zone. If it is placed outside the safe zone, it will be an armored vehicle. There are only three airdrops and three vehicles in a round. "

Hearing this, Jiang Siming nodded, looked at the circles of his eyes, and temporarily carried the flare gun around his waist when it was too early.

The addition of this flare gun undoubtedly speeds up the pace of the game. As long as it is released, the surrounding players will definitely come over to grab it.

This will undoubtedly add more blood to the game, and it will be more exciting.

After finally waiting for the first wave to finish, Jiang Siming happened to be a safe area.

Without hesitation, Jiang Siming fired a shot at the sky, and the only signal bullet bounced into the sky, making a huge noise.

And there is a red flame lit up in the sky, long lasting, it can be seen for several kilometers.

On the map, Jiang Siming's point also has a flashing super airdrop sign.

This shows that it is impossible for the Blue Hole Company to let you take it away secretly. Once it is released, everyone knows it, or it is accurately positioned. It is difficult to find it.

Moreover, it takes a full minute and 30 seconds for the super airdrop to land. At this time, anyone with a car can rush over even two kilometers away.