He is our chairman

Follow Jiang Siming's car all the way to the underground parking lot of a nearby commercial building.

When Wang Jun caught up, Jiang Siming and Zhang Yuhan had already taken the elevator up.

Wang Jun immediately found a place to park, noted the elevator floor just now, and followed the elevator on the other side.

All the way to the 18th floor, as soon as the elevator door opened, Wang Jun saw Jiang Siming and Zhang Yuhan standing at the front desk distributing snacks to the receptionists. Several of them were talking and laughing with Jiang Siming.

Wang Jun seemed to have grabbed some handle, laughed, and rushed over excitedly.

"Look, I said this guy is an errand! Yuhan, can you see it!"

No one thought Wang Jun would rush in suddenly, and two security guards immediately stopped him.

The sudden arrival of the man frightened the girls at the front desk, Jiang Siming also turned his head, his tone became impatient.

"Your fly is endless, right?"

"Jiang Siming, you pretend to me! I'm here to slap you in public today!" Wang Jun was excited, pointing to Jiang Siming, and shouting to the cuties and security guards at the front desk.

"This person pretends to be the chairman of your company, borrowing the name of your chairman outside to do anything wrong! Your chairman, quickly call him out, I want to tell him in public!"

Everyone wanted to see the mentally retarded and looked at Wang Jun.

"Our chairman is President Jiang, the person in front of you." Uncle Security replied.

"Don't cooperate with him in acting. I know that you are all in the same company. You call your chairman or your manager!" Wang Jun obviously still didn't believe it.

At this time, Li Yingzi walked out of the office, unknowingly she saw a lot of snacks in Jiang Siming's hand.

"My chairman, you can't just buy so much food on your own. I want three packets of potato chips." Li Yingzi walked to the front, picked up a few packets of potato chips, and turned around to find that the atmosphere was not right.

"What's the matter?" Li Yingzi asked curiously.

"President, this person is here to make trouble, not to say bad things about our chairman, but also to say that the chairman is fake and ask to see the manager." A front desk girl explained.

Li Yingzi laughed at Wang Jun after hearing this: "I am the general manager of this company, what can you do?"

Wang Jun saw the nameplate on the front of Li Yingzi's clothes. There were three words [General Manager] on it, which was absolutely correct.

Wang Jun was overjoyed and exposed to Li Yingzi: "Jiang Siming of your company faked the name of your chairman, bluffing and cheating outside. He kept saying that he was the chairman of your company. He also swiped your company's card and bought dozens of them. Ten thousand yuan worth of tobacco and alcohol!"

"Sorry sir, this is our chairman." Li Yingzi said, spreading her palms to show Wang Jun.

"How is this possible, he is your chairman?" Wang Jun's eyes widened.

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison this time, and the answer was quite simple and loud.

At this time Zhang Yuhan walked to Wang Jun, looked at the man in front of him with a little disgust, and said:

"Not everyone is what you think. You used to bully President Jiang so much in the company. In order to train yourself, President Jiang has tolerated it. Why can't you learn from President Jiang and be more generous? Your jealousy is too strong. Now, Wang Jun, the gap between you and President Jiang is really too big!"

These words completely hurt Wang Jun's fragile self-esteem. When everyone saw him being beaten in the face by his girlfriend, Wang Jun felt that his head was starting to lack oxygen.

Finally, he was raised out of the building by security.

This guy was finally driven away, and a harmonious atmosphere was restored inside and outside the company.

"What's the matter, Xiao Mingzi, who is this person?" Li Yingzi slammed Xia Jiang Siming's shoulder curiously.

Jiang Siming didn't hide it either, and told the story of the past.

"Damn, why is this kind of person being so kind to him? The security should have beaten him up just now, and I will go up to make up for two feet, which is to help you out!" Li Yingzi said indignantly.

Jiang Siming showed a mysterious smile.

"This way is too low, I have even more exciting."

"What method?" Li Yingzi asked.

Jiang Siming didn't answer, but just glanced at Zhang Yuhan's body, everything was silent.

Until the end of get off work, Wang Jun didn't make trouble again.

Jiang Siming played games late, and the last one came home from get off work.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the building, Jiang Siming saw Zhang Yuhan standing alone at the door of the building. There was a cool drizzle outside, and she shivered with cold.

"Why don't you go home yet?" Jiang Siming stepped forward and asked.

"Hello, President Jiang, I can only take a taxi when it rains, but I haven't waited for too many people to take a taxi." Zhang Yuhan said pitifully.

There were several free taxis parked at the door, but Jiang Siming hadn't seen it and didn't want to expose her lies.

"Let's go, I'll take you home."

"No need, Mr. Jiang, I can do it myself." Zhang Yuhan pretended to decline, but the gleam in her eyes had exposed her thoughts.

"Whatever you want, I'll go if you don't come." Jiang Siming didn't bother to be polite with her, and went straight to the underground parking lot.

Although Zhang Yuhan felt embarrassed, for the sake of his own plan, he put aside his face and walked away from his legs to follow.

Sitting on Jiang Siming's Barbot G800 again, the coolness of Zhang Yuhan's body instantly disappeared.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm really sorry about what happened today, I'm bothering you." Zhang Yuhan said very apologetically.

Jiang Siming calmly controlled the steering wheel, looked straight ahead, and said, "It has nothing to do with you."

"But he is my ex-boyfriend. I must be responsible. He treated you too much at the beginning. I didn't expect that after so long, he still didn't repent at all."

"That's why I broke up with him, President Jiang, what do you mean by love?"

Zhang Yuhan had a pitiful appearance trapped by love, covering her mouth as if she wanted to cry and couldn't cry, and asked such 'infatuation' words.

Jiang Siming didn't waver at all. He just said, "I don't know what love is. I only know that the cushions of this car are handmade. I cried and washed the car for two thousand."

Zhang Yuhan: "..."

Along the way, Zhang Yuhan was sent downstairs in the community where she lived. A strange thing happened and Zhang Yuhan suddenly had a stomachache.

"Are you all right?" Jiang Siming asked'concernedly'.

"No... it's okay, President Jiang, I just... have a stomachache. I'll just take a rest downstairs. You can go home."

Zhang Yuhan, who got out of the car, just squatted on the side of the road, with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

Jiang Siming chose to park the car in the parking lot of the community, got out of the car and walked to Zhang Yuhan to help him.

"I will help you up first."

"Thank you, President Jiang." Zhang Yuhan nestled in Jiang Siming's arms and said tenderly.

Jiang Siming also let her take the initiative to put it in her arms, and she also put her arms around her waist without evasiveness, and walked freely with palms on it.

Zhang Yuhan felt a sensation of heat under his legs, shame and excitement, whatever Jiang Siming's hands were doing.