500 million profit

Zhang Yuhan's expression changed again and again, Jiang Siming didn't bother with her, he also signed a check for one million and put it in front of her.

"After taking it, go to the Personnel Department to handle the resignation, so that you can get together and disperse. Don't make everyone turn against each other. This will be boring.

Jiang Siming had a showdown, Zhang Yuhan also stopped acting with interest, picked up the check and left the office, and left after a short while.

For a woman like her, although she hasn't been so rich and handsome like Jiang Siming, she is already very satisfied with the full one million.

Therefore, material women are best dealt with. Jiang Siming easily asked for all the troubles, and the price was only two million yuan. For him, this may be just a few times for the company's employees to eat.

"The working days are finally over. I will go home after get off work today and broadcast the game!" Jiang Siming sighed with relief.

Why he comes to work every day is because he wants to solve the two troubles of Zhang Yuhan and Wang Jun, and also to solve one of his own knots.

He has to stay today because the price of Liang'an stock is almost at its peak.

When Jiang Siming came out of the office, he walked directly to the operating room. At this time, there were already more than twenty traders gathered in this office, and the computers on the desk and their voices were one after another.


Seeing Jiang Siming coming, everyone stopped moving.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "You continue, don't worry about me, everything depends on Commander Li."

Li Yingzi smiled and walked to Jiang Siming, and passed him a golden voice.

"Is your throat uncomfortable?" Jiang Siming asked suspiciously.

"Of course, I have been ordering this arrangement these days. If my voice is not bad, there will be a ghost." Li Yingzi's voice was indeed hoarse.

"This is easy to handle. I'll buy you some Chinese medicine in a while, and it will be fine after drinking it."

"You still know medicine?"

"I know a thing or two," Jiang Siming replied.

Jiang Siming has basic medical skills, so it's too easy to deal with such small problems.

Li Yingzi nodded and had no time to delve into it. At this time, Liang'an stocks had reached the end.

"Mr. Li, Liang'an stock has risen to RMB 11.40."

"Very good, ready to clear the warehouse." Li Yingzi ordered.

"Mr. Li, don't wait any longer. I think Liangan's stock market is very prosperous, and this upward trend can at least rise to 15 yuan." Lin Jingrong said a little bit reluctantly.

After all, they must be a little reluctant to witness the growth of a new stock to the present.

"I understand your mentality, but the most taboo thing about stocks is greed. I said I would stop when I close it, and I didn't have to think about it."

"Okay, President Li." Lin Jingrong had to listen. In fact, there are many people who are reluctant to bear this stock like him, including Li Yingzi who don't want to let go.

But after so many years in the financial market, she is very aware of the "urinary nature" of stocks.

Without asking Jiang Siming to confirm, Li Yingzi decided to stop.

"Mr. Li, it's 7 for 11 yuan."

"Stop your hands ahead of time! Be fast! Throw in small shares first, don't cause riots." Li Yingzi stared at the computer screen tightly.

"3000 shares have been sold."

"1500 shares have been sold."

"2800 shares have been..."

Without much effort, Yinghuan Financial's Liang'an shares dropped by more than half.

"Mr. Li, Liang'an seems to have discovered that they are lowering prices by themselves!" Yuan Wenbin shouted.

"Don't be afraid, they don't dare to go too far. That's their own stock. Keep selling! It doesn't matter if it is lower."

"5000 shares have been sold."

"Warehouse No. 1 is cleared!"

"The second warehouse is cleared!"

"The third warehouse is cleared!"


In less than an hour, as the last warehouse was announced to be emptied, Li Yingzi took the lead and applauded.

"We made it! Colleagues!" Li Yingzi said to everyone with a smile.

The operation room burst into cheers for a while, and the employees in other departments outside were shocked, thinking they were crazy.

"Report on the profit and loss of Liang'an." Li Yingzi said with a smile.

Yuan Wenbin stood up and said excitedly: "We sold all the 30 million Liangan stocks we bought today. Excluding these 30 million, Yinghuan Financial made a total profit of 486 million!"

With a profit of nearly 500 million, they did it in less than ten days.

This is something that all professional traders rarely experience. Ten days, more than ten times, the key is a new stock.

This is the charm of stocks. Even Li Yingzi, a person from the stock exchange who has seen many markets, has a fast heartbeat.

"Big Chairman, we people have created such an objective income for you, do you have anything to say?"

Li Yingzi leaned on Jiang Siming's shoulder, like an iron buddy.

Jiang Siming smiled and swallowed the golden voice in his mouth, raised his hand, and everyone instantly became quiet.

"This is a good start for Yinghuan Finance. You are the heroes of Yinghuan Finance. Starting from the auxiliary trader, the bonus is 200,000 per person; the professional trader is 500,000 per person. As for you, Mr. Li, the bonus of 2 million. Opinion?"

"Long live the chairman!"

How long has it been since they came to the company and they received hundreds of thousands of bonuses, how could they have any opinions?

In general, the profit of the company is not too high for the trader. Even if they make tens of millions or hundreds of millions, the most they can get is 50,000 or 60,000.

But Jiang Siming waved his hand, which was more than ten times more than that. It was so comfortable to follow such a boss!

Li Yingzi thinks the same way. Following such a boss, the company will be managed by her, never questioning or interfering with your decision, and being approachable and generous.

Even if Jiang Siming is not her old classmate, Li Yingzi will be attracted by Jiang Siming's personal charm to jump over.

Jiang Siming is not over yet, and continues: "Since everyone has been working hard these days, so we will have five days off, and there will be more important tasks after five days. Tonight at the company dinner, you are not drunk or go home!"

Everyone was happier, and was so screaming at Jiang Siming's reward shells that he barely gave Jiang Siming his heart.

Yinghuan Financial's first business made a profit of nearly 500 million.

All this money goes into Jiang Siming's pockets, and there is no tax. The income from stock transactions belongs to the transfer of property, and there is no tax at all.

It's so much better than lottery.

It's also much faster than his live broadcast. Jiang Siming is impressed by the power of the black technology fragment. Even if he doesn't play games now, he can become a Forbes rich sooner or later relying on this fragment!

At present, Jiang Siming's current assets have reached nearly 600 million, and the balance behind the bank card is all zero.

If you include his fixed assets, hotels, luxury stores, villas, etc. add up to close to 1 billion.

Of course, although this amount of money looks very rich, it is not a big deal in Shanghai, and it is far behind the real rich.

Although he didn't want to fight for the richest man, Jiang Siming thought that he had so many girlfriends, how could he make enough money from the elderly wife.

Well, that's the goal!