
The two immediately drove the next one.

This junior bounty is a bit small, only 1,000 yuan.

Jiang Siming killed 20 heads, but helplessly, the upper limit of the butcher's bounty was 10.

But ten times doubling still gave Jiang Siming 1024,000 yuan, about one million.

This is quite a lot. If a game can give a million rewards, Jiang Siming's pants will laugh.

But for the next few games, the primary bounty is even less, one is 200, and the other is only 50.

Although it seems to be small, it is actually a lot more than doubled ten times, and the two times add up to more than 100,000.

These two games gave Jiang Siming four pieces back. Although it was much less than the first one, Lao Jiang was quite satisfied.

When I just came back before, I didn't have to cost 3 dollars to open three hands. Today's character is back, and the emperor is possessed by the emperor. It may be that 17shou has his own European spirit.

Four pieces of fragments let Jiang Siming get together [Wal-Mart Jing'an Branch], also [Danger Perception], and a piece of [Ren Control Temperament] by the way

At present, the [Management temperament] is only one piece short, and [Huayi Shares] is also one piece short.

After playing three games, it was almost four in the morning.

Jiang Siming didn't want to stay up all night anymore.

"Ashi, I don't play anymore, I slipped away."

"Okay, big brother, take me next time." 17shou said with a wry smile, no one has ever called him a beast, it looks like he is called junior.

But his name is really difficult to call, most fans call him Beast Beast, this name is too intimate, men are called Niang.

Therefore, Jiang Siming can only be called a beast.

Before leaving, Jiang Siming left ten rockets in the 17shou live broadcast room as compensation for robbing people from their families today.

Turn off the game, Jiang Siming plans to download it.

But the fans didn't forget anything, even if they stayed till the wee hours.

"You can download it, don't forget the new song."

"I have been looking forward to it. I waited for more than three hours."

"Why don't you have any points?"

"I want to go now, brother~"

"My roommate and I are all staying up all night waiting, looking forward to new songs!"


It's too late, and the number of Jiang Siming's live broadcast room has not decreased but increased. More than 7 million people are online, with a popularity value of 350 million.

This is all due to Jiang Siming's wanting to sing a new song, otherwise not many people would like to watch games at this late hour.

Fans are so enthusiastic, Jiang Siming feels he is very sinful if he doesn't sing, he must sing!

Thinking of a song, Jiang Siming just wanted to sing, but it suddenly rained outside the window.

Jiang Siming glanced at the heavy rain outside the window and suddenly felt that if this song was sung outside, would it be better?

"Everyone, I decided to sing this song on the street outside, so I will change it to live broadcast on my mobile phone. Wait for a while. It will take about five minutes. It will definitely bring you two different visual and auditory effects."

Jiang Siming turned off the computer after speaking, and the audience was a little confused.

"Is it gone?"

"Broadcast again at the speed of light? Lie to our feelings!"

"Go to the street to sing? Will others see him as a lunatic?"

"Can there be any difference between outdoor and indoor?"

"I think it's unnecessary."


Although everyone said so, but still honestly waiting in the live room.

Jiang Siming has a lot of iron fans, so he won't be dissatisfied with the fans because of the small early closing of the broadcast this time.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

Just when everyone thought Jiang Siming really tricked them to sleep, the live broadcast was opened again!

At first sight, it was on an unknown street in Shanghai early in the morning, and it was raining heavily at this time.

The roadside lights shone into the water mass on the road, as if reflecting the whole city.

At this point in time, no one passed by at all. Jiang Siming put the microphone under the street lamp, and his mobile phone was placed in a place where he could be fully photographed without getting wet.

The microphone is very advanced and waterproof, so don't worry about being damaged by the rain.

Jiang Siming was standing under the street lamp in the rain, holding a guitar in his arms.

Rain soon wet his clothes and hair. Jiang Siming is wearing a white vest today.

The rainwater soaked the vest and stuck to the body, almost transparent.

The "landscape" in the vest made all the female audiences breathe faster, their blood spurted, and there was a flow of heat in their noses.

God! What devil figure is this!

At present, the young actor with the best figure in the entertainment industry is Peng Yuyan, followed by Han Dongjun.

Both of them belong to the kind of high body and appearance.

But now in front of Jiang Siming, they are only 'high'.

This already belongs to the sky-defying level.

Equivalent to the gap between the king and the diamond.

Having a body that has been genetically modified at an intermediate level is naturally not comparable to just getting exercised.

None of Jiang Siming's girlfriends were flushed and red-hearted when they touched his upper body muscles.

Especially after Jiang Siming's hair was wet, he combed all the back, forming a big back.

Not only is he not ugly like this, but he has a retro trend. The handsome guys in the 90s like to comb their hair like this.

"Peng Yuyan, forgive me for changing my heart."

"With this figure, the bodybuilding coach is more scumbag than him!"

"This is the most perfect male figure I have ever seen, no one!"

"Can I tell you I have gc?"

"Hehe, my old lady has been penning twice!"


The female viewers all rose up like wolves, and they couldn't wait to crawl over the screen and want to touch two hands.

"Dear viewers, the new song that everyone is looking forward to is coming. Get ready for the double enjoyment of your ears and eyes."

After all, Jiang Siming played the guitar in his hand, and a strong electric sound rushed over his face.

"This is a simple little love song

Singing the twists and turns of people's hearts

I think i'm happy

When there is your warmth

The air at my feet turned..."

The melody and lyrics that I have never heard before make people feel very comfortable.

The sky at four o'clock in the morning makes people feel fresh and natural, and I want to get out of the bed and embrace the world.

The lyrics of the prelude are like a monologue, the text is simple, but with a sense of art.

Just like every post-90s generation has written some poems that only oneself can understand and only oneself can understand.

"This is a simple little love song

Singing the white doves in our hearts

I think i'm fit.

Be a chanter

Youth is floating in the wind..."

Two simple little love songs in a row, as if deliberately reminding everyone that this is a love song.

But why add a "small" word, but no one knows for the time being, it may be a small fresh love song, or a small ambiguous love song, everything needs to be listened to.

But judging from the white dove and the chanter, the 'little' of this song probably refers to the former.

I want to become a chant of youth and sing the white dove buried in my heart.

This sentence is easy to understand in the eyes of people who have experienced youth. The white dove represents the dreams of youth, the dreams of each youth.

Everyone seems to understand why Jiang Siming chose to sing this song to everyone in the rain.

He is chanting, singing, the house is too small to contain the dream of youth.