The championship suit is here!

Regarding Jiang Siming's condition, after Zhao Xuan conveyed it, Sohu Online Games also held a special meeting to discuss Jiang Siming's condition.

Most people disagree. Even if a few people think it is feasible, but can't hold up everyone's opinions, the matter will be put on hold.

Sohu did not reply to Zhao Xuan. They wanted to find other singers to see if they were suitable. If there were, they would definitely not use Jiang Siming's songs.

Zhao Xuan knew that he didn't urge him at all, and the two sides seemed to be in a tug of war.

As for Jiang Siming, he didn't bother even more. He didn't ask at all, and continued his career as a treasure hunter after getting up.

However, today's game actually has a small update. Jiang Siming went online and he didn't expect that their champion team skin was released!

The Blue Hole hurriedly hurried, and in less than half a month, took out the champion skin in advance.

Jiang Siming's personal MVP skin is still being produced, but it is expected to meet in the store next month.

The skin price of this championship team is very conscientious, and the whole set is only sold for 99 yuan soft sister coins.

Compared with the cheating blue hole in my memory, a pair of shoes and a pistol skin are sold for dozens.

This is already a very affordable price.

From clothes, pants, shoes and gloves, they are all red primer and white stripes.

The clothes are the most handsome, a blood red sweater or a hat.

Clothes and pants have logos with the three letters '4am' on them.

On the back of the sweater, the cartoon heads of Jiang Siming Wei and the four of them were printed on it.

This production is already full of sincerity.

There are also two gun skins, AK plus M416, which are also in China Red style. The M416 gun body has a flowing light effect after shooting, which is very cool.

As soon as this set of skins came out, they were widely loved by players from all over the world, and they were very popular for a while.

Chinese players almost always have one in five players.

The more popular they are, the happier 4am will be, because they have a share of 7%.

This ratio is already very high. After selling one million sets, they can get a share of 7 million soft sister coins.

Two million sets is 14 million.

Today, the sales record of Blue Hole has exceeded 1.5 million, of which 1.2 million are from China.

It is expected that this week will probably exceed the three million mark.

When the time comes and is divided with the club, Jiang Siming can also get a commission of more than five million.

And the key point is that Jiang Siming's personal skin has not been sold yet, it belongs to him and does not need to be divided with the club.

Think about Wei Shen and they are all greedy, but don't know how Jiang Siming's skin will sell, whether it will sell better than their team's skin.

As a member of the team, Jiang Siming bought the skin of this team decisively.

He has never spent money in PUBG, except to buy this game.

Now let's take a look at Krypton Gold 99, Jiang Daquan said, it hurts~

Not only did he spend money to buy skins, but Jiang Siming also drew 10,000 sets from his barrage and gave them to friends.

Ten thousand sets, this figure is too scary, it is a full one million yuan.

The audience was shocked by Jiang Siming's anger. PDD only draws 1,000 sets of IG champion skins, a set of 400, which is only four to five million.

At that time, he was so painful that he wanted to seek reimbursement from Principal Wang, but it was a pity that the principal didn't kill him.

In fact, many anchors engage in lottery draws, some of which are shady, left to their own pockets, and some are profitable from the platform.

For example, for how much you draw, the platform will quote you 78%, because the anchor's brokerage company has signed a contract with the platform and paid money, just to make you popular.

The rest is to spend money on their own, and anchors are generally very picky when it comes to spending money on their own.

The money will only be a few hundred, and thousands are very few. Most of them will only smoke endorsement products, keyboards, mice, or sweaters.

During the Douyu Fan Festival, they were quite diligent in rewarding themselves with hundreds of thousands or even tens of millions.

Giving it to others is beginning to stingy.

Jiang Siming is different. He stings at himself, and he is not willing to buy a skin.

But now it's 10,000 sets to send out fans, what else can they say besides moving his fans.

However, Jiang Siming didn't plan to go to a lottery to give away one by one, so he could only ask Superman to work for him.

The supervisors in the 99999 live broadcast room have never done anything, nor have they exercised their supervisory rights once.

But for the first time, he received Jiang Siming's task to draw a lottery for the water friends.

They had no obligation to do this kind of thing, but it was Jiang Siming who spoke.

The worst thing was that Jiang Siming didn't tell them, he told Sun Youcai directly, and Sun Youcai gave the order.

Alas, it's easy to be a Myojin super tube, but there is no sense of existence~

The lottery will be handed over to Superman, and Jiang Siming will start the normal game live broadcast.

Today there are no double rows and four rows. It belongs to the single row mode. The lonely killing, the **** road, opens.

A cool champion costume appeared in the game hall, Jiang Siming wanted to show off.

After all, it is the first time to buy skin, this kind of spontaneous superiority is very strong, you must show off!

You have to go to the center of the square to stand, let everyone know that he is the hottest cub in the square!

But Jiang Siming was dumbfounded when he raised his head, uncle!

Looking around, it's all champion clothes!

There were more than fifty people in the square, and a dozen of them were wearing championship uniforms.

Zhuangshan also hit too badly!

"Ahle, this is the first time I have bought skins. It won't work for me to experience the thrill of the krypton gold boss." Jiang Siming protested 'injustice'.

The audience laughed.

"I told you not to buy skins. It's too late now."

"I played for a day today. It was all championship uniforms. It was even more terrifying than the Red Army."

"My Myojin never buys skins. I finally bought it once today. You can't respect it and wear it later!"

"Myojin, in order to cooperate with you, I temporarily subdued the champion, and I can't control other people."

"Myojin is so frugal to himself, I see other anchors who are full of skin."


The audience is saying that Jiang Siming can't see it for the time being. He only knows that he is so heartbroken. This is his first skin, and he still has so many people.

Who said that spending money on Krypton must have a sense of superiority, persuade me!

I, Jiang Siming, swear, never buy skin again!

But this skin is really good-looking, this sweater is put on the head, it feels like a scarlet killer.

Jiang Siming praised the skin while swearing.