Even passerby dared to shock!

"Guys, take a look at this person who discriminates against beggars. That's right, it is our Betta fish who is a dignified soul. I don't need to talk about the course of the matter. It is our Betta fish who looks down on beggars and scolds others. Home is a villain, tusk, is this your big idol?"

Qian Xiaojia frantically complained to the friends in the live broadcast room, and specially modified the name of the live broadcast to [Occasionally Encountering Myoko, which is a shocking scene! ]

With this 'UC school' headline style, the audience who saw it couldn't help but click to check it out.

After seeing it, the audience was shocked, and they ran out to call other people in the live room to come and see.

Such a pass ten after ten pass a hundred, at this time it is the afternoon, the platform peak.

It's also a big matter, it's about the reputation of the new Douyu brother, everyone wants to understand.

Soon, the number of people online in Qian Xiaojia's live broadcast room surpassed more than 5 million, and it was still increasing rapidly.

More water friends fans from the Myoshin live room ran in and found that they were really their idols.

Looking at the crying beggars on the ground, everyone believed Qian Xiaojia's words in their hearts.

"Why is Myojin such a person? What happened to the beggar?"

"How can you wear tinted glasses, that's too much."

"Although I am a fan of Myojin, I still think it's over."

"Don't make mistakes, okay? That must be the way things happened?"

"Yes, I believe in Myojin! Read on!"

"Look at a fart, is this not clear enough?"


There are people who sing badly and badly, and there are more people who sing badly.

At this time, Jiang Siming is facing a major test of credibility in his life. If it is confirmed by the audience today and posted on the Internet, it will be a great blow to his fame and reputation.

The Douyu executives just learned about it, and immediately notified Zhao Xuan and Sun Youcai.

"Mr. Zhao, do you want to forcibly shut down Qian Xiaojia's live broadcast room immediately? This will have a great impact on Mingshen's reputation." Sun Youcai asked anxiously.

Zhao Xuan's eyebrows were filled with dissatisfaction with Qian Xiaojia, and she could not be angry if she dared to arrange her man.

But calmly, she still chose to shake her head.

"Turning off the broadcast now means that you don't call yourself and believe that Myojin is such a person. What are you using to block Yoyo's mouth?"

"But if this is not the case, the consequences will be more serious." Sun Youcai was helpless.

Zhao Xuan sneered and said: "I don't believe that he is such a person. Things are definitely going to turn around. Keep an eye on Qian Xiaojia. If you want to report, you should give me a word-for-word report. Don't want to take it out of context. To confuse the truth, it is not allowed to shut down without my permission!"

Zhao Xuan's trust in Jiang Siming has surpassed a thousand words and even more so-called gossip.

Even if Jiang Siming was really such a person, she did not hesitate to support her man, trying to whiten him.

Zhao Xuan's favorability for Jiang Siming has risen to 95 points, this kind of favorability of life and death.

Even if Jiang Siming killed the beggar or did all bad things now, she would not waver.

Qian Xiaojia, who was live broadcast, was even more excited when he heard the order from Sun Youcai, and promised Sun Youcai to complete the task.

After speaking, he leaned forward, the phone was closer to the scene, and Jiang Siming and the beggar's voice could be heard clearly.

At this time, Jiang Siming had no idea that his every move had been broadcast live on the platform.

In the face of the beggar's sloppy rolling, not only did he not change his attitude, but 'intensified' to Yin Zhi judo:

"I can't see it yet. He just wants to use this method to win everyone's sympathy and put us at a moral low point. So what he says is right now, and these ignorant people will only believe in the so-called personal eyes. The'facts' seen."

Jiang Siming not only talked about beggars, but also ridiculed passers-by.

"How do you talk about you!"

"There is still a face to say that we are stupid? What a joke!"

"Do you not know your own virtues?"

"After the humiliation, the beggar wants to humiliate us and dream!"

"It looks like a dog, but it's a pity that the gold and the jade are defeated!"



Everyone was angry.

Yes, Jiang Siming really feels that there are too many such fools in society. Whatever you see is what you see, and wherever the wind blows, they fall.

For example, in the previous pregnancy incident, everyone immediately stood in the perspective of the pregnant woman and criticized the Internet celebrity, and all kinds of swear words were dumped.

However, it was later verified that the pregnant woman was not a good thing, but her pot was bigger.

If this matter still feels nothing, then talk about another eternal grudge.

My dad is Li Gang, do you all know this sentence?

What happened was that a second-generation official drove into a passerby, and the crowd stopped his car. The second-generation official shouted: My father is Li Gang!

This sentence has become the dark history of the second generation of officials, and has become a buzzword for everyone to mock the second generation.

But does anyone know that the facts are not reported by the media at all.

The real scene is that the second generation official actually said this sentence, "My dad is Li Gang."

But he still has something to do!

His original words at the time were: My dad is Li Gang, don't be afraid, I can't run away.

Yes, this second generation official who you think is particularly bad, his original words at the time were this.

Shocked? Do you think the three views are reversed?

It is this kind of bad media that is taken out of context and deliberately set up such a trap in order to get people's attention.

Unknown people jumped inside without hesitation.

As soon as the incident came out, the masses had finished venting, but the family of the second generation of officials was miserable.

Just accidentally bumped into a person, but was burdened with overwhelming abuse and public opinion.

Because of this, his dad's black hat was also inexplicably dropped, and the family fell into hell.

But at the time when public opinion was overwhelming, you wanted to argue and theory, but everyone didn't believe it.

So Jiang Siming dislikes these people and even the media that spread such fake news.

Now he is very disgusted with this beggar, this beggar is the bad 'media'.

Although Yin Zhirou didn't know why Jiang Siming was'like this', but seeing his eyes, she couldn't help but be willing to believe her, to believe the truth.

Facing the criticism from passers-by, Yin Zhirou did the bravest thing in her life. She took the initiative to hold Jiang Siming's hand and chose to stand with him.

This scene aroused the audience's rebellious psychology, and the curse became even louder.

But Yin Zhirou clenched her silver teeth, still standing firmly on Jiang Siming's side, never moving a step.

Jiang Siming was moved when he saw this, and patted Yin Zhirou's Yin Yi lightly, and said, "I will pay the injustice back for you."

"Well, I believe you, Teacher Jiang." Yin Zhirou blushed a little when she said this.

Jiang Siming didn't notice, his focus was still among the beggar and the surrounding passersby.

The crowd gathered more and more. It may be that a certain 'enthusiastic' person did not look down on Jiang Siming's 'crime' and chose to call the police.
