Live in my house!

"By the way, take this pill." Jiang Siming handed a small red pill to Yin Zhirou.

"What is this? Candy?"

"Yes, you will pass out after eating the handsome sweets, and then this Shu will give you'eat'." Jiang Siming said jokingly.

Yin Zhirou covered her mouth and smiled, but she didn't hesitate to put the'candy' into her mouth.

"Well, it smells good, what brand of candy is this?"

After speaking, Yin Zhirou really fainted and fell into Jiang Siming's arms.

"I'm going, how can I get dizzy?" Jiang Siming immediately checked Yin Zhirou's physical condition and found that there was nothing wrong.

It seems that this medicine is too powerful, Yin Zhirou's body is already weak, and it is normal to be fainted.

Seeing Yin Zhirou who fell into a drowsy state in his arms, Jiang Siming's index finger moved violently, and he wanted to 'rectify the law on the spot' to the beauty in front of him.

However, Jiang Siming disdain to do it when he is in danger, so let's wait, but there is still a lot to take advantage of.

The sleeping Yin Zhirou was very peaceful, like a sleeping princess, with slender eyes and clear eyes.

The beauty of the ages is unparalleled, and the eye is beautiful.

Jiang Siming really couldn't understand that such a good girl would just ignore it just because she didn't want to bear the medical expenses and let her fend for herself.

If he had such a daughter, he would have to treat her when selling kidneys and blood.

He believed that if he was also seriously ill, Jiang Shaoqing would treat him if he sold the house and land.

It can only be said that people are really different. Some people regard money as more important than life, and some people can completely abandon any emotion for money.

In addition to contempt and disgust, Jiang Siming can only lament that Yin Zhirou has not given birth to a good family.

Just thinking about it, Yin Zhirou's eyelashes trembled, and she slowly woke up from her lethargy.

Finding herself in Jiang Siming's arms, Yin Zhirou did not panic, she had completely let Jiang Siming do anything to herself.

"Why did I fall asleep?" Yin Zhirou asked suspiciously.

"It's all said that you ate the sweets of the handsome millet and passed out." Jiang Siming joked.

"Then... then?" Yin Zhirou blushed.

"Then...what do you think then?" Jiang Siming smirked.

Yin Zhirou was embarrassed, and the powder fist lifted up and hammered Jiang Siming's chest to show'retaliation'.

It's just that the strength of this fist is really not worth mentioning. Jiang Siming clenched her hands firmly and wiped the oil wantonly.

Yin Zhirou didn't resist either, but said with hindsight: "How do I feel that my heart feels more comfortable after I sleep, and I have never felt so comfortable before."

With that, Yin Zhirou took a long breath of air.

She doesn't dare to breathe like this normally, because the blood vessels of the heart are too small to carry so much air in.

But now she sucked a full chest full of breath, and then exhaled smoothly, nothing happened.

"Is it your candy?" Yin Zhirou thought of the reason very cleverly, except for this, it could only be the manifestation of the Bodhisattva.

"Really smart." Jiang Siming exclaimed.

"This is amazing, this pill must be very, very expensive." Yin Zhirou was moved. Even if there is such a medicine, it must be very valuable.

Jiang Siming gave her the pills so generously, and didn't ask her for half a cent, let alone take credit for it and take advantage of him.

"I have said, I am your man. I can see that you are sick and uncomfortable. Your body is now exactly like a normal person. You will never have to buy medicine for your heart anymore." Jiang Siming smiled and squeezed Yin Zhirou's cheeks.

Yin Zhirou was very moved, and had automatically ignored the question of why Jiang Siming had such a magical medicine.

And even if Jiang Siming is really a secret, as long as Jiang Siming doesn't want to say it, she won't bother.

Except for his own mother, no one would ever treat her sincerely without asking for anything, especially a man.

Her father is so unreliable, it can be seen how disappointed Yin Zhirou is with men.

But it was Jiang Siming's appearance that made her find the light that was lost.

Yin Zhirou took the initiative to throw her arms around and hugged Jiang Siming's waist, and summoned her courage to say something in Jiang Siming's ear shyly.

After that, Jiang Siming picked up Yin Zhirou and walked to the bedroom just like a chicken blood.

The bedroom is very small, a simple single bed, but at this time it needs to bear the weight of two people.

The concise bedroom still can't suppress the flames in the hearts of the couple.

Jiang Siming pressed Yin Zhirou under his body, with his forehead pressed against him, and asked with a smile, "You really want it? I'm not a single-minded person."

For Jiang Siming's confession, Yin Zhirou was not angry, but confessed emotionally.

"I don't need you to be single-minded to me. It is enough for me to be single-minded to you. It is my greatest luck that Yin Zhirou can meet you in this life."


It's always been one who teased girls, and for the first time, it was a girl who slapped her back. Who can stand this confession!

Without hesitation, Jiang Siming kissed him.

With the creaking of the single bed and a cry of pain from Yin Zhirou, the'fight' started.

From three in the afternoon until the evening.

In this 'inhuman' 'treatment', Yin Zhirou completely became a young woman.

And Jiang Siming also succeeded in cursing a hardworking 'gardener' who watered the flowers of the motherland, teacher Yin Zhirou~

After only meeting twice, I put them to sleep. Jiang Siming said, I'm really not a stallion~

When this feeling is reached, who can control it, he is not a saint, it is impossible that such a beautiful girl likes you, you have to pretend to be upright and give it to others.

I don't want it, I only have one sentence: I want it all!

After the cloud and rain, Yin Zhirou lay in Jiang Siming's arms, not wanting to move a finger.

If it hadn't been for the pill that had cured her heart, Yin Zhirou would definitely have had the disease several times, because it would test her heart too much. This feeling was unprecedented.

No wonder the men and women in those novels are very happy. Yin Zhirou has finally experienced firsthand what is the peak of happiness./Peak...

"Find some time and move, I don't worry about you living in this kind of place." Jiang Siming leaned against the bedside and said with a cigarette in his mouth.

You have to pay attention to this kind of thing, and a cigarette after the event is like a living god.

It's strange that Yin Zhirou used to hate the smell of cigarettes, but now she allows Jiang Siming to smoke. Instead, watching Jiang Siming smoke, her eyes are full of admiration and caution.

Yin Zhirou didn't dare not listen to Jiang Siming's words, and obediently agreed.

"Why don't you live in my house?" Jiang Siming thought suddenly.

I just don't know if Wang Xinyi will mind, but Wang Xinyi's favorability for him is almost reaching 100. If you want to, you should try to ask.
