Men's hapiness

After a long while, everyone finally returned to the topic, forgetting Lin Yoona's news for now.

I can't forget, they get angina when I think about it. Let's forget about it, watch the live broadcast, learn technology, and play games to find happiness.

The four of them searched a small town and rushed to the safe area. The city had no cars and could only drive on foot.

Jiang Siming took the lead, and the three younger brothers followed closely.

The scores of the three water friends are all uneven, the highest is only in the early 2000s, so this is not a fish pond bureau for Jiang Siming, it should be called a fish fry bureau.

Yes, for Jiang Siming, two thousand points is the fish fry game, that kind of game experience without any pressure.

For other players, 2000 points is already a high segment.

Many technical anchors played heartily in the two thousand games, but for Jiang Siming, this was just a unilateral massacre and crushing of the game.

Just on the way to the march, I encountered a full platoon of driving, and this team was very brave and got out of the car and took the initiative to shoot.

But in less than half a minute, Jiang Siming sent them one by one a 'putting sugar gourd' to kill them all.

After the killing, Jiang Siming said something that made the audience feel at a loss.

"How weak these people are like rookies with two to three thousand points."

As soon as this was said, the audience didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Two to three thousand rookies...Listen to you guys, is this human?"

"Myojin, do you have Brother Li possessed? The dishes are like masters of Hanbok (laughs and cry)."

"Sure enough, the first person in the two different games has something in common."

"I'm only 1800 points, what am I in Myojin's eyes..."

"It's a rookie hair, maybe it's just bird feces."

"It took me two years to get to 3000 points. Every time I take a girl, this is my arrogant capital. I didn't expect it to be so sad (crying)."


Seeing the audience so sad and sad, Jiang Siming quickly comforted: "It's okay, it's still a bit of a problem for two to three thousand points, at least it's not in my hands for half a minute."

The audience looked resentful: "I believe you a ghost!"

"The number of enemies killed is +1, the junior butcher bounty: 5 yuan."

"The number of enemies killed +4, the butcher bounty: 40 yuan."

Seeing this bounty, Jiang Siming knew that he must be a low-mouthed person and he was 'cursed' by the audience.

Alas, I blame my mouth for always doing so honestly.

The low score is now not only low for Jiang Siming, but also low fragmentation rate.

Killed more than a dozen people all the way, but a piece of debris did not burst out. In the end, the reward was only more than two thousand yuan.

Even when he encountered a super airdrop, Jiang Siming would not be brushed out.

At the back, Jiang Siming was already desperate, and he was simply playing with it, regardless of the debris.

"It's the finals, so let's come to Bo Sao, okay?" Jiang Siming let go of himself and began to play with Sao.

"What operation?"

"I want to eat chicken Myojin~"

"Come on, let's do what Myojin said."

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "We are standing on the top of the mountain now. The four of us stood in a row and danced on the top of the mountain. Whoever was knocked down first shouted three times that I am a pig."

This game is great!

The audience is very supportive. It seems that Mingshen abuses the Fry Bureau as usual, and of course I want to see something different.

The three water friends would naturally not refuse, so the four stood on the top of the mountain and began to dance frantically, even taking off their helmets.

If this is changed to play by the water friends, they will never play like this. After all, they are all in the finals and there is a good chance to eat chicken.

No one would be willing to have such a precious opportunity to eat chicken.

But Jiang Siming completely ignored this kind of chicken. For him, this kind of chicken is just a young chicken, with too little meat, and it tastes no taste at all.

Only the kind of "fat chicken" with fat and strong body, eats too vigorously.

The four of them just stood on the top of the mountain and started a graceful dance.

Sure enough, this arrogance did not end well, and Jiang Siming suddenly died when he heard the sound of M24!


Seeing Jiang Siming fell to the ground, not only was everyone not afraid, they laughed presumptuously.

Even Jiang Siming himself laughed like a second fool.

This may be the happiness of men.

"I am a pig, I am a pig, I am a pig!"

Jiang Siming didn't fall back on the bill, and yelled three times happily.

The effect of the program is immediately there, and Jiang Siming's live broadcast room has changed from a technical live broadcast to a rare happy moment.

And then Jiang Siming changed each of them to different water friends, and each one would take them to play like this.

After one night, although he didn't receive any fragments and bounty, Jiang Si clearly had a great time playing.

Occasionally putting aside the bounty and fragments, playing with this kind of show operation is actually very cool.

Jiang Siming feels that he will play with Tuantuan and Dadao in the future. This kind of bullets standing under everyone's guns, waiting for the bullets to fly from unknown directions, executes himself, expectation and tension coexist, whoever plays is happy.

However, Jiang Siming still didn't forget about Lin Yun'er. It was eleven o'clock when Jiang Siming played it, and he ended today's trip to the car with friends.

After the broadcast, Jiang Siming walked out of the study and found that the two women in the family had already fallen asleep.

The two women were still sleeping in the same bedroom, and they locked the door and left a note for Jiang Siming.

"You bad guy don't even think about it. Teacher Yin was bullied by you today. Truce! Going to sleep~"

Jiang Siming looked at the note with a smile on his lips. It doesn't matter if you don't bully today. One day you will have to bully you two at once, hehe.

The two wives went to bed, and Jiang Siming had time to call Lin Yuner.

It doesn't matter the dozen, it's turned off.

What about shrimp?

Jiang Siming is quite worried. This girl usually doesn't turn off her private phone, and she doesn't tell her when she turns it off, which is even more strange.

Just as he was thinking of finding another way to contact her, Xiaoxian in his pocket suddenly gave Jiang Siming a warning.

"Master, the community security is calling~"

Why would the community security call himself so late?

Jiang Siming picked up the phone to connect.

"Hello Mr. Jiang, I am sorry to disturb you. A lady said it was your friend, and she spoke a bit of slurred Chinese, not like a Chinese accent. I want to check with you if I can let her in?"

Sulky Chinese? Not like a Chinese accent?

Jiang Siming thought of something, and immediately said to the community security: "Let her in, no, forget me and go out, you let her wait for me at the door."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Siming hurried out and hurried to the outside of the community. From a distance, he saw a slender figure carrying a large suitcase standing at the door looking forward to it.

Although wearing a mask and hat, Jiang Siming can still recognize her at a glance.
