Go out to play

Moreover, the energy of Jiang Siming's body turned into liquid is enough to support Jiang Siming to complete all the previous actions without any depletion.

Jiang Siming almost didn't feel excited about jumping out of this building, but after thinking about it, his hotel is more than fifty meters high, so forget it...

He might be gone after jumping off the top floor.

Jiang Siming is now a master of comprehension hidden in the city, just like those masters of comprehension wrote in novels such as the city, a hidden boss!

After taking that detox pill, Lin Yuner was surprisingly not too sleepy. She was a little tired, but she was still in good spirits.

"Husband, I can't sleep~" Lie on Jiang Siming, with his head in Jiang Siming's ear, biting his ear lazily.

"Can you continue?"

Jiang Siming thought he could fight again, and when he was about to start, he heard Lin Yuner begging for mercy.

"I'm just a little awake, husband, can you take me out to go shopping?" Lin Yuner begged.

"Will you go out so late?" Jiang Siming didn't want to move, how comfortable lying in bed.

"Why go, husband, my favorite husband~" Lin Yuner also gave Jiang Siming a few kisses and bribes on his face.

"I'll promise you if you go here." Jiang Siming pointed to a place, taking advantage of the fire to rob.

Lin Yun'er's blushing cheeks and her eyes were as watery as Jiang Siming's eyes, but the honest body moved from Jiang Siming's upper body.

It was already two o'clock in the morning when Jiang Siming, who was all comfortable, accompanied Lin Yuner out.

Many places in Shanghai at two o'clock are still brightly lit, and there are many places in Shanghai that tourists seem to go to.

What is the Oriental Pearl Tower, City God Temple, Bund, etc.

Although these places are indeed Shanghai's symbols and attractions, there are many people and various arbitrary charges, especially the Chenghuang Temple, which was opened to slaughter foreigners and foreign tourists.

Jiang Siming went there once, but was scared by the price inside and ran away quickly, and never went back.

He has lived in Shanghai for a few years, and later he also knows some interesting and interesting places that old Shanghai people know.

The two were already full at the hotel, so they didn't rush to eat at all.

Jiang Siming took Lin Yuner to the disco racing stadium at 809 Zaoyang Road, which is the first largest and most professional formula indoor racing stadium in Asia.

Jiang Siming used to come here to play when he was bored and bored, and he would feel better after a lap, even though his skills at the time were rather harsh.

Because of the frequent visits, the owner of the racing hall knew Jiang Siming.

"Xiao Ming, let's play twice again, why is it so late today." The boss greeted Jiang Siming enthusiastically.

Jiang Siming is a very good person, and he never asks his boss for anything. Every time he plays two laps, he immediately hand over the car to others. Sometimes when he is busy, he helps the boss to collect the car or teaches beginners how to operate the car.

So the boss likes Jiang Siming very much, and sometimes no one in the store even lets Jiang Siming open for free.

"Uncle Ren, stay up all night so late, isn't Xiaoqing usually on duty at night?" Jiang Siming walked over with a smile.

The boss smiled bitterly: "Xiaoqing is a girl after all. What is it like staying up late every day? I asked her to go back to work. Recently, I have been hiring people. I have already hired a few people, but there are still not enough staff, and many of them don't know how to play with them. I can only carry the car first."

"I haven't been here for so long. I thought you left Shanghai. What? How are you doing recently? I think you look better than before."

Jiang Siming replied with a smile: "Tok the auspicious words of Uncle Ren in the past, now it's fine."

The boss noticed the little tail that Jiang Siming had been following, and said in surprise: "Your kid seems to be proud of the spring breeze, and finally found a girlfriend? Looks very good, why wear a mask."

"Oh, she has a cold."

Jiang Siming didn't dare to let Lin Yun'er remove the mask. There were still a lot of guests in this car park. If they were discovered, there would be an earthquake in advance.

"Well, let's go play, your car is no one, car number 11." the boss said.

"I didn't expect Uncle Ren to remember my car number. It was so unexpected. I came in a hurry this time and only brought a pack of this cigarette. Don't dislike Uncle Ren, knowing that your shop is full of elegance, and a little bit of heart." Jiang Siming will The best blue and white porcelain that had been prepared was passed to the other party.

The boss took a look, his eyes were a little surprised, and he said, "You kid seems to be really rich. I have never smoked such a good cigarette. I have to kill me. Go and play. I won't charge you today. Now, just open it, hahaha."

Jiang Siming responded and took Lin Yuner's hand to the Formula 11 car.

"Have you driven this?" Jiang Siming asked.

Lin Yuner shook her head with an expression of eagerness.

"Come on, I'll sit next to you." The car has a double seat that can accommodate two people, but the speed will be slower.

"Then husband Ouba, you must teach me well..." Lin Yuner was still a little scared.

Jiang Siming made her feel relieved and took her into the car.

"This car is very simple. The brakes are red and the accelerator is green. You don't need to change gears. If you want to move forward, press the accelerator to the end. If you want to brake, release the accelerator and press the brakes. It's the same as usual driving."

Jiang Siming taught a few words, and Lin Yuner also understood after listening.

After preparing for a while, the two officially started.

Lin Yuner stepped on the accelerator carefully, the car's engine suddenly banged, the body trembled slightly, and began to rush forward.

After getting on the track smoothly, Lin Yoona began to speed up slowly. When the speed came together, the two felt the oncoming wind and their mood became better.

"Ah~~Oba, I'm so happy~" Lin Yooner was happily like a little Corgi. If it weren't for driving, she could jump up happily.

"Pay attention to the direction, you will hit it soon." Jiang Siming smiled and guided.

After taking her to play for a few laps, Lin Yun'er was in a state of excitement after she came down, chatting beside Jiang Siming's ear.

After a while, I asked myself how I drove, another time I asked how the car was elegant, and another time I asked when I would come to play again.

It may be that these years have been too hard, and Lin Yoona, who is busy with work every day, has no time to play this kind of game.

After playing with it, her heart felt ten years younger.

"Are you still playing?" Jiang Siming wiped off the fine sweat from his forehead because of too much play.

"Don't play, it's nice for my husband to have you~" Lin Yuner took Jiang Siming's arm and smiled happily.

"Then take you to play a very interesting game."

Jiang Siming knows that Lin Yuner rarely comes out to play, so this time he is free, he intends to let her have more fun.

"what game?"

"Follow me." Jiang Siming greeted Uncle Ren and went to the second floor of the racing hall.

The second floor is also a place to play, but it is not a racing hall, but other entertainment facilities.
