Bomb Jiang Siming

The three of them immediately raised their guns and wanted to shoot. Just after they hit a shot, the thunder in Jiang Siming's hand exploded.

The two closest SJ players were blown down on the spot, and they were alone at Jiang Siming's feet.

He was watching Jiang Siming come by pinching Lei, his eyes were horrified and desperate, and he desperately wanted to climb aside.

But to no avail, he was also bombed, and he was knocked down, and then bombed again, it was cold.

"The player [4am_ming] used a grenade to knock down the player [SJ_KK]"

"The player [4am_ming] used a grenade to knock down the player [SJ_123]"

"The player [4am_ming] used a grenade to kill the player [SJ_gucun]"

"The player [4am_ming] used a grenade to kill the player [4am_ming]"

Four messages popped up, and SJ watched Jiang Siming make up for the lonely deposit, and also blew up two of their team members.

The most annoying thing is that Jiang Siming is self-thunder! His head is not counted in their scores, but Jiang Siming scored a point.

Four hits one, occupying an absolute advantage, but not taking advantage of anything, and being shown off by a human bomb.

gas! So angry!

The lungs of the four SJs were about to explode, especially when they were left alone, they almost never smashed the computer.

I just vowed to humiliate Jiang Siming, and he was clearly winning, but Jiang Siming was still shown.

But the facts are right in front of them. Fortunately, Jiang Siming didn't blow up all three of them, otherwise SJ would be destroyed by Jiang Siming.

At that time, the last surviving team member was a little far away, and Jiang Siming's grenade could not be affected, otherwise he would change four and it would be a blood gain.

But now it hasn't lost much. Counting the two heads of Wei Shen and Xingmu, they only lost one head at 4am.

And this kind of morale blow was much faster than their yin people, Wei Shen and Xingmu both jumped from their chairs with excitement.

"Hahaha, cowhide cowhide! Lao Jiang's wave is too depressing!"

"Forcing the orphan to be killed, their team's strength is greatly reduced, don't want to eat chicken, hahaha."

Jiang Siming was also very comfortable, and the sullenness disappeared at once. Sure enough, killing an orphan is happy.

So in the next game, Jiang Siming decided to give the orphan a big gift!

His [Game Program Tamper] CD passed a few days earlier, and it has been useless, so I understand.

The group was killed early at 4am, but they had a full 22 points, plus the eighth place in the ranking, with two points for a total of 24 points.

Even if this score is not the first, it should be in the top three.

So this wave of group annihilation does not have a big impact on 4am, and the score details are there.

But SJ is miserable. The strongest person in the team is left alone, and the other members are very average.

Left alone, the three members of SJ died at the hands of another team before they survived the sixth lap.

Their scores were also counted. Seventh place, they killed two teams, Gave God and Blink, for a total of 13 points.

This score is not low but definitely not high. It can only be regarded as a medium level. There is still a long way to climb before 4am.

After knowing this message, the audience all celebrated with joy, as if they were happier than eating chicken at 4am.

The early elimination of 4am also made the other teams breathe a sigh of relief.

In the end, the powerful 17 team won the first place with a score of 33 points, and 17 killed a lot of people.

OMG came in second with a score of 27, and the third place was 4am.

The SJ team scored 13 points and ranked ninth. There is nothing to scream at all. Not only is it not screaming, but the coach also scolded them.

If it were not for blocking a Jiang Siming, their scores would definitely be higher.

Today's group stage is over. Because there are so many teams, it is not only Jiang Siming's team participating in this round.

There is also a group that will start to play, the AB groups, and the top eight respectively, to enter the finals of the PCL Spring Split.

Today's 4am game is over, and the second round will not start the day after tomorrow.

The event is very slow, but this is also the appetite of the spectators who want to catch the blue hole more. If it ends too soon, everyone will feel nothing.

Just like the current LOL events, spring games, summer games, MSI, intercontinental games, S games, All-Stars and so on.

There are a lot of events, each event will be played for one or two months, and then the next event will be played. In this way, almost there will be games to watch after the year.

The audience is also very happy, because this way they can always see their favorite team instead of playing for a few days.

Jiang Siming and Wei Shen were talking and laughing and put away their peripheral keyboard and mouse, planning to find a place to have dinner.

"Myojin Awei, have you eaten, let's get together, I'll treat you." 17shou came to ask.

"How are you so polite?" Wei Shen smiled.

"I'm here specifically to invite Myojin, by the way, take the three of you, don't get me wrong." 17shou said jokingly.

Wei Shen and Duoyu are not angry either. In fact, 4am has always had a good relationship with Team 17.

"Your team helped us a lot in the previous FGS games. I have always wanted to find a chance to thank you. This time it is better to meet by chance, right?" 17shou said kindly to Jiang Siming.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Siming readily agreed.

The two teams walked together, planning to leave the venue for dinner.

Just passing by SJ's site, Jiang Siming's eyes lit up, and he suddenly asked Wei Shen loudly: "Awei, I ask you, I won someone's red Ferrari for you to sell, why did you only sell one? More than one million dollars, are you filling your pockets?"

Wei Shen was taken aback at first, but when he saw Jiang Siming's eyes, he instantly understood.

"Eh! You said this, I didn't have it, this broken car is worth more than one million yuan, and they won't pay the extra penny. I don't think anyone else wants it, so it should be sold. Sell ​​the scrap iron to others." Wei Shen said innocently.

"Forget it, it's less than one million, but it's free after all. You can get it for free today, Ah Beast, and I can get it for the game the day after tomorrow. Don't worry, I just picked up this money for nothing."

"No problem, then we will come to the game with an empty stomach the day after tomorrow. I heard that you met a team of Lao Yinbi today. It's a pity. We treat you to eat more tonight."

17shou is not afraid to offend SJ at all. He never likes to be alone in this kind of person. What can I do if I offend?


Eight people laughed.

"Damn..." Only Lonely clenched his gums and squeezed his fists, wishing to punch each of them in the past.

But think about his small body, he can't beat anyone in it, so forget it, don't use force.

Wait for the second game the day after tomorrow, and then he will clean up the two teams!

"Wait for me, next game, I want you to cry miserably!" Lonely swears.

Well, I swear again, God is probably used to him farting.
