First in half an hour!

Although it is impossible for Sister Xue to leave her face down to watch Jiang Siming's live broadcast room, her own live broadcast room has a ranking.

She can see how Jiang Siming's results are by looking at the rankings.

After half an hour, Sister Xue glanced at the leaderboard silently, and there was no Jiang Siming in the top 20.

Sister Xue snickered in her heart, she seemed to be stable, and Jiang Siming was nothing more than that. It has been half an hour, and she hasn't even made the first twenty.

But she found that she seemed to be stuck. A little bit of other interface, sure enough, really stuck.

She hurriedly clicked to refresh, the page was updated again, and the rankings finally revealed their true colors.

She looked again, dumbfounded.

NO.1, [Ming] Potential value: 75170048 points.


Sister Xue's eyes widened, her expression as if she saw Sadako, she was terrified.

what is this? How much is this? Thousands of thousands...tens of millions!

Ten million potential value, that is, Jiang Siming received more than 7 million gifts.

It was only half an hour.

Is this data that humans can reach?

Moreover, this potential value is still rising rapidly, and the momentum is quite strong, as if it doesn't stop at all.

Jiang Siming's potential value data is just like a juggling, it will jump in a few seconds, which is very scary.

Sister Xue couldn't help it anymore, she thought it must be some big local tyrant who made the shot in advance! Maybe it was Principal Wang who came to join him.

Clicking in and taking a look, Sister Xue didn't see the gift from the whole sky.

In Ming's live broadcast room, gifts are indeed flying all over the sky, but they are not given by one person or several people.

But from the countless fans with different IDs in the live broadcast room, the most are not rockets or spaceships, but light sticks and free gifts given by fans one after another.

These gifts are given for free, and the added potential value is very small, but because the number is extremely large, their combined potential value occupies nearly one-third of the more than seven million potential values!

Most of the others are just applying for cards, followed by airplanes and rockets. Super rockets and spaceships are not too many, even less than her live broadcast room.

This is definitely not a company or a local tyrant who is brushing gifts, it is entirely the care of the fans.

But these little gifts have sent Jiang Siming's live broadcast room potential value of 70 million!

Sister Xue only felt that her scalp was numb. She was originally proud that she must be the number one, but the actual blow made her understand what is true.

Only then did she understand the concept of two million fan cards.

These fans don't usually get together to make gifts, so there is no general data on the gifts Jiang Siming received, and other anchors don't know.

But today is Fan's Day, fans will naturally come to support the anchor collectively.

These two million fan cards represent more than two million users who have given Jiang Siming at least one card before.

In addition to other users who have never given gifts before, who are willing to pay for Jiang Siming this time, the combination of these forces completely frightens the other anchors.

"Slid off, can't afford to offend."

Sister Xue immediately withdrew from Jiang Siming's live broadcast room in shame, and said with emotion: "This is the fiercest anchor I have ever seen on the Fan Festival. If it works really well, I feel that ten agencies plus one piece will not be able to get him."

Fans in the live broadcast of Sister Xue also ran back in despair.

"In the past half an hour, I suffered more than my failure in the college entrance examination."

"How can this be compared? It's already 80 million, and it's up 10 million now."

"Let's fight for second place quietly."

"Well, the second one is good."

"Yes, it's good."


Jiang Siming spent half an hour in advance to lock the first round of PUBG division first.

In fact, he is not only the number one in the division, he is also far more than the number one in other divisions.

The potential value of the PDD of the LOL partition is only more than 18 million, and the DNF partition of the Xuxu baby is more than 25 million.

Jiang Siming's 80 million yuan made them feel that the pressure has increased. I wanted to fight for the first place, but now I feel... the second is really good...

"Ya'er, this person is terrible, brothers, although I am also participating in the Fan Festival for the first year, it may be difficult for us to compete for the first place."

PDD said to the fans with a wry smile, but his fans were not discouraged.

"It's okay old prostitute, this is only the first round."

"That's right, we won the third round against him."

"Our LOL party has a lot of local tyrant fans. Don't worry, we will win!"

"Our fans brush a little bit, and you can make up a little bit by yourself, the first one!"

"Relax, with us, you must be the first whoring teacher!"


Seeing the comfort of the fans, PDD regained confidence.

"Okay, with your words, I also sacrificed my life to accompany the gentleman. In the third round, I took out all the gift income I received this year, just for this fan festival to be the first!"

PDD has always been heroic, and he is very good at spending money.

Otherwise, he would not have lost nearly 10 million on the day of the broadcast and rushed to the full level.

The same goes for Baby Xu Xu. Fans said that the real battle has not yet arrived, so he can relax.

Fan's Day is said to be a battle between anchors, rather than a battle between major divisions and fans.

This kind of chaos in which the anchor and the fans participate together can also easily mobilize the fans' desire for consumption.

After the bombing of gifts that lasted more than two hours, Jiang Siming's live broadcast room finally disappeared.

The gift tempo has slowed down a lot. The large group of gifts has already been brushed. Although it is still increasing rapidly, it has already reached a peak, and it will not increase much.

NO.1, [Ming]The potential value is 110 million.

Fans gave out more than ten million gifts.

It looks exaggerated, but it's normal.

Excluding the increased potential value of free gifts, even if it is only 20 million.

There are only 90 million gift potentials left, which is a gift of 9 million yuan.

There are more than two million fans in the fan group. Even if only half of the two million people pay for gifts, each person gives a card for 6 yuan, which is 6 million.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of other gifts that have not been brushed, and they can be given away at will. Three million is still brushed out.

Besides, a single airplane rocket can hold dozens of cards. This data is not too exaggerated.

The first in the first round of the division is not running.

Jiang Siming was surprised by the enthusiasm of the fans at first, and it took a long time to barely adapt.

"Thank you for the gifts. There are too many gifts. I won't thank you one by one. At the end of today, let's sing a new song for everyone. This is the only thank you I want to bring to you." Jiang Siming said seriously.

In fact, when he started to be an anchor, he really didn't think that he would be like this. At most, he only wanted to be a first-line anchor. Every day, tens of thousands of people watch him very satisfied.

Unexpectedly, the results of this job far exceeded his expectations. This is also the most accomplished job he has done over the years.
