"Mask" and "The Queen of Heaven"

Many viewers did not understand the lyrics, but just listened to the song and became a fan of the song.

Just like many people who don't know anything about English, they love a certain English song when they hear it, but they don't understand a word of the lyrics.

So music knows no borders.

Good songs, no matter which language or country they are from, everyone still likes them.

And the best part of this song, only seconds come...

A slightly agitated voice suddenly "exploded" beside each audience's ear, and even the accompaniment became ablaze.

"If you wear a mask to hide your tired face

Facing the gunfire and still look relaxed

Don't be emotional, just lift weights lightly

To relieve all the pressure and seem to be missing..."

This sudden chorus ignited the flames in everyone's hearts instantly, an excited urge to clenched fists, an urge to sing loudly.

Even viewers who don't understand the lyrics can hear the song as if it is very inspirational and want to encourage everyone to do something.

This kind of commonality from the soul afflicts the 'dark side' of people's hearts, 'baking' them so that they are burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

Outside the study, there are three little tails sneaking in, hiding in a corner that Jiang Siming can't see, listening to the live version of the live version, all enjoying themselves.

"I didn't expect Oppa to sing so well~~~"

Lin Yuner looked at Jiang Siming beside the piano with idiots excited, and felt the charm of the other side of this oriental man, his excellence far exceeded her imagination.

Although she can't understand the Chinese lyrics, Lin Yoona thinks this song is a hundred times better than the Korean song sung by the disease-free women in her country!

She thinks that if the lyrics of this song are taken out and written in Korean, it will definitely become popular in Korea!

And Jiang Siming, who plays the piano, is so handsome~ Lin Yuner can't wait to run over to give Jiang Siming a kiss, and become his little fan.

It was also the first time Yin Zhirou heard Jiang Siming sing. She reacted. She heard several songs on the Internet a while ago, all named Jiang Siming, and they heard that they were written by a game anchor.

She also thought that the talent of this anchor was awesome, even better than those professional singers.

Now she knows that this person... is her man!

"Xinyi, why didn't you tell me earlier." Yin Zhirou whispered to Wang Xinyi in a'complaining' voice.

Wang Xinyi smiled and said, "I didn't want to give you a surprise. Look, are you particularly excited now?"

Yin Zhirou didn't have a hard mouth, but instead nodded her head very cooperatively: "I thought at first that he could only play the piano. I didn't expect that singing would be no worse than the piano. It would be a shame not to be a star."

"Haha, I also said it, but he said that he has no interest in the entertainment industry." Wang Xinyi's little head looked at Jiang Siming crookedly, her eyes full of worship and love for the man in front of him.

At this time, the rhythm of this song has reached its peak.

Jiang Siming's ten fingers strummed quickly, and veins and veins faintly appeared on his neck.

"If you put down your mask, you might blush

Riding the night breeze to pursue the happy starry sky

Except for the false tolerance, I really can't figure it out

The green onion, who was young, has ideals even if it hurts..."

This lyrics really moved a large number of people in Guangdong and Hong Kong, only they can understand the feelings and inspiration in the lyrics.

This song has the flavor of a beyond song, inspirational, noble and exciting.

It wasn't until the sound of Jiang Siming's piano ended that the audience was relieved from this song.

"[Jiang Moxie] has opened the [Emperor] title in [Ming]'s live broadcast room!"

"[Jiang Moxie] The emperor rewarded [Ming] Live Room Super Rocket x50!"

[Jiang Moxie]: I am an authentic Cantonese. I am really touched when I heard this song. Thank you Myojin for this new song written by Myojin. I love it! I feel that I have regained the taste of listening to the tape before. The song at that time was like this, inspirational, passionate and beautiful!

"[Fengluoguihai] The emperor rewarded [Ming] Live room spaceship x10!"

[Fengluoguihai]: I am from Hong Kong and I also like this song very much. It can be said to be love at first sight. I haven't heard such a good Cantonese song for a long time. In recent years, Hong Kong singers have rarely produced Cantonese songs. I went to write Mandarin to expand the market. I didn't expect to hear such good new Cantonese songs here, praise, praise, praise! I will come to this live room often in the future!


There are many other rewards and barrage. For audiences who like Cantonese songs, this is a great gift for them.

It is a pity for many viewers. If Jiang Siming had just sang before 12 o'clock, it is estimated that the potential value of this meeting would have to rise by another 10 million.

However, most of the comments are from Guangdong and Hong Kong people. After all, many people don't understand the lyrics of this song, and there is no barrage for them in the live broadcast.

They just think the tune of this song is very flavorful.

Jiang Siming suddenly remembered that there is a Mandarin version of this song, and the Mandarin version is called "The Queen of Heaven". It's better to release it all at once.

"Many viewers didn't understand it, but it's okay. There is also a Mandarin version of this song, "The Queen of Heaven", for everyone!"

After Jiang Siming said, his fingers continued to fly up on the black and white keys and sang the song "The Queen of Heaven".

The accompaniment is exactly the same as "Mask", but the lyrics are different.

But "The Queen" showed you a completely different mood from "Mask", but it was also very nice, and it made everyone enjoy listening and love it thoroughly.

"Tomorrow I will record these two songs and upload them to the Internet, okay, today's live broadcast ends here, goodbye!"

After singing the two songs, Jiang Siming broadcasted them at the speed of light, and had no plans to stay and chat for a while.

The audience listened to two new songs today, and they were quite satisfied.

Everyone is waiting for the UP master to make the edited version of the song. First listen to it overnight, and then wait for Jiang Siming to release the official version tomorrow.

As soon as he got up, Jiang Siming found three beautiful girls standing in his room and looking at him with a smile.

"Hey, when did you come in?" Jiang Siming was puzzled.

I've been singing just now, and I didn't feel anyone coming in.

"It's been a long time since you sang." Wang Xinyi said with a smile.

"Oba, you sing so good, come to our girls' generation as the lead singer!"

When Jiang Siming heard that his forehead went dark, he went over and snapped her **** on the spot.

What is going to be the lead singer in Girls' Generation? Damn, this idea seems to be good. Girls' Generation are all beauties, so I went by myself...

Cough, stop, I don't want to be a girl group!

"Oh, you bullied me, I want to bite you, ahh~"

"Dare to bite me, then I will bite you too, bite your mouth!"


Wang Xinyi and Yin Zhirou looked at each other and secretly exited the study with their mouths covered.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the study changed...
