Each has its own merits

"Pick up [BMW X6 Crimson Queen Series Limited Edition] golden fragments*1 (1/2), the number of fragments is not full, it is temporarily unavailable."

BMW X6, this car is also good, and the top accessory will cost more than 1 million.

Jiang Siming really likes the shape of this car, especially the small hips and streamlined body, which Jiang Siming thinks is the most handsome in BMW's SUV series.

But the crimson is too damn, Jiang Siming doesn't plan to open it by himself, so let's give it to his girlfriend after the collection.

Accepting the lonely contribution of the BMW x6 fragments, Jiang Siming began to officially speed up the pace of the game.

Since this one knew everyone's location, he didn't plan to linger.

He had to go to Jiang Lan's birthday party after the game.

Tonight may be able to revisit Jiang Lan's youthful. Compared with Zhao Xuan, Jiang Lansheng is younger and very good at dressing up.

Jiang Siming's eyes shine every time he sees her. This girl seems to be a natural fashionista. The style of clothing and makeup makes her a lot of points in Jiang Siming's eyes.

When a woman looks good in her own right and can dress well, it is indeed terrifying to men.

Moreover, Jiang Lan's figure is the best among Jiang Siming's women, except for Zhao Xuan. Of course, Lin Yuner will outperform her if the bust is removed.

If you score from the three parts of the face, chest, and legs, the full score is 10.

Zhao Xuan is 8/10/8, Lin Yoona is 9/7/10, and Jiang Lan is 9/9/8.

Of course, this is only about appearance, and does not include aspects such as temperament.

Each has its own merits and strengths.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming couldn't help but speed up a bit.

Drive an AE86 out of the garage in Port N and leave Port N as soon as you step on the gas.

Jiang Siming crossed the bridge directly without going to the airport because there was no one at the airport.

In fact, after Jiang Siming landed at the airport, this one did not have a team to jump there again, for fear of meeting 4am again.

Who knows that this 4am jump is for school, and Jiang Siming only jumped to N port.

Fortunately, he turned on the perspective function, otherwise Jiang Siming would be too lonely if he flew solo at the airport, there was no one.

There was still no one on the bridge, so it passed smoothly.

As soon as Jiang Siming crossed the bridge, he found that there was a team in M ​​City, from Snake_TC, who had played against the strongest anchor in the past.

The only female player on this team, Mozi, played against him.

Jiang Siming was somewhat impressed, but it doesn't mean that he would be merciful because of his previous fights.

The car stopped at the T-junction outside the bridge, Jiang Siming pretended to block people here, and the 'false Karma' took two glances, and he 'accidentally' discovered the people in M ​​City.

Well, Jiang Siming performed this wave very well, no one will doubt, and there is no reason to doubt.

The referee was standing at the back, and Jiang Siming would not be able to hang up. This is too much for the world.

It's just that Jiang Siming is really broken, but helplessly, the technology of this planet can't be detected at all.

Seeing that there were people in M ​​City, Jiang Siming did not shoot in advance, but chose to quietly touch it on foot.

There are so many houses in M ​​City, even if they are knocked down, they may not be able to make up for it. Besides, Jiang Siming wants to speed up, not to delay.

He touched the edge of M City with his AK on his back, and Jiang Siming knew everyone's location completely, and he bypassed all eyes with great ease and touched the face of a Snake_TC player.

The AK in his hand fired mercilessly and instantly sifted the opponent.

STC boss Chen He, who is watching the live broadcast, has a bitter smile on his face. He is the boss of this team, and he is the major shareholder of the club.

Seeing his team encountered Jiang Siming's sneak attack, Chen He seemed to know the result on his face.

"Hahaha, Brother He, your team seems to be gone." Lin Gengxin was also watching the live broadcast, and he was filming. He called Chen He'concerns greetings' while he was putting on makeup.

"I wish you a prickly heat in the filming of the Qing Palace drama!" Chen He was irritably'cursed'.

"Don't be discouraged, Brother He, there is nothing you can do when you meet Myojin. You have to understand and don't be angry. People have at least brought you a few chickens and you forgot." Lin Gengxin laughed and said, it wasn't his anyway. Clan.

Lin Gou, a typical representative who can't speak while standing.

"I originally planned on Douyu to engage in a fan festival. I still want to give Myojin a gift. Don't even think about it this time, huh!"

"People are not bad for your money, okay? Brother Cong told me that Myojin's family is quite solid, even with five-star hotels, and other people's live broadcasting is just a sideline and hobby."

"Damn, isn't that more money than me?"

"There is one more thing you don't know. In recent major variety shows, all have the intention to invite Jiang Siming to participate. The current ones are Kuaiben and Chicken Tiao, and they all intend to invite Jiang Siming to participate in the first phase. The appearance fee has not yet been determined, and it is expected to be more than three million yuan."

"Three million in one episode? Isn't this higher than the first-tier stars?"

"Who makes people proud? At present, Jiang Siming's fans don't lose traffic stars at all, and there are more and more fans. This price is not an exaggeration."

"Damn! Isn't it because we will have to grab more jobs in the future."

"I'm not going to tell you anymore. The director has come over to talk to me about the play, so I hang up first."


Seeing that his teammate was knocked down, the other Snake_TC players immediately came to support.

It's just that Jiang Siming had a plug-in, easily stuck and killed each other, including the beautiful player Mozi.

Mozi died in Jiang Siming's hands again, a little dejected. This man would kill her every time he saw her. He was too gentlemanly, QAQ...

"Pick up [Archery Proficiency] Red Fragment*1 (3/3), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

"Pick up [Shanghai Xujiahui Gucci Flagship Store] golden fragments*1 (3/3), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

Two more fragments were obtained, and the two fragments obtained in the previous sentence were also collected.

Jiang Siming is in a good mood. Gucci's flagship store is also his. Gucci's men's clothing seems to be very good. I can get a few boxes of them when I have time.

Coming out of M City, Jiang Siming set off again.

This one has the 'eye' of the sky, Jiang Siming will not give up this good opportunity to gather the fragments wildly. He goes everywhere where there are people, and it takes seconds to see people.

In less than ten minutes, the poison circle reached the third wave.

Jiang Siming has already killed five teams and scored a full 20 heads.

Until the end of this competition, 4am ate chicken alone, and Jiang Siming's head count was as high as 33!

Not only did 4am get to the top of the group in one jump, but it also broke the record of kills in the match again.

It was also Jiang Siming, who created a personal single kill record on FGS, but he was only 18 kills.

This time not only broke the record, but also surpassed a full 15 heads.

Especially in the finals, Jiang Siming was completely mad. He saw someone and appeared behind the opponent every time. He caught his opponent by surprise and died instantly.

The audience was stunned. Myojin rarely kills so many in passerby games, right?

Are these teams all pigs today? Let Jiang Siming sling...
