Suddenly started

After Jiang Siming sent Jiang Lan back to school, he returned home. It was already Monday. Wang Xinyi went back to school, and Yin Zhirou also went to school.

Only Lin Yuner was in the house. At this time, she had just cleaned the house, took a fragrant bath and lay on the sofa to read "The Legend of the White Snake". Although it was in Chinese, there was a Korean translation below.

Although she is a big star, Lin Yoona doesn't have the bad things of the big star. Not only is she unassuming, she is also very diligent.

She also knew Jiang Siming's work and company, and knew that he was very busy, so she stayed at home by herself and didn't call to bother him.

Hearing the opening of the door, Lin Yun'er thought there was someone coming, and she was so scared that she wanted to run upstairs, but after seeing Jiang Siming, she jumped up on the sofa excitedly.

Like a kangaroo, he jumped into Jiang Siming's arms.

"Oba, you're back!" Lin Yun'er's head was in front of Jiang Siming's clean neck, naughty rubbing Jiang Siming's itching with her hair.

Jiang Siming didn't resist at all, and said with a smile: "Is it boring to be alone at home?"

"Um~ it's not boring, I have always been at home alone when I was resting in Korea." Lin Yuner shook her head.

"Then you are the same as me. I used to stay at home alone when I was working. I didn't expect that my Yoona has the attributes of an otaku just like me."

Jiang Siming smiled and sat on the sofa holding Lin Yun'er, she was still sitting in his arms, and still sitting frontally, her slender legs crossed his waist, and her posture was ambiguous.

"Oba, I'm going back in two days." Lin Yuner leaned against Jiang Siming's chest.

"Are you leaving so soon?" Jiang Siming felt strangely, Li Shengxue was leaving, and now Lin Yuner was also leaving.

How should I live without a wife~~ Although there are still several wives.

"I have been out for a long time, and my team needs me, but it will be fine when my contract expires." Lin Yuner consoled Jiang Siming in turn.

"For the time being, it can only be like this, then I will accompany you well these two days." Jiang Siming feels distressed, and has to let his baby Yuner work hard for a year.

"No, you can do your business normally. I'll just wait for you at home. Yesterday, Xinyi and the others recommended me a good-looking TV series. It's interesting. Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen are so pitiful~" Lin Yuner said with her lips. .

Jiang Siming laughed loudly and said, "This is one of our classic Chinese TV series. You can also watch "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" after watching, to ensure that you see the tears drop."

"Well, then I will watch "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" after watching "The Legend of the White Snake", are you okay now? Watch it with me~" Lin Yuner hung in Jiang Siming's arms like a koala Coquettish.

"But I have watched this play many times since I was a kid." Jiang Siming cried and laughed.

"Oh, Oopa~~ You can watch it again with me~~ Trojan horse~" Lin Yuner tried her best and used sweet kisses as a bribe.

"Well, let's watch it with you." Jiang Siming immediately got caught. For such bribes, he said that he has no ability to resist.

The two of them were lying on the sofa at home and watching TV series together. It is rare to have such a warm moment.

Although Jiang Siming wanted to hold the beauty in his arms and do something adults should do, he didn't want to be with his girlfriend and only thought about this.

After practicing "Yin and Yang Double Cultivation", Jiang Siming found that it was difficult to control the **** in his heart. He was with the female votes and thought about driving the most.

Thinking about it, I am really ashamed (kai) (xin).

Click it...

Watching TV, Lin Yuner was still holding a bucket of potato chips in her arms, and she would feed Jiang Siming two dollars from time to time. He would also laugh or cry because of the fun of TV.

There is no celebrity appearance at all, just like a normal girl next door, making Jiang Siming feel very difficult.

The two stayed at home all morning, and Lin Yuner ran to the kitchen to make him a Korean meal.

Although I don't like the taste, but the taste is delicious.

After eating a loving lunch made by Lin Yoona, Jiang Siming has to work.

Today, I agreed to the conditions of Sohu Online Games, and I have to fulfill my promise when I am free now.

After all, he is now a shareholder of "Tianlong Babu 2", even though he is only a minority shareholder.

I brought the song to the audience in the afternoon.

Lin Yuner sneaked into Jiang Siming's study and said with a smile that she just came in to listen to the song and would not disturb Ouba's work!

Jiang Siming also let her stay in the study, and let her sit on a chair beside her, fearing that she would be tired from standing for a long time.

The live broadcast suddenly started in the afternoon, which surprised and pleasantly surprised the audience. Usually it only started at night, and it started at two o'clock today. It's rare for Myojin to be so diligent.

"Fortunately, I subscribed, otherwise I don't know, haha."

"The phone will automatically remind you when the broadcast will start. It's pretty good."

"So suddenly, do you plan to stop broadcasting at night? It seems there is no game tonight."

"There are still two rounds of the group stage, but it will only start the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the last round of the Fan Festival. What are you planning to broadcast now?"

"Don't guess the mind of Myojin, don't guess, you don't understand it after guessing~"

"If Myojin had started broadcasting a picture or something, the first two rounds of PK for the Fan Festival would have already started."


The audience were a little uncomfortable with Jiang Siming's start of the broadcast so early, but they were naturally happy when Jiang Siming started the broadcast.

"The broadcast started so early today. The main reason is that there is a new song that I want to give to you. This is also a theme song that Sohu Online Games has asked me to write for their new game "Dragon Babu 2". Let me listen to you in advance. ."

Jiang Siming's words made the audience overjoyed!

How long hasn't it been since "Mask" and "The Queen of Heaven", is there a new song? Wow ha ha ha, today is the holiday season, how can the fans hold it!

Sure enough, Mingshen's live broadcast room has to be watched every day, otherwise you have no idea what kind of benefits he will send.

The senior water friends have summed it up. Watching Jiang Siming's live broadcast, the normal benefits you can get are: voice control benefits, violent game highlights.

Occasionally, the benefits that can be obtained are: face-to-face benefits and sister-in-law benefits.

The rare benefit is: live song live.

Look, this is going to be singing. Jiang Siming has already turned on the camera. Welfare comes one after another, and fans are in high spirits.

The audience who watched the live broadcast couldn't help but put on their headphones, whether it was a live broadcast on a mobile phone or a computer.

The audience who often hear Jiang Siming sing is quite knowledgeable. Only by wearing headphones can they enjoy the perfect sound quality.

If the headset is more expensive, the audience can even listen to the live version.
