The first person in the Jedi will be thrown to death?

A bright light in the direction of the mansion made Jiang Siming's body excited!

This is... black? ? ?

No, the black pieces I got before are not so light, it's gray!

How come there are gray fragments?

Jiang Siming was surprised, is this a new color fragment?

Must get it!

Jiang Siming flew there immediately.

But when he was about to get there, Jiang Siming was dumbfounded. The fragment was actually on the top of the tall water tower outside the mansion.

This water tower is more than ten meters high, and if it falls on it, it will be thrown to death.

"Your uncle, fu*k me, passersby die and die, this is a game." Jiang Siming called mmp ten times a second.

If I fell on the water tower and died, wouldn't my reputation in this world be ruined...

But at this time, Jiang Siming could not help but hesitate, and he fell on the ground again, which means that he has no chance with this fragment.

Regardless, even if you are laughed at, it is better than missing the fragment.

Besides, it's normal for a master to make a mistake once in a while, what's so funny.

Jiang Siming pulled the umbrella decisively and dropped precisely on the top of the water tower.

The scenes of the game are often on Jiang Siming, so this scene was captured right away.

puff! Hahahaha...

Seeing Jiang Siming standing on the water tower, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Even a hundred billion could not help covering his mouth.

This kind of picture is quite common to many novices. When the parachute is not pulled properly, it falls on a high place, such as a lighthouse, chimney, cliff, etc.

After landing, it will be cold, but this scene appears on the first person in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, it is difficult for everyone to laugh.

"Myojin shouldn't pay attention, right?" Cheng Hui, an on-site commentator, couldn't help but ask.

"It should be that I didn't pay attention, I just patronized the other players' positions." The commentator 100 billion immediately spoke out for Jiang Siming to resolve the embarrassment.

"But what can Myojin do? He should wait for his teammates to come and help him, but the place where 4am falls is very far. Myojin seems to have to watch the scenery on the water tower for a while." The commentator Xiaoxiong analyzed.

Yes, even Jiang Siming himself thinks so, grandma's, this piece of debris is not easy to brush, it is so angry.

However, there are fragments, even if everyone laughed at him, he would not hesitate to take it for everyone.

This was the first time he had picked up this gray fragment, and he didn't know what would come out.

Jiang Siming picked it up in the past.

"Pick up [Thermal Weapon·Infinite Ammunition Desert Eagle] gray fragments*1 (1/3). The fragments are not full and cannot be used temporarily."

I go!

This gray fragment turned out to be a gun!

Jiang Siming was thundered by this fragment and was also shocked.

Guns, this extremely rare thing in the celestial dynasty, are not everywhere like the United States.

The celestial dynasty had extremely strict control of guns. Living in such an environment since childhood, it was very strange to guns.

Although Jiang Siming had played with a shotgun in his hometown and also shot a target during military training in college, these two concepts are completely different.

If this is discovered, he must be arrested for tea.

But then I thought about it, as long as I don't take it out or shoot randomly, no one will notice.

Moreover, this thing is still the desert eagle, the king of pistols, the most terrifying thing is infinite ammunition, which is a weapon level that the earth absolutely cannot reach.

"This thing should be used for self-defense."

Despite being a desert eagle with unlimited ammunition, Jiang Siming still has no interest. The ghost knows what to do with this thing in this peaceful age.

The fragments are random and he can't control it. Judging from this desert eagle, he knows that a new fragment is not bad.

I can only pray that this kind of thing will not appear in the future, it will be disappointing.

After picking up the pieces, what Jiang Siming faces can be fun, so what?

"Ahem, Awei, do you have a car? Come to the mansion." Jiang Siming gave a dry cough. Wei Shen and the others didn't know what happened to Jiang Siming.

"I'm still searching, what's the matter?" Wei Shen curled his head in confusion, froze for two seconds, and then burst into laughter.

"What's the captain?"

"Captain, you want to scare people with laughter?"

Aluka and Xingmu both turned their heads in puzzlement. When they saw Jiang Siming's computer screen, they also laughed out of face and made a pig cry.

"I said you can't help but laugh, hurry up and fish me."

Jiang Siming was very wronged in his heart, and it was enough to be laughed at by the audience, and his teammates also laughed at himself.

The key has been so wronged, and only got a very tasteless new piece. Just now I was full of expectation to be poured into the cold water of a pond. It was so cool~

"Well, brother is here, hold on to Lao Jiang, the water tower is a bit cold, don't catch a cold." Wei Shen smiled sarcastically while driving.

"Believe it or not, I am falling down and committing suicide now, I swear you will never see my father again!" Jiang Siming said in an'outrageously angry' voice.

"Don't don't don't, brother is here, we won't laugh." Wei Shen blushed, happier than picking up pork head.

It's really rare to see Jiang Siming's embarrassment, how can I be worthy of myself?

Wei Shen drove over, but Jiang Siming thought about it and said to him: "You pick me up below, I might not die."

"Really? Is there such a setting?" Wei Shen didn't believe it.

"Try it, you'll know, you hold the gun and aim it at the point where I want to jump." Jiang Siming instructed, and Wei Shen did so.

Jiang Siming aimed at Wei Shen below and decisively jumped from the water tower.

At this time, the audience was ready to laugh again, watching Myojin land into a box.

But to his surprise, Jiang Siming jumped from a water tower that was more than ten meters high, only to lose one block of blood!

"Is this a BUG?" The commentator Xiao Xiong looked surprised.

Hundreds of billions also didn't figure it out, and thought: "It shouldn't be."

The game screen replayed the situation where Jiang Siming had just landed, and everyone discovered that Jiang Siming did not fall on the ground, but on Wei Shen's head.

It turned out to be like this!

The audience and the commentators all realized it suddenly, and learned another trick from Jiang Siming.

Don't be afraid to fall on a high point in the future, as long as a teammate catches it, it will be fine.

"The inventor of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is hanging!"

"This trick is so fun, I want to try it too!"

"I think Wei Shen is too fat, too fat, so he can bear the weight of Myoshi (smirk)

"Wei Shen: Oh my old waist, I'm a life-saving cushion."


Wei Shen himself knew this trick.

"Lao Jiang, how is your brain up, you can think of this way." Wei Shen couldn't help but laugh and vomit.

"That's how I thought about it, but I didn't expect it to be possible." Jiang Siming was in a good mood after successfully landing.

See you are still waiting eagerly for your brother to die, not waiting for your breath.

"For the sake of you coming to save my brother, I will divide this mansion into half for you, search it." Jiang Siming said generously.

When Wei Shen heard this, he opened his eyes and smiled and ran into the mansion, even ignoring Blink and Aluka, who were still worried in a corner.

Jiang Siming also ran into the mansion, but he had [Small Range Equipment Perception] in his body, and he knew where there was equipment as soon as he entered.
