That is, the tears of the pig

Jiang Siming never denied the preciousness of high school friendship, but he was very unlucky. The high school classmates he met, except for Li Yingzi, were all villains.

He also envied the feelings between those real high school classmates, the kind of classmates who will never forget even when you are old, and even if you are busy every year, they will call you two or three calls and send text messages to you.

He was very moldy. The classmates he met in junior high school, high school, and university called you brothers and brothers when he was a student, and he began to show his true colors as soon as he arrived in society.

But Jiang Siming is also okay, because at least there is Li Yingzi, even if there is only one good classmate, he is satisfied.

There are never too many true friends, even if there is only one confidant in life, it is enough.

"Then you will accompany me this time, even if the two of us bid farewell to the future classmates reunion."

"Don't try to pull me up again." Jiang Siming was not fooled.

"Oh, go with me once, Xiao Mingzi, my Xiao Mingzi~~" Li Yingzi shook Jiang Siming's arm, acting like a baby for the first time.

Jiang Siming was so thunderous that he endured the numbness of his scalp and immediately stayed away from Li Yingzi.

"My squad leader, please accept magical powers. You are really not suitable for being a soft girl. You are a strong woman, superwoman! Do you understand?"

Li Yingzi was ashamed and angry, wishing to catch Jiang Siming to a small corner and blow his hammer.

"Then you go or not? If you don't go, I'll... I'll just stay here and not leave!" Li Yingzi sneered.

"Oh, all right, I'm going to the head office, I really can't do anything with you." Jiang Siming had no choice but to agree.

Li Yingzi smiled: "If you promise early, it will be over. You have to do so many programs. You will drive your own car over tomorrow."

"For Mao, it's fine if you come to pick me up."

"Then they will definitely think that you are on my thigh and will laugh at you in partnership."

"Jokes are just jokes, and there will be no less meat." Jiang Siming said nonchalantly.

"No, let's say goodbye to the high school party at the end. I don't want them to be underestimating you. You must drive your most expensive car and wear the most expensive clothes. I want them to know what is thirty years, in Hexi, don't bully the young to be poor!"

"Sir, are you watching "Battle Break Sphere" recently?"

"How do you know? The latest novel I discovered is pretty good."

"Please, I've seen it dozens of times in high school."


After the trouble with Li Yingzi, the two people returned to the lounge, and the financial manager had checked the purchased account.

16 cars worth about 500,000, a total of 8 million;

Li Yingzi's Jaguar 1.5 million, Qi Muxin sisters 1.6 million Porsche 911, plus 3.1 million;

Three Mercedes-Benz seven-seater commercial vehicles, a total of 2.8 million.

2 buses, a total of 3 million.

A total of 16.9 million, and the verification was correct, Jiang Siming happily swiped his card to pay.

The dealer's manager smiled, not only guaranteed that these cars would be delivered within two days, but also gave Jiang Siming a diamond VIP card to buy cars in the future, starting with a 15% discount.

And once a car dealer holds a premium auto show or a new luxury car, Jiang Siming will be notified as soon as possible.

Jiang Siming first asked the dealer to complete the formalities for Li Yingzi's Jaguar and Qi's sisters' Porsche 911, and incidentally, the financial manager's Toyota Prado.

The manager agreed, and in less than an hour, the license plates of all three vehicles were on the road.

"Okay, let's all drive back, and cherish it during the seven-day holiday. I have to go back first."

Jiang Siming sent these people away, drove his Babot and ran away.

"Don't forget about tomorrow's party~~ dress handsome~~" Li Yingzi shouted at the rear of the car, Jiang Siming stretched out a hand from the car window, compared a little finger, and walked away.

"Smelly Mingzi, dare to despise me, tomorrow you have to expose your'hypocritical pretending to be poor'!" Li Yingzi hummed twice, glanced at Qi Muxin and Qi Muqing next to him, thinking from heart.

"Mu Qing Muxin, do you want to give your chairman a long face?"

"President Li, I understand what you mean, let's talk about what you want to do? As long as it is not the chairman of the board, we will do it." Qi Muxin said, this time my sister has no objection.

"Of course..." Li Yingzi whispered in their ears.

Qi Muxin and Qi Muqing turned red when they heard it, and they twisted and wanted to refuse, but they were still agreed by Li Yingzi.


Jiang Siming didn't know what "conspiracy" his secretary and assistant were planning for him. He was driving to the stadium in a hurry.

It's already 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and today's group match is about to begin. Late players cannot participate in this one.

Jiang Siming didn't want to miss today's Debris Harvest Day.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming stepped into the stadium without being judged late by the referee.

"We thought it would take three people in four rows, Lao Jiang, why did you come so late?" Wei Shen asked with a smile.

In fact, they weren't too nervous. Even if Jiang Siming was late, they didn't panic in the third row. The scores were there. Even if it was given for nothing, they would definitely be the first place.

"The company has something to do, it was delayed." Jiang Siming took his peripherals from Wei Shen.

Every time his peripherals were brought by Wei Shen and the others, he was too lazy to hold these electronic products every day, and he was afraid of forgetting them.

"You have several jobs now, live broadcasts, competitions, singing, and start a company. Are you busy? Listening to your brother's advice, you can't make money." Wei Shenyu pointedly pointedly.

At this moment, Boldly asked next to him, "Brother Jiang, has something happened to your company?"

"No, I took the secretary to the car dealership today to distribute the car to the company."

"What car does it take so long to buy?" Boldly puzzled.

"Buy a little too much."

"How many?"

"Twenty come"

"How much did it cost?"

"Not much, 17 million."

"I'm going! Brother Jiang is really a trench!"

Xingmu and Aluka both gave thumbs up in surprise. Brother Jiang is Brother Jiang!

When Wei Shen heard this number, Lei De Jiao Lin Nen.

Money is earned endless? Fuck chicken soup! I also want to make good money!

Jiang Siming spent 17 million to equip the company with cars, and his car was only more than two million.

Wei Shen thought that his income was considerable, but now to compare it, it was a blow.

Wei Shen found out that Jiang Siming was here to attack him. The key thing made him dumbfounded. This kind of local tyrant had to pay the other party.

At 4am, Wei Shen is one of the bosses, so Jiang Siming's in-team salary is equal to Wei Shen's offer to him.

On the spot, Wei Shen had a kind of beggar who made hundreds of thousands or even millions a month after making a monthly income of over 10,000...

Thinking of this, he leaned on the chair and turned his head towards the ceiling, and dropped a drop of crystal clear tears, that was, pigs' tears.
