The more you pretend, happier the dad will be

Jiang Siming really didn't expect this lonely existence to be so stupid. Even if you don't want to see me mocking you, you can close your eyes and watch.

Have to pretend to be chic, pull the line and retreat.

You said that the kid's brain was filled with poop from his parents since he was a child, right?

But after seeing the official handling method, Jiang Siming smiled very gleefully. Father was afraid that you would not pretend. The more you pretend, the happier he will be.

Although the lonely life is not very old, only eighteen, but Jiang Siming never regarded him as a child for this kind of "child". Why don't you understand that he has all the hair at the age of 18?

You have to take responsibility for what you do. Even if the eight-year-old bear child is causing trouble, Jiang Siming is still not light-hearted, and the bear child is the most annoying.

One minute later, the game resumed.

The lonely people are pulling the line, and Jiang Siming is not long-winded. In the past, win94 was used to make up for him. As for the other one, Jiang Siming did not make up, but kept him as a bait.

Although this will expose one's position, because the opponent will report to his teammates after falling down, which is why many professional players make up for the first time after they are down.

Jiang Siming is not afraid, so he is bold enough to keep him, and he will report any points.

The opponent really did not disappoint him, and immediately reported Jiang Siming's every move to his teammates.

"He was stuck at the stairs on the third floor, and he ran to the room on the right again, came out again, went in again, and..."

The player was so dry that he had smoke in his throat.

He found out that Jiang Siming had deliberately teased him.

"Where is he?" The teammates listened to the circle.

"It should be in... Damn, he jumped down!"

It was too late when he reported his final position. Jiang Siming descended from the sky, and the god descended to sweep the two unprepared SJ players downstairs to death.

"Haha, I have to explain that God is too talented. He deliberately left the SJ team members who reported the point, and then kept walking back and forth in the house and the corridor, so that all SJ members relaxed their guard, and then jumped down before they were ready. The two SJ members who are still under the shelf were stolen, and they were perfect!" The commentator Cheng Hui looked at the scene as if he was watching a Three Kingdoms strategy drama.

But Jiang Siming's style of play is really exciting. He plays games with his brain instead of relying on personal strength.

"The number of enemies killed is +1, the random butcher bounty: 9,999 yuan."

"The number of enemies killed +2, the butcher bounty: 199998 yuan."

"The number of enemies killed +3, the butcher bounty: 399,984 yuan."

"The number of enemies killed +4, the butcher bounty: 799,968 yuan."

Outbreak of character!

Jiang Siming almost didn't laugh when he saw this random bounty.

99999, isn't this corresponding to my live room number? It's really appropriate!

Jiang Siming mentally calculated that if this ten kills were taken, the butcher's bounty would be as high as over 50 million!

The 17 million that was just spent today not only earned it back, but also turned it over.

Moreover, the 'generous' SJ also dropped three pieces to Jiang Siming, and Jiang Siming's trouser belt was about to come loose.

"SJ, you are so kind to me, I will not forget the good things you contributed to me, don't worry, I will kill you when I meet you next!"

Jiang Siming was so grateful that he was crying, and then he quickly picked up the fragments with his hands, and slapped the bag all over, two red and one gray.

"Pick up [Advanced Basketball] Red Fragment*1 (2/5). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

"Pick up [Advanced Swimming] red fragments*1 (5/5), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

"Pick up [Thermal Weapon·Infinite Ammunition Desert Eagle] Gray Fragment*1 (2/3). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily.

Ugh! Why did this gray fragment come out again? It was wasted.

Jiang Siming is a pity, he really doesn't want this fragment, and would rather take more red or gold, even white.

But four people exploded three pieces of fragments, it was European energy that had exploded, and it should not be too greedy.

And this [Advanced Swimming] skills are finally collected. After clicking to use them, a large group of top swimming skills and knowledge came to mind.

After Jiang Siming accepted it, he was very eager to swim. Now he can crush Sun Yang in the water.

You have to swim a few laps when you go home to the pool at home.

Stabilizing his heart, Jiang Siming ran out of the Red Mansion Hotel without changing his gun.

Although the M24 is in the SJ box, Jiang Siming said that he would not play if he didn't play.

Coming out of the hotel, where can I find someone?

Suddenly Jiang Siming noticed that there was a red shadow on the fourth floor of Picardo's blue bottom building that looked like a thermal image.

This shadow is hiding in the oblique window on the fourth floor, looking for information about enemies in the city from time to time.

And the upper body of this Hong Ying's body is much brighter than other body parts. It is a pattern of armor, which is exactly the third level!

Jiang Siming understood at once, this is the function of [Robber Intuition]!

Within two kilometers, as long as someone has high-level supplies, he can know the location of the other person.

And if he knows that the opponent has a third-level head or third-level A, he can choose not to start or not to fight for himself.

"This is too good, if the distance is farther, three kilometers and four kilometers will be better."

Jiang Siming likes this skill so much, he loves to be a robber, a robber in PUBG.

Now that he knew the location of the other party, Jiang Siming couldn't just pass by. This would be suspected by everyone. It was too obvious.

So Jiang Siming started acting, pretending to look around on the roof of the casino, and found the blue bottom floor players who just came out.

Jiang Siming came down from the casino and touched the blue ground floor.

"Myojin's eyesight is really good. I spotted the FPX players on the blue ground floor at once, and the other party didn't know anything." The commentator bears emotion, and the other two commentators nodded in agreement.

Jiang Siming sighed while sneaking over. It's really hard to be an actor.

After smoothly touching the blue ground floor, Jiang Siming didn't know how many people were inside, because he could only see enemies with high-level materials. If people without high-level materials were there, he would not know.

So Jiang Siming gave up thought of directly facing the enemy, but chose to get stuck and slowly moved over.

Jiang Siming knows the structure of the blue bottom building very well. In fact, there are three ways to hit the blue bottom building. One is to throw thunder outside, and the second is to take the stairs.

The third possibility that many old players may not know is to go to the grocery room!

There is a grocery room on each floor of the blue bottom building. The ceiling of the grocery room has an opening, and there are shelves under the opening.

From the shelf, you can climb all the way to the fourth floor, but you can't go to the roof, you can only touch the fourth floor.

Jiang Siming used his footsteps on the first floor and then came to the grocery room. With his arm supported, he climbed up from the shelf, climbed up the shelf and then climbed to the ceiling.

It's just layer after layer, and the sound of climbing stairs is smaller than the footsteps of a card, and it is difficult for the other party to hear.

Climbing up the shelf on the third floor step by step, Jiang Siming didn't rush up, but poked his head out and looked on in the hall on the fourth floor, as stable as an old dog.

Seeing a wave of Jiang Siming is not too scary, but seeing Jiang Siming who is as steady as an old dog is the most desperate.
