Go up and be a good baby

"What are you laughing at? Did I say something wrong?" Li Shengxue didn't know anything about men and women, how could he understand this.

"Don't laugh, just tell me." Li Shengxue was anxious seeing Jiang Siming's constant laughter, a shameful kind of anxiety.

Jiang Siming finally stopped laughing and said to Li Shengxue: "You hear this woman's voice scream so loud, it's the woman who persecutes the man to persecute it."


Li Shengxue uttered a mouthful of speech, but listening to the voice inside, it seemed that the woman's voice was indeed louder...

"Then let's go quickly, I don't want to stay here anymore." Li Shengxue pulled Jiang Siming and ran out, not wanting to stay here for a while.

The two ran out of the park in embarrassment before Li Shengxue regained her mentality, but her face was still a little red.

It was embarrassing to encounter such a shameful thing on a date with Jiang Siming.

The two of them couldn't go to the park anymore, so they could only walk aimlessly on the street, strolling around, and it was almost eleven.

"Shall I take you home?" Jiang Siming was afraid that she would have something tomorrow.

Li Shengxue hesitated, nodded, and got into the car.

Jiang Siming followed Li Shengxue's instructions and sent her to an apartment close to the police station.

Li Shengxue lives here. She is the captain of the criminal police, so she lives in a separate two-bedroom house.

"This is where I usually live when I'm busy at work. Generally I go home." Li Shengxue explained to Jiang Siming.

"Then are you busy today? Why did you bring me here?" Jiang Siming was puzzled.

Li Sheng whitened Jiang Siming's elm head. Would she dare to take him at home? My parents are here!

"I'm going to hand over my duties tomorrow, so it's easier to get closer to the police station." Li Shengxue could only give a reason.

"It turned out to be like this." Jiang Siming didn't doubt he was there.

"Well... do you want to go up and sit for a meeting?" Li Shengxue asked naturally.

Jiang Siming glanced at her and asked with a smile on his face: "Aren't you afraid of loneliness, what should I do to you?"

Li Shengxue blushed and hummed: "I'm a criminal policeman. If you dare to mess around, I can clean you up in minutes."

"Are you sure you can beat me?"

"Why can't you beat it, you lost last time." Li Shengxue smiled proudly.

Jiang Siming smiled, really, he did let Li Shengxue win last time, but that was to take advantage.

"Well, then I'll go in and be a good baby." Jiang Siming smiled and got out of the car.

"Just love the poor mouth." Li Shengxue sighed Jiang Siming with a smile, and then got out of the car and led Jiang Siming to the apartment building.

Downstairs of the apartment in the unit, there is an aunt in charge of the dormitory, who usually cleans and takes care of the apartment. Don't look at other people as an aunt, who retired from working in the police station for decades. Usually, a few little thieves pack up and play.

Li Shengxue also only remembered the matter of the old lady in charge, and immediately took Jiang Siming's hand to speed up and walked inside, for fear of being seen.

"Hey, Xiaoxue, why come back so late today? Is there another task in the game?"

Sure enough, Li Shengxue's face was red, and she stubbornly said: "Aunt Meng, I have no task today, just go out and play with friends."

The aunt noticed Jiang Siming who Li Shengxue was holding, and suddenly understood everything.

"Oh, Xiaoxue, don't tell Aunt Meng if you find a boyfriend, and use Aunt Meng as an outsider." The aunt saw Jiang Siming's smile.

Li Shengxue was even more embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming had a thick-skinned face, and he smiled and said to his aunt: "Hello Auntie, I am Shengxue's boyfriend. She is too embarrassed to tell you so that she is not hiding it. Auntie looks so young and she usually raises her well. Up."

"Hahaha, the young man can really talk, no wonder we can chase the most beautiful police flower in our police station." The aunt covered her mouth and said cheerfully.

"Aunt Meng, I will take my boyfriend up and sit down for a while... I won't tell you... Goodbye, Aunt Meng."

After finishing speaking, Li Shengxue pulled Jiang Siming and ran away, leaving the aunt's laughter.

He took Jiang Siming all the way to the room he lived in, opened the door with the key, and inside was the place where Li Shengxue usually worked and rested.

Like her occupation, the house is clean and tidy. The walls are covered with police certificates and pennants, and the bookcases are full of trophies.

Shooting competitions, fighting competitions, physical fitness competitions... etc., many, many champions.

It's no wonder that you can become the Captain of the Criminal Police at such a young age, and even the Sky Team has come to recruit. These honors are definitely not something ordinary people can get.

"I only have tea and water here, what do you drink?" It was the first time that Li Shengxue brought a boy to the house, so nervous she could only pour water.

"I'm not thirsty, no trouble." Jiang Siming said without turning his head, he was staring at a photo on the cabinet.

The photo shows Li Shengxue when he was a child, held in his arms by a man in military uniform, and a beautiful woman next to him.

The man was very heroic and he carried two bars and one star on his shoulders. This was the rank of major.

It seems that this photo was taken more than ten years ago. It was a major ten years ago, so what is it now?

"This is my dad, this is my mother, and the one in the middle is me." Li Shengxue came to introduce Jiang Siming.

"Is your dad still working in the army?" Jiang Siming asked curiously.

"Well, still serving, my grandfather has retired." Li Shengxue nodded and replied.

"Your family is an army family?" Jiang Siming said in surprise.

Li Shengxue smiled and did not deny, saying: "I am not, I am a policeman, but my cousin is in the army."

"Then can you ask what position your father and your grandfather are? What are you fighting against now?"

"My grandfather can't say it, but my dad now serves as a commander in the Southeast Military Region, and his rank is major general." Li Shengxue answered honestly.

Jiang Siming's head was dizzy. Her father is a teacher, so what should her grandfather be? I can't say yet, that it involves confidential issues, so you don't need to think about it.

"It's really better than people." Jiang Siming smiled.

Li Shengxue glanced at Jiang Siming, and suddenly blushed and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, you will wait for me for a while."

"Okay, you go." Jiang Siming was busy looking at the trophy certificate without thinking much.

Li Shengxue ran into the bathroom. After half an hour, she came out again. She had already taken a shower and changed her clothes.

And this dress is still black silk pajamas, a bit like the kind of fun.

She didn't wear shoes either, she just walked out with the jade full figure naked.

The three thousand green silks were scattered, and the tips of her hair were still dripping and moist, like a female elf walking out of the forest.
