Brother-in-law? Sister-in-law?

Fortunately, the waiter began to serve dishes, and the atmosphere in the box was relieved a bit.

"Sir, the fried rice you want."

"Thank you." Jiang Siming picked up the spoon and started eating, not interested in the big dishes on the table.

No one laughed anymore this time. Watching Jiang Siming eating fried rice with big mouthfuls, they felt that the dishes on the table had become dull, mainly because their mood changed...

"Start all, don't stay there." Li Yingzi greeted everyone and started to take the lead.

"Chairman, I haven't thank you for the Jaguar you gave me. I toast you a glass." Li Yingzi raised his glass and smiled at Jiang Siming.

"Why are you so polite, eating?" Jiang Siming reluctantly toasted to a toast, and then continued to work hard.

When everyone listened in their ears, the chopsticks in their hands almost fell off.

"Yingzi... your Jaguar... was Jiang Siming sent it? Didn't you buy it yourself?" Wang Biwen couldn't believe it.

"Where can I afford such an expensive car, it was given to me by President Jiang, not only for me, but also for all the manager positions and elite traders in our company." Li Yingzi replied.

"Everyone is Jaguar?" The other classmates also asked, and they all said nothing.

"That's not the case, but they all cost more than 500,000 yuan. I bought a dozen or 20 vehicles, which cost Jiang's total 17 million at a time."

I go!

Everyone took a sigh of relief. I bought a dozen or 20 cars for 500,000, and they were all gifts?

Is it 500,000 yuan, not fifty yuan...

Seeing everyone's unbelieving eyes, Li Yingzi 'justly' took out the car key from Jiang Siming's pocket, regardless of Jiang Siming's disagreement.

"Hey, when did you change to a new car again?" Li Yingzi said in surprise, everyone looked around, all swallowing saliva, my mother, Lamborghini!

"Believe it now?" Li Yingzi was triumphant, as if to show off that Jiang Siming was the perfect score for the exam in her school days.

This time they really believed it, and the Bureau of Industry and Commerce has filed it to show that they have any reason not to believe it.

The reason why I still don't believe it is because I can't believe that Jiang Siming will turn over from a salted fish, and he turns from a fish into a dragon.

"Jiang Xiaocao...Are you the world champion in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?" The question was a classmate who likes to play games. He always felt that he had seen Jiang Siming on the Internet.

"Well, it's me." Jiang Siming nodded.

"Are you Mingshen? China's No. 1 anchor! That Jiang Siming who still writes songs?" Another classmate was awakened.

"Yes, it's our big genius Xiao Ming~" Li Yingzi answered for him.

In fact, it was only later that she learned that Jiang Siming still had such a great ability, and she admired it with admiration.

At that time, she knew why Jiang Siming had not come to the company so often, and Jiang Siming had just done it casually.

Many people know about Jiang Siming on the Internet. There have been news about him during this period, but no one would have thought that Jiang Siming on the Internet had a relationship with their classmates.

In addition, Jiang Siming's face was rarely seen, and he usually only showed his face on the screen. He almost never showed his face a few times. It is normal that they have never seen him.

Everyone was dumbfounded. The people who had received more than one billion live broadcast gifts two days and one night just sat in front of them, and they didn't recognize any of them.

Some students hurriedly searched for Jiang Siming's photos on the mobile phone Baidu. Although there are few, they can still find a few on the Internet.

After seeing it, their heart rate has not exceeded 200.

At this moment, a beautiful figure suddenly came in at Yaxuan.

As soon as she came in, she attracted the eyes of all the men in the room.

This is a woman who is more beautiful than Wang Xue and Li Yingzi, and she looks youthful and energetic, like a Tianshan snow lotus, with four vibrant colors in the lotus, which makes the male students present so fascinated that they can't move their eyes.

Wang Xue was very dissatisfied that the woman had robbed her of the limelight, and said with a sullen expression: "Did you go to the wrong room? Get out quickly."

But the other party ignored her, but searched on the dining table after entering, and finally saw Jiang Siming walking over in surprise.


The brother-in-law made everyone drunk.

Is Jiang Siming married before? There is such a beautiful sister-in-law?

But in the next scene, everyone was stunned.

I saw the sister-in-law walking over and grabbing Jiang Siming's neck from behind, and leaning her head close to Jiang Siming's ears and temples.

"Brother-in-law, you don't call me when you come out to play. You don't pretend to be me at all. You used to be like this when you chased me. Even if you finally married your sister, I will forgive you, but how can you avoid me? It."

The words of the'sister-in-law' made Lei half to death by everyone present, including Jiang Siming.

"The shrimp situation? What kind of style does Qi Muxin smoke?" Jiang Siming was drunk.

Just about to say something, Li Yingzi next to him sneaked at the corner of his clothes.

And Qi Muxin even leaned into his ears and said like a mosquito, "Chairman, President Li asked me to do this, so please cooperate with me~"

This warm tone made Jiang Siming's ears itchy, and Qi Muxin dressed up and sprayed perfume today, which made Jiang Siming very uncomfortable.

At this time, the men present were already so envious that they could quickly become a halazi, even if such a beautiful sister-in-law, she still had a leg with her brother-in-law!

God! Why can't such a good thing fall on them!

Wang Xue couldn't think that things had completely exceeded her expectations. She thought that Jiang Siming would only have a girlfriend at most.

Unexpectedly, not only was he married, but his sister-in-law was even more beautiful than her.

Jealousy makes people unrecognizable. Wang Xue said to Qi Muxin in an unbalanced heart: "Since everyone has chosen your sister, it is disrespectful for you to pester your brother-in-law. It's against ethics, you know, little girl?"

"I know, but what does it matter to you?" Qi Muxin is not as well-behaved as her sister, the little girl has a big temper.

Even Jiang Siming is not afraid of her, where is she afraid of an outsider.

"I kindly advise you, why are you so unqualified?" Wang Xue knotted.

"Our family affairs don't need you to worry about, you are so close to my brother-in-law, I still can't see what you have, you are beautiful, no way, you look too ugly!" Qi Muxin hum Tao.

Wang Xue was so angry that her chest was ups and downs, her face was blue and red, and no one had ever dared to say that she was ugly. The point was that she was indeed better-looking than her.

"Girls are not allowed to mess around." Jiang Siming said Qi Muxin with no pain.

Qi Muxin didn't get annoyed when she heard it. She made a face towards Wang Xue and continued to hold Jiang Siming's neck to act like a baby.

At this moment, another beautiful figure walked in from outside, and she looked exactly like the sister-in-law of Jiang Siming's family. Except for the dress and dress, the two were almost carved out of the same mold.

"Xiao Xin, who made you sneak out?" Qi Muqing also played, dressed as a housewife, but still very beautiful.
