Where Am I???

In a dark late night....you can see a lost beautiful girl...walking in the deep forest...You can see in her face the fear...as she walks she became even more lost .

*Wind blowing so hard*


Girl:where am....it's so cold...help! Can someone hear me?*shouting*

*Animals Growling*

(What is that?....is it sound a wolf?)

Girl:Help! (Where am I?...ways brought me here but my phone suddenly just died...it's not even low battery yet)

Girl:Hel. (What am I seeing right now?...it's a.... A.....Wolf?.....and..half....human?...)

Wolf:Oh such a beautiful girl....why are you here at night?

Girl:I....I....*crying*...please spare me....I still have so many dreams...please*while crying*

Wolf:Well,I honestly didn't have dreams before but now I have found my dream*growling*

Girl:Help!.....help me please!....


Are you believing that there is a werewolves....living....in this huge whole world?



Or they have their own world? If there is a werewolves world do you think there is also a portal for them or us humans to travel in different worlds?


[Few days before the incident]


Luna's PoV

Someone:Ms.Han na what's your motivation on writing?

Someone:Yeah Missy why is the male lead on your stories is always perfect?

Someone:Is their a real life Mike? [male lead on her story]


(Is there really real life...male lead in my stories?....well,I don't know if there is...but I just know...they are inspired by the boy from my dreams...I'm always dreaming about him...but I don't know if he's real)

:Ummm...well,honestly there's not... but I hope there is..anyway thank you guys for always supporting me...see you again next time bye!


(Who I am?....I am Han na Yao...a cartoonist...my stories is kinda popular because of the perfect male leads...inspired by the boy from my dreams....it's like I'm seeing him everyday...what is he doing...what is his hobbies...and many more...Its like I know all about him...more than myself...hahahaha..I know...I know.. it's funny...but until know I didn't know him...but I think...and hoping that...he is real...he's perfect...from the way he looks...his skills...abilities...manners and everything...so,it's hard to believe that he is real...but I'm still hoping that he is!)


++Fast forward++


*On chat*

Ban nie:Babe!

Han na:What is it?

Ban nie:We broked up!huhuhu

Han na:What?Again?....

Ban nie:I caught him with someone Please....come here for me!

Han na:Where are you?

Ban nie:I'm at the crime seen!

Han na:Okay!....wait for me...I'm gonna beat up that bastard!


(Wang Shan.....you bastard!....just wait for me lemme beat you up...till you can't get up to bed anymore)




(This girl....Ban nie also an idiot...I said to her that leave him....since his looks like a cheater as I said...but she didn't! Now,she's the one whos crying....Hay Pity banban...also got an cheater boyfriend!)


:Where are they!?

Ban:They leave a while ago

:Did you get your revenge?


:Tell me the whole story!


:What!....say it slowly I can't get what your saying...calm down okay?

Ban:Here it is!....when he took me home...then I got....inside the house... I saw him talking to someone on his phone...I got suspicious...in him...so.. I followed him...and yeah...I saw it them...eating here....huhuhu*crying*

(Gosh this girl!....it's the same plot as last time...but...you got scammed again?....you really so...dumb in love Anyway...I still need to repeat my advice again...should I record it...and when you got broked again I'm just going to play it?Is that a good idea? Hahahahaha...just kidding)


:Girl....as I said...there still so many fish in the sea....don't lost hope okay? Move on....don't lose to that bastard!

Ban:But girl!.....he's so perfect.

:But a Cheater!

Ban:Heh!....stop okay?...your just making me feel that I'm an idiot...

:Aren't you?

Ban:Are you really my friend huh?... You didn't comfort me at all...I know! I know...okay?....I'm really an idiot!... *Crying*huhuhuhuhu

:Ahhhhh your so pitifull

Ban:Heh!*crying*my....Jun ahhhh! Why did you do this to me!....after all this time?...you've cheated on me?... All....of....our memories we've created through....how about me?....I give you all you want...love you more than... everyone!....huhuhuhuhu... akdjkkskxnwhzjdnwjsksksodksjsnjsksk *Crying*

(Gosh!....you!!!....too bad...why did i doing here?...I shouldn't just go here! Maybe by now I have finish another chapter of my story....you're so stressing Ban...I really wish we shouldn't meet again in next life!)


Mr.Wolf PoV

:The time that Apo Ran from the world of wolves meet Apo Lang from the world of humans met....we.... Werewolves created... . At first wolves are accepted in human world but...as time past by...and... humans and wolves got into a huge fight...the humans started a fight between us...but...Apo Ren know that us wolves are not that strong at that time that why we have...just surrender . Humans....are really different...with us werewolves....though half of us is like them...but...we're not like them. Our world is also different...well...our world is really just like a copy of their world....but...here on us...humans didn't belong....while I'm sure in their world we....wolves...are not allowed too...

Kid:sir who's the most strongest?

:It depends..on who you've compared But...we have an advantage on humans

Kid:what is it?

:We wolves known how to go to their world...while them...didn't

Kid:but...isn't sometimes there are humans here?

:Well,yeah there are....They are the humans...that came from...Apo Lang Clan...that can...come here on our world...but there are little of them nowadays....

Kid:but is there a power that can change us into humans?

:Why are you asking about that? Did you not want to being us anymore?

Kid:it's not that really I just want to ask

:Well,its just Apo Ren that can return you into a human...but...you need to survive his obstacle first . .


Our world seems so different this days...especially...on the portal ..I think it's not locked ..where is the controller? *Finding it* nothing still Where is it?...did I just put it here?..


TaoTao:what is it young master?

:Where is the controller?

TaoTao:What controller?

:The poller!(controller of the portal From werewolf world to human world)

TaoTao:I don't know..didn't you the last one used it?

:You?!...I know okay!?...and I remember I've put it here!...so I'm asking where is it?

TaoTao:But why are asking me?

:TaoTao!Youre making me angry!... Find it!


Suk:Young master we have a problem!


:What is it?

Suk:Come!....They caught a human! *Showing*

Human:Please spare me!...I'm innocent!

:What is your name?


:Just bing?

Human:Yes...please spare me please or just turn me to your slave...I can accept it....you guys...I'm so...poor I didn't have any money....please spare me?


Suk:Tong Lu We!....what are you doing here?...you want to cause trouble again?

Tong Lu We:Oh!...chill!...chill!...I'm not here for you slow guys!....I'm here for him?

Suk:You*preparing for a punch* Chunian stopping him*

:What do you want to do to him huh?

Tong Lu We: None of your business

:Really?...is it more like None of your business since you didn't have any permission here...huh?

Tong Lu We:Comm'on bro!....don't be so proud of yourself!...just because you have a rank here huh?

Suk:Bro!...don't stop me!...I want to punch this punk already! *Trying to punch Lu We But Chunian just trying to stop him*


*Apo Ran just arrived* What's wrong?...did you created trouble again Tong Lu we?

Tong Lu we:Me?...I'm not...grandpa

Apo Ren:Then what's wrong here?

:We just found a human again Grandpa...I think there is something wrong with the portal again

Apo Ren:Have you checked it?

:I planned to do it buta I can't find the pollar

Apo Ren:It got missed again?

:Yeah...I think someone stole it again *Referring to Tong Lu We*


Luna's PoV

I'm llllaaaatttteeee!...why is this ways seems very strange!....I've been driving here for about an half hour... But I still..didn't....got there...where really is that place?...is it really...that... Far?....*driving* Car got stop broked up Goshhhhh!.....really?....

*Getting out of the car*

*finding a signal*

Why is there no signal at all... *Tapping her phone* [Turned off]

Gosh...why did it turned off...it's not even low battery yet...*getting nervous*....what should I do?....what should I do?....wait...I think Im just gonna find a person who can help me...maybe there is also house near here....




*Keep walking*




Where am really I?...why I can't find anybody at all?...*Gonna cry*

:Help!..is ther anybody hear me?




*Its going night soon*


The sun is turning down....where am I really?...I'm scared!...

:Help!....Help me please!


:where am....it's so cold...help! Can someone hear me?*shouting*


*Animals Growling*

What is that?....is it sound a wolf?


Where am I?...ways brought me here but my phone suddenly just died...it's not even low battery yet


What am I seeing right now?...it's a.... A.....Wolf?.....and..half....human?...

Wolf:Oh such a beautiful girl....why are you here at night?

:I....I....*crying*...please spare me....I still have so many dreams...please*while crying*

Wolf:Well,I honestly didn't have dreams before but now I have found my dream*growling*

:Help!.....help me please!....

Wolf:There no one here...beautiful girl...*approaching*....but...if you want we can accompany each other...

Taking more step to approach her

:Can someone hear me?! Taking a step backward

Wolf:Oh!...don't be scared I'm not that bad*touching her face slowly*

(My gosh!...*crying*...can someone help me right now?....please...lord... Help...me!...*trembling with fear*)

[suddenly another wolf came and punched the wolf that was hurting me....causing the bad one to go away]

He said_are you okay?

:I'm okay?...but where Am I?...is it a dream?
