Fourteen ~~ First love

Jungkook went home feeling a bit worried about the whole thing. He wasn't sure if he was making the right choice or the wrong one. He was still busy with his thoughts when Taehyung appeared in front of him.

"What are you thinking about?." Taehyung asked.

"uh?". Jungkook asked. Taehyung folded his arms while looking at Jungkook. Ignoring Taehyung, he went to his room as Taehyung followed after him.

"Where have you been?".

"Out". Jungkook replied bluntly.

"To where and with whom?". Taehyung asked earning a confused look from Jungkook.

"Since when do you become so engrossed in my life, what i do and where i go?". Jungkook asked.

"You went out with Riele, didn't you?".

"Are you interrogating me right now?". Jungkook asked looking up at Taehyung waiting for an answer but Taehyung was silent. "Daebak". Jungkook said in surprise as he tried to walk out on Taehyung but Taehyung grabbed his hand and pulled him back into the house.

Jungkook smiled. "You know, I'm starting to wonder if peradventure you have a thing or two for this girl".

"What are you saying?".

Jungkook shrugged.

"She is my personal assistant".

"Ex". Jungkook retorted.


"She is your Ex- Personal Assistant".

"She told you?".

Jungkook crossed his arms across his chest, staring intently at Taehyung. "Why do i feel history is about to repeat itself?".

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked.

"This is the same way you acted with Y/N".

"Neo Michyesseo?". Taehyung asked running to meet Jungkook but Jungkook was fast enough to escape "Ya! Jungkook-ah jugullae??".

(Neo Michyesseo- Are you crazy?).

Jungkook laughed sticking out his tongue. "Chankahma!".Jungkook said with a serious look on his face. "who do you love most? Y/N or Riele?".

(Chankahma- wait a minute)

"Ya!!!". Taehyung yelled as he bounced on Jungkook, crushing him to the ground. "Moraggu?". Taehyung asked as he playfully punched Jungkook on his shoulders.

(ya! - Hey!)

(Moraggu - What did you say?)

"Get off me!!!". Jungkook said trying to push Taehyung over but he was sat down on his stomach like his stomach were meant for his butt.

"Arasseo...Arasseo...Mianhae". Jungkook pleaded trying to suppress his laughter.

(Arasseo - Alright!)

(Mianhae - I am sorry)

"Say it louder". requested Taehyung. Taehyung tickled Jungkook as the poor boy begs and laughs at the same time.

"Mianhae". Jungkook manage to say as Taehyung stood up from him.

"That's more like it". Taehyung gave a sigh of relief. After some time, Jungkook and Taehyung settled down to enjoy each others company when Taehyung asked a question. "So where did you guys go?".

Jungkook looked at him and laughed.

"What's funny?".Taehyung wondered.

"You can't get your mind off it, can you?".

"I can".

"Really?". asked Jungkook with a smirk on his face.


"Then i won't tell you".

"Fine, don't tell me...i won't ask either".

Jungkook stood up. "Let see how long it's going to take before curiousity kills the cat". Jungkook whispered as Taehyung glared at him as Jungkook walked away but not without sticking out his tongue.

After Jungkook left, Taehyung was in deep thoughts. Why am i bothered about her? why am i even curious? Maybe i just want to see her get into trouble. I'm probably just looking for faults. Yes...that should be it. Taehyung nodded after he was convinced with that thought. His mind went back to Y/N.



Y/N and I grew up in the same neighborhood- Busan. We attended the same school all through our lives. Our parents usually ship us together every time they see us together. I was secretly in love with Y/N but i never got to confess my feelings to her.

I introduced her to my band members and they all seemed to like her. I told myself i would confess my feelings to her after graduation.

The day of the graduation came, i waited for her outside the school gate. I saw her car drive right past me and it was obvious the driver was waiting for her. I saw her coming outside and i decided to give it a shot.

"Hi Y/N". I called as she came over to meet me with a smile.

"Taehyung-ah...What are you doing here?". she asked as she signaled her driver to wait.

"Um..Y/N....i need to talk to you". i said.

She gave me weird looks before signaling me to speak. "Saranghe".

(Saranghe - i love you)

"Mwo?". she asked.

(Mwo - what?)


(Saranghaeyo - I love you)

"Ya!! Neo michyesseo?". She asked.

(Ya - Hey)

I was stunned at her response. This isn't what i was expecting.