Chapter 17 Happy and sky rocketing adventure of Huo yuhao, the biggest mystery of golden space and Huo yuhao is solved today

Chapter 17

Huo yuhao gets blessed and being gifted by planetary lord with the weapon, that not only has the ability of absorption of all types of energies but also has the ability of shape shifting. There are some restrictions at present regarding the use of the weapon in the golden space of Huo yuhao; first his body physique at the least should be at the tiltled douluo or above and spirit power at the least reaches 49 level considering the massive reserve of Huo yuhao both the quantity and quality wise compared to the average spirit master, which is many times around 10,000 compared to spirit master of same level because of his viscous consistency. (author's note: spirit power consistency of average spirit master is gaseous up to 69 level, liquid from 70 to 89 level near level 90 viscous and at 90 level solid consistency after 90 level it further condensed)

It is difficult for Huo yuhao alone to accumulate spirit power and raises his level , but with the blessing of planetary lord and passive automatic absorption of heavenly energies due to heavenly version of mysterious heavenly technique. These two factors greatly help in absorption of surrounding energies and its assimilation in his body to increase his spirit power and 5 percent of total energy, to strengthen the body physique.

Huo yuhao diligently cultivating whatever free time he is getting to increase his level from his busy schedule. His busy schedule comprises of taking care of his mother and other expecting female in mother care special hospital constricted by spirit hall. He also doing his spiritual power sharing with the ye ling ling, to facilitate her in observing various aspects of life development around expecting mothers to deepen her sensibilities and enlightenments about healing, regeneration and vitality.

He also recreates the soul ring storing devices which were created by his soul device teacher in DD2 era, to store spirit rings and prevent the loss and dissipation of the spirit rings, which happens with in the hour of spirit ring formation after soul beast killing. He also develops another technology of his teacher, by developing the weapon in the form of guns, sword, spear and knife. The peculiarity of these special weapons is that, the soul rings which are going to form by soul beast killing by using these weapons, can be absorbed by anyone, instead of only a person who killed the beast.

These two successful creations help the loss of spirit rings by dissipation and junior non-combatants can safely absorb spirit rings hunted by there elders. This safety feature can create another route for spirit hall to exploit (practically robbing) the oversensitive noble and merchant parents who want safe acquisitions of spirit rings for their greenhouse flower children.

These two creations also will soon give massive samples of spirit rings for spirit hall research division, when spirit hall will start sea route conquering of other continents. As the fact that not all sea spirit beasts are neutral like mermaid clan. There will be defiantly many unreasonable spirit beasts will be going to attack the ships of spirit hall until he develops technology of spatial transportation.

He noted another fact by observing his golden space that the quantity of various laws and multiple particles in his golden space is related to hos understanding of elements and blessing and life experiences. Most are water and air elements following the combination of these two that is ice attribute element is more prevalent.

After these three, he gets the grey color particles in his golden space, which demonstrate his achievement and observation of space element. Golden space and memories of electroflux are most contributing factors followed by his experiences in god realm and his fight with black dragon, currently safe guarding the recovering silver dragon king.

After that surprise to him the fire affinities, which most probably result from his assimilation of fire apricot. Which indirectly also increases the fire resistance of his spirit power and body along with various poisons. Due to his friendly relations with life and destruction gods, discussion with them and his studying in the forgotten and ignored libraries of rakhasha and angel gods, there is almost equalent amount of light and dark particles.

There were also continuous color-changing particles he didn't knows about, but observation from silk brother suggest it is new time-related particle. He proved it by accepting another suggestion of silkworm brother by planting, ice grass and fire apricot along with purple morning dew in his golden space. It proved the theory of time, as due to effect of time particles these herbs getting aged quickly, as time ratio at present is 1:1000. This time ratio might further increases when his understanding of time particles further increases.

With the help of hyper-douluo and limit douluo qian rein level 99 angel douluo, he releases multiple satellite around the planet. Which speed up the wire-less and internet technology, but of course this technology's present beneficiaries are spirit hall and its follower residing in developing east city. He also working with research and technology team, which is developing douluo continent online systems, which is at end stages and soon available as training program for the soul masters of the spirit hall.

If this course progress smoothly, then the training spirit masters don't have to go to forests, jungles, sea coast and deep-sea area for gaining the experiences. Yes, because developing east spirit city is the coastal city, which leads to deep sea adventuring of spirit hall masters in sea especially spirit masters of ice, water or sea related martial souls.

Due to his spiritual connection and sharing of his insights over life and death rules along with experience of gu leuna to produce black soul ring, the silver dragon gu leuna in DD3 working in spirit pagoda, the team successful developing many yellow and purple artificial ring. As data base provided by gu leuna teaching in god realm they don't need many DNA and Spiritual samples for those yellow and purple rings. The team is on the way to develop black ring and spirit ascension world in 1 to 2 years, sooner with Huo yuhao assistance.

Huo yuhao get the company of his twin younger brother and sister in these 4-5 month. In addition to his assistant work and diligent cultivation.

Important announcement by author today: The mystery of golden space revealed.

This is auxiliary cheat gift provided by HIGH-Deity of humanoid faction of highest tier universe towards low tier universe heroes. The HIGH-Deity named Navid_line possessing very compassionate, merciful, loving blah blah blah etc. personal traits which by high morals, forced to provide help to lower dimension future heroes to change the miserable fates of future humans and humanoids in lower dimension.

So, according to him the most suitable choice to change the miserable fate of future common and weak persons and their exploitation by young master cancer (royalties and nobilities), Hippocrates (tang san, tang sect and shriek who risk life of younger spirit masters without safety to fight vicious evil masters without proper safety). So, he decided to intervene whatever lower dimension he feels suitable to decrease the miseries of humanoid creatures. Author's next target hmm hmm, most righteous humanoid high-Deity , will be battle of ascension written by HotIce. Disclaimer: Battle of ascension belongs to Hotice, support original novel along with my fanfiction.