makes spirit hall strong and plan for getting divinity for god of Technology

Sorry for delay update readers.

On the suggestion of HUA the spirit hall on the future two continent of douluo, they construct gold and silver studies of adult version of Hua and Qian renxue as god of technology and angel god, respectively. Hua want to create his seat of as god of technology in addition getting dual god seat like tang San, he needs recognition from masses.

For quick power up he needs contributions from high levels of spirit hall by choice Bibi dong, golden crocodile, shadow douluo, sage and title douluo of tang clan, blacksmiths who joins spirit hall by accepting loyalty seals start studying blacksmithing out of them Bibi ding and golden crocodile progress quickly to 6th level blacksmith with in year due to strong body and spiritual power and preparing for getting experience to breakthrough to 7th level blacksmith, remaining other are at 5th level and hitting the break through to 6th level. Out of them Bibi dong was more amusing at soaking knowledge as sponge as she also studying designing of mecha and spirit armour and she tech almost at 5the level spirit designing. For the time being as materials are not as abundant as in era of DD2 spirit hall plan to not construct white, yellow, and purple mecha. spirit hall focus to produce one word, two word, three word spirit armor and black/red mecha.

For spirit designing in addition to Bibi dong

seraphim douluo, dolphin douluo, snake douluo, goes for spirit designing as Qian seraphim douluo will not trust Bibi dong to design battle armor for his granddaughter.

others were goes for mecha making and repair.

For Tang San although he is not enemy but his extreme selfish behavior make hua slightly disgusted with him and he will going to put blocks in his development.

1) first he internally announce that tang San and her future wife xiao will not be given any subsidy from spirit hall neither they can join spirit hall even if they agree to accept loyalty seal for unexplained reasons. why give money if in future he will attack spirit hall in future why to give milk to snakling to make it grow and then bitten by it.

2) It will also prevent tang San to shamelessnessLY join spirit hall and attack it in future by using knowledge of spirit hall to attack it as spirit hall peoples attack his mother who is spirit beast.

3) depends on future circumstances he might revive tang San mother as a compensation to snatch his future opportunities, which he will definitely do and because of the friendship between his mother and tang San mother in god realm in his previous life.

For rapid and safe development of spirit masters he must create artificial spirit stage where spirit masters fight with each other and with spirit beasts to get experience to quickly grow up, he must push the progress of technology in the name of representative of god of technology.

For the co-operation spirit beast population like in DD4 era spirit hall also contact high levels of spirit beast high level envoy in which Hua yuhao participate he shows them their first artificial white and yellow spirit rings and as a example of spirit soul system he present himself and silk brother as an example. they get neutral to good response from black dragon do Dian and others a highly enthusiastic response from swan queen