Chapter 5...Tiredness and synchronization

I was really tired after my recent stunt, although I had the knowledge I still lacked the finesse by which Cedric used his wand, besides he was also a student and not a full-fledged wizard who was trained to fight.

The constant use of levitation charm, Conjuration, Apparition and disarming charm had drained me to the limit, as soon as I reached my room using apparition, I lost consciousness.

I woke up due to the streak of light that shone on my face. It looks like I slept most of nm y time, fortunately, my mother isn't usually hopeful due to her work or else the cops would have been called on me due to my template.

[Congratulation on reaching 50 percent synchronisation with the character]

I was able to feel the magic in my body reach a new level, the topic of transfiguration and charms had reached the level of extraordinary on the O.W.L exams if I am to be honest.

This means now I can start practising the vanishing and human transfiguration, which is usually a high-level subject of transfiguration

My charms spells also increased.

I gained insight into some spells that belonged to Cedric

{A/N: I think some people might be confused since I said before that the mc gained all of Cedric's memories, it's true but the rate at which the mc improves is less than that if the system synchronisation, In short words, the more the mc tries to advance, the better the sync, the better the sync the more skills he gains, skills don't need focus unless he is going beyond the limits}

Since I was feeling better I decided to rush out to the warehouse place and check the spells.

"Bombarda Maxima"

As I used the spell a big chunk of the wall blasted into small bits, since I was quite close to the wall I was also blasted back.

"That's gonna pack a good punch"

I also tried forming my Ortego spell and found out that it was so much stronger than before, I think it can take in the bombardment of high-velocity physical objects that offer high penetrating powers, aka an Ak47.

I don't know how a magic spell will affect the shield though.

After curbing my excitement I quickly apparition to go home and prepare for my school. I believe by the end of the year I can complete my sync and get a new character.

I took my bag and silently left home, I can just apparate to school this might rub some people the wrong way and I might be tracked.*Cough* bald fury *cough cough"

I quickly reached class, just in time for the teacher to enter, although I am somewhat of a genius due to me already knowing the stuff these guys teach but that doesn't mean these teachers don't give me a hard time.

"Class, Quiet!" the teacher said with a smile on her face.

After everyone became quiet the teacher dropped another bomb on us"I have good news and bad news"

As soon as the teacher said that, the class erupted into chaos and started shouting

"Good news good news good news"

I honestly don't understand how they feel the need to act so childishly

"Haha, Alright let me tell u the good news first, We have a new transfer student"

The news opened another wave of shouts of excitement

"Everyone please welcome Jean Grey"


I looked up and saw a redhead walk into the classroom, she looked really cute since she was still a kid, no pedo

"She will be studying with you guys so I hope you can take care of her alright"

The boys were visibly excited to have a female transfer while the girl also looked at the newcomer with interest

"Alright, hmmm...." the teacher looked around before she pointed at me

"You can take the seat behind Jack, the corner one"

'Tch, so lucky, getting the legendary ultra protagonist seat at the far end corner, though I am also not that bad" I couldn't help but think.

Now the question is, is this just a normal girl or someone who will become a mutant, and if she is a mutant, where are the other mutants since I can't find any info.

I feel someone poke me in the back it's the redhead

"Can I borrow a pencil?" she asks

"Ahem, here" I took out one from my case and gave it to her

" Thanks"

The first three classes went like that before break finally arrived and the class quickly surrounded the new girl's bench.

They started asking her various questions and I decided it was time I leave. I can always get my pencil back using Accio.

As I was taking my food to the table I heard the redhead calling out to me

"Here, you pencil" she thanked me for it.

"Would you like to have lunch with me?" I asked her

She seems like good company, and I hardly think she is a mutant right now.