Chapter 16....MCU starts

It was the Russians, how I knew that it's because I have dealt with some of them and am now able to differentiate between Russians and other gang leaders.

They were standing guard outside a simple looking house, I knew something was going on here. I quickly arrived as close to them as I could and started listening to them, I couldn't get much but it seems they are about to meet someone important today.

I had half a mind to just go ahead and beat em up, with my enhanced speed, it will be easier for me to fight against them and win, though if they use guns I might have to be careful.

Let's just hope my bright green costume doesn't give me away.

Unlike how I thought, I was not discovered the whole time and by the end of the day, I was able to locate the warehouse. it was filled to the brim with very heavy firearms.

I don't know what the Russians are thinking, are they trying to start a frickin war on the streets of Newyork. I just didn't know at the time that I was a very big eyesore in the eyes of the thugs of New York at that time, It was all for single old me.

I would be humbled by the idea that someone put so much importance on me but just the thought of tens of hundreds of missiles being launched at me would be like

Even if I could dodge them, that doesn't remove their danger from society. What if someone gets hurt by them.

I decided right there and then that by the end of March, the Russians will be completely wiped out from New York, I don't know if this world has a Kingpin or not but the Russians shouldn't have picked me as a target.

My following days were spent on making myself stronger through training and Drawing Manga through the use of my Magic pen, I plan to publish my manga for the money to buy the magic potions. I also kept studying the university stuff and was a lot more knowledgeable than before.

By the end of February, I was able to utilize 8 per cent OFA. it might seem like a little but the effects were enormous.

I went back home and asked my mother to help me publish my manga, she was a little surprised that I was willing to do something, it seems my mother doesn't have a good impression of me, do I care, nope.

She finally relented after I let her see my script of One Piece. She thought the art style was a little vulgar but I managed to convince her that this was the best way to make comics.

At the end of March, my first Manga was published under my pen name. I made sure that the production house has no authority to 'Correct' my work in either way. The sale of the first month was ten thousand and it kept increasing after that.

I had a good enough supply to buy potions and made my training harder. Iron made Golems and other iron made animals made it all the harder for me to beat them, this, in turn, allowed me to increase my character synchronisation rate. Just for the sake of it I also designed a way for me to learn how to efficiently evade and block bullets.

I even tried using the 100 per cent OFA and let me tell you, it wasn't pleasant, though the commotion on the news about how a sonic boom suddenly cleared up the storm the ridden sky was pretty indulging.

Almost made me forget how I felt when I punched the sky and my arm was bent in all the wrong ways, it seems the indomitable will ability of Midoriya was the only thing that kept me from crying.

Now it was the end of March and I was finally able to witness one of the most iconic moments in history, the start of Iron man, Tony star was kidnapped by the ten rings. This means that in four months he will come back, hopefully alive, I will start looking for him and keep a close eye just in case.

I don't know if my being in this world has produced any bad ripples, just the fact that X-Men exists is concern enough, how long will Charles be able to keep them hidden from the world.

Soon enough they will make some mistakes and then the world will know of them, I just hope they don't cause me any problem, maybe people will think I am a mutant and start hating me as well.


A/N: some people are saying chapters are short but i feel like i am writing the same amount of words as any other novels,most of em anyways,

Now the chapter will become longer from 25 onwards cause i have already pre written these .

I just wrote the 25th chapter and its 1300 words.

You can join my patreooon,the profile name is NOVACORP ,the tier name is same as the novel name.8 chapters in advance