Chapter 25....Meeting the Billionaire

A/N: Stark was kidnapped in march of 2010 and was able to escape in or at the end of June, which means currently mc is 12 and a June, lol,I placed his birthday on a day close to new year since I knew I would be making a birthday chapter so I decided to at least count mc age at least.


"Blitz! why don't you come in?"

Yensen said to Blitz who was about to walk away after dripping off Jensen at the stark tower.

Jack stopped in his track and thought if he should go in or not. There was really nothing to lose and he could go away any moment he wanted without any problem, it's not like Tony will be able to stop him with his current capacity.

He also wanted to see if he could have a working relationship with Tony, having people who could have your back in times of crisis is a godsend.

"Alright!" - Jack finally agreed to go with Yensen inside the building.

Once they were inside they were stopped by the security,

"Halt! Do you have any business here?" the guard gave Yensen and stink eye, he had his hands on the firearm as he watched Jack's every movement with vigilance.

"And what business do you have here, Vigilante!"

It seemed the guy had some personal grudge with Jack from the tone of his voice.

Fortunately, the situation was resolved when a petite woman in a pencil skirt came from the elevator.

"I will take it from here, you must be Mr Yensen, I am Mr. Stark's secretary, you can call me Mrs. Pepper, Tony has been expecting you two."

Yensen sighed in relief, he didn't know how Blitz or Jack would react if the guard had shown anymore enmity to him.

They got into the elevator, Pepper pressed the button for the topmost floor and the elevator started moving, smooth music started playing.

"You got a question for me, Mrs. Pepper?!" Jack knew who this woman was and the fact that she was sneaking glances at him now and then.

"I would like to know how you know Mr Stark, but I guess you won't be telling me that, so it's better if I had stayed quiet," She said as a matter of fact"

It seemed as if Tony had not yet disclosed his secret to Pepper as of yet, His involvement in Tony's freedom was kept under wraps, though it wouldn't matter to him even if everyone knew cause no matter what they do, his personal life would never get out.


The elevator was finally opened and Yensen and Jack were greeted with the view of a luxurious apartment. Jack had to agree that Tony had really good taste in things.

Every single piece of furniture would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, plus the beautiful view of the nightlife of New York City.

"One day I will build a floating mansion, yup a floating mansion or a simple house would do," Jack said to himself.

A sound of footsteps was heard and Jack turned back to look, Tony had finally arrived and gave Yensen a big hug.

"Haha!, You look fine my buddy!, almost seem younger, So do you like the place?, it's just recently made you know."

"Yes, the place is quite fine, Mr. Stark"

"Oi! how many times do I have to tell you to not be so formal with me" Tony punched Yensen's shoulder.

"Pepper, I want you to show Yensen around the place alright, he will be living closer to us for a while, Right Yensen"

Tony laughed as he patted Yensen's shoulder, it would not be wrong to say that Tony considered Yensen a true friend.

Pepper led Yensen away from Tony and Jack who were quietly looking at each other.

Both of them kelp looking at each other for a while, Tony had a serious expression on his face as he kept staring at Jack who had the rabbit a mask on his face ain't he was in his costume.

"Your mask is ugly." - Tony broke the silence as ge it his hand forward for a handshake.

"So is your face!" Jack couldn't help but rebuke, though he knew the mask was really ugly. Midoriya's mask was his attempt at imitating the love of his life, All might.

The whole childhood of Midoriya was spent worshipping one and only Allmight, Jack often thought how it would turn out if Midoriya wasn't selected by All might as a successor, maybe he would have gone down the same path as Hero killer stain.

Or maybe he would have become a vigilante, several things could have happened

"Hello!, Earth to Blitz!" Tony saw that Blitz spaced out, he called out to Jack who looked at him.

"So, what are you?, a science experiment gone wrong, Do you have some kind of superpower or is it due to your suit?"

Tony started asking Jack some questions, it was common to be interested in the prospect of having the strength to leap buildings and punch through steel.

"No, it's pure physical power."

"Bullshit!, you become a green electrical eel when you use your strength, and you aren't fast enough to be generating lightning."

"Take it or leave it."

Jack and Tony both looked at each other again,

Tony moved over to a big table in the room and several videos popped up which included Him and again him, as both Blitz and Mr. Magic went around saving people.

"I looked up everything I could on you and this guy, You guys have a lot in common, you both appear around the same neighbourhood and are always active in nearly the same areas, I can't help but wonder if you both are related."

It seemed as if Tony wanted some answers to his question, Jack wasn't really worried since Tony would find out from Yensen that Blitz was actually in contact with Mr. Magic. It would be a surprise if Tony did not interrogate Yensen after he was done with him.

"Mr. Stark, although I am happy to meet you and stuff, I must perform my duties as well so I will be taking my leave."

It seems like friendship with Tony was a far fetched dream, From the way Tony was behaving, he believes that Jack has an ulterior motive for his heroics.


Jack who was about to pull out the portkey was stopped by Tony.

"I only have one more question, More like a question for Mr. Magic, the other guy, if you know him, can you ask him if it's possible to learn magic for everyone?, and is it really magic or it is just advance science?"

Tony was interested in the feats of Mr. Magic who could cast spells of various effects and wanted to learn how to do it. How it worked and understand it.

"It's better for you to stick to technology Mr. Stark."

Jack gave his final advice and disappeared using the portkey, the next moment he appeared in his house and plopped onto the bed, turning back into his original form.

"Well, that wasn't as good as I thought, it seems that Tony is Not trusting me, maybe it was a bad idea to go all the way to Afghanistan to save him, now he thinks I have an agenda with him."


Tony POV:

'Sigh, I am an idiot ,for once in my life someone is clean to me and I just have to go ahead and ruin it.'

Tony couldn't help but curse himself at his stupidity, He knew he did the guy bad by basically calling him over and questioning his actions,

Asking his origins and how his powers worked maybe over the ring ,but its something that can be forgiven easily,the fact that he basically questioned his very motive of why he protected the city, if he had any ulterior motive to helping the city. That was a bad call

Not only him, Tony went as far as to indirectly call out to the guy who has been at this for over an year and a half(maybe) now, Mr. Magic.

These guys combined had cleaned up more filth then the Cops and the FBI combined in five years.

"What's done is done,I will make sure to make it up to him."

Although Tony knew he had indirectly hurt someone, it wasn't easy for him to ask for forgiveness, it wasn't in his nature.