Chapter 27....Forces in the dark

In a certain high rise building called the Triskelion, a buffed man with an average height, colour and face was standing respectfully in front of a dark Bald man who had an eyepatch on his one eye.

"Agent MCcath, Do you have any news for me?"

"Yes sir!"


The bald man was naturally the Head Director of shield, the building was the base of Shield and the man reporting to Nick Fury would surprise Jack to another level if he were here.

This man who seemed as buff as a bull was one of the firefighters asking Jack too many questions during the rescue operation, Jack never would have thought that he was being interrogated in any way.

"Sir, I made contact with the target 'Magician' at 1500 two days ago, the target used specific movement with a wand and then a jet of water was released causing the fire to extinguished, it took the target at least five minutes to completely douse the fires. He also used a command while using this spell, the target uses words from Latin to use magic,"

Agent MCcath gave the director a look which meant "Continue."

"Yes Sir!, The target then flew down and entered the site of the disaster, he has several spells for telekinesis, healing, levitation, etc."

Agent MCcath then continued,

"The target didn't seem to mind explaining his origin and told me a bit."

Hearing The agent, Fury suddenly cut him off,

"You should have started with that, we already know he has all these abilities, his origins are what I am interested in."

Agent MCcath was dumbfounded by the attitude of the Director, he had never seen him so impatient, Nick fury was always the best and never showed his emotion.

The very existence of something so inhumane had shaken Nick Fury beyond belief. Only Nick knew that men like these existed, he just didn't know that some of them were living on Earth.

Nick read the file and looked at the Agent with some doubt.

"So that's why our satellite systems always go Willy Wonka when we try and locate him."

"I believe that is the case Sir."

"And did he exactly say that there is a whole freakin community or whatever of people like him who can fly, shoot water out of their whatever that is, and lift objects and change the very property of something."

"Affirmative Sir!, the target showed no discomfort and I believe he was speaking the truth."

Nick knew what it meant for there to be a society of these people, if they are good, then it's great, but if they are malicious, then he will have to take action.

"Alright, You can go now, No one should know about what you have told me today, is that clear?"

"Yes Sir!"

The agent bowed and left the Office, Nick fury dialled a number and said once the call was connected,

"Come back, there is an emergency."

Nick fury also classified the existence of The magical community as a level 11 and anyone was barred from talking about it.

Unknown to him, news travels fast and now, the organization that was sleeping within the shield also became aware of the existence of a magical community.

They were already interested in Mr. Magic and Blitz, but the fact that there could be thousands of them was something they didn't even think about.


In a clothing factory, blind people seemed to be working, they were preparing packages of a drug, this was one of the drug rings of the Hand situated in New York, handled personally by Madame Gao who was currently in her office.

"Madame Gao, The Russians have prepared the final stage for the Ambush, I believe we will be able to deal with one of the two Vigilante by the next week."

Madame Gao looked at the man speaking to her, she gave a smile and handed him a letter.

The man respectfully took the letter with both hands and left,

"You can never be too careful, right" Gao looked to the left, a man covered in black ninja attire came out of the shadows and bowed,

"Wait for them to tire out and then finish them"

The ninja gave a cupped fist and disappeared back into the shadows. Madame Gao also got back to doing whatever the hell she did in the meantime besides scheming.


In a Certain New York building known as the New York Sanctum Santorum.

A man was seen talking to a woman who looked to be in the prime of her age, what was weird about her was her bald head that was as smooth and lovely as a boiled egg.

The woman was calmly drinking tea, she stopped and looked at the man standing in front of her.

"Sit down and speak with me Mordo, what seems to be bothering you." She said as she peacefully took a sip of tea,.

She began preparing tea and then poured another cup for her and one for Mordo.

Mordo respectfully picked up the cup and took a sip, he couldn't help but exhale a breath of relief as the tea spread warmth throughout his body, relaxing him. Mordo released a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"Ancient One, I have discovered the anomaly you speak of, He is a vigilante of New York, He goes by the name of Mr. Magic and has several spells that do not belong to any of the magic systems I know of."

The Ancient One looked at Mordo and began to think, it's been some time since her visions have started going blurry, ever since then she hasn't been able to accurately see a future.

At first, she believed it was the work of Dormammu or Mephisto as they are capable enough to do that.

"There is a high chance of this being the work of someone who wants to harm the Earth, the way the barriers broke two years ago...I can still remember that day, it looked like someone had pinched the barrier, but it also recovered just as quick so maybe they are a friendly force or are hiding from something far terrible." - Morrow said to the Ancient one as he recalled the day the Barrier protecting Earth from outside threats broke like shattered glass and recovered just as easily as an inflatable balloon being pumped with a heavy motor.


You can get advanced chapters on P@treon, NOVACORP Is profile name,

Also I might or might not upload for next three days until 20th, because I am getting bad grades and have viva and practical that I need to clear to get passing or good grades, so forgive me, but I will release for chapters on 21st hopefully, thanks for your patience in advance
