Chapter 29...Aftermath and Ambush

'It's been a week since Blitz fought with Iron Monger, and he has successfully become a sensation. The strongest man on Earth'

(his Midoriya character is now famous as well, in some ways more famous as the fight with Iron Monger is cooler and stuff..)

Blitz, this name is on the mouth of everyone, whether in the school, in the neighbourhood or in the street, everyone is talking about how someone so powerful exists.

'I guess they will change their opinion after seeing Hulk, destroy stuff in Harlem, thoughts that are very far in the future.' thought Jack as he worked on a tent with extension charm.

Although everyone was amazed by Blitz, the real shock came when Iron Man finally revealed his real identity in the press meet yesterday.

Needless to say that the news shocked everyone. The stock market underwent a huge change.

'Fortunately, I was able to buy some stocks under my mother's name, it was bought from all the extra money I had from my animes. which is a lot considering I haven't spent much and mother thinks I am smart enough to understand how to spend them.' thought Jack as he remembered his mother's expression when he expressed his desire to invest in a company that lost its primary source of income.

"And Done!" Jack said to no one in particular as he picked up the tent and started setting it up, using a simple spell, the tent was up.

"Here goes nothing." - Jack gulped as he slowly entered the tent, The hundredth tent of this week, and finally he saw a result that was close to his expectation.

The tent was enough for a dozen people, it wasn't luxurious like the ones in the movies but had the same amount of space and had no other spells on it besides the extension charm.

'Now that I am done with this, it's time for my daily city patrol.' thought Jack as he turned into Midoriya and left his warehouse.

It was the usual crimes of every day, the only exception being that half the criminals didn't even try fighting him and directly surrendered, it seems the video of him mercilessly pummeling the giant Steel Iron Monger was scary enough to make the thugs cry out.

"Hey! Danny, I thought I told you to stop doing this stuff, you wanna spend another month in jail, what about your daughter at home? who is going to take care of her?"

Jack couldn't help but comment, he was familiar with this guy by a lot now. He was a small-time pickpocket guy.

Jack remembered meeting him when he first became Midoriya, at that time the guy begged him to not get him arrested.

After a bit of pleading and explaining his circumstances, he let the small-time criminal go on the word that he won't do it again, and to his surprise, he found Danny picking another target a few blocks away two days later.

"Sigh, I know... I know, but I can't just sit still while my daughter suffers in silence, you already know she has cancer."

"Why don't you find a job and help her then?" - Jack rebuked.


Jack was a little surprised at Danny,

"Sorry, it's not that I don't have a job, I work as a cleaner in one of those high rise buildings....sometimes pickpocket some of the people as well, but the bills keep piling on."

Jack couldn't help but grow sympathy for the poor guy, not everyone becomes a criminal for fun or because of their nature, some are just given a bad hand, some are not willing enough to stay on the good path, Jack thought what he would do if he were ever in a situation that led him to do stuff like this.

", take this and feed it to your daughter, next time I see you, it better be in a lawful environment."

Jack opened the system and bought a Potion to treat Danny's daughter, it was cheap stuff anyway, it would probably work for cancer and stuff, he had tested it before.

As long as it's not the final stage. Cancer is curable with the use of a single potion.

Danny caught the flask like a potion bottle and looked at the liquid that seemed to swirl constantly...looked almost magical.

"What is this?"

"Well, it's a cure, it will heal your daughter, I am only doing this so you don't have to do...this."

Danny kept looking at the bottle with surprise, he looked at Jack with a bit of confusion.

"Hey! don't ruin the gesture, trust me this will work, I am also planning on selling this stuff once I am sure I won't be slaughtered by the medicine giants of the world." Jack told Danny.

"So you are saying that this small bottle of magical liquid can completely cure cancer as long as it's not the last stage." Danny was still not convinced.

"Yep! among other such diseases...if you don't trust me, you can return it to me."

"No ! No! No! I believe you!"

"Good enough for me, now remember not to do anything that will lead you to me." - Jack gave one final warning before jumping in the air and shooting off into the distance.


Jack kept rocketing from one building to another, finally, he was where he wanted to be.

The central park. He had recently built in a tracker and some other stuff that would help him better fight crime in the area.

According to the report, it was a hostage situation.

he looked up from the pole light, the police had the guy surrounded, he had a gun pointed at the head of the woman who seemed to be in her middle age.

'Gonna have to be swift!'

Jack thought as he channelled OFA with all his might into his legs. The hostage situation was one of the trickiest ones for him.

With a whoosh, he arrived right beside the Mob and delivered a chop to his neck, effectively knocking him out.

"And that's done, Hey Lady! you are safe now."

He called out to the lady, who was looking at him in shock.


Suddenly he heard the sound of a fast-moving protective and directly jumped high into the air with the lady in his arms.


The whole place looked as if tens of bombs blew up at once, which was exactly the case since seven people appeared from around the tree, they had rocket launchers in hand and aimed them at him who was free-falling from the sky.

"How the heck did this happen!"


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