Chapter 31...

I am sitting on the New York City Empire state building, takes me a bit of a stretch to get up here when I am in my Midoriya form and can't fly, As for the reason why I am here, it's because of what happened here...mainly because I like the scenery over here.

Makes me relaxed and calm for some reason, Today was rather quiet for the chaotic New York City, every person always struggled to make a living, to make a name, to have an identity in this Place.

On the other hand was the underbelly of Newyork, the underworld, the place where the Evil of New York resided, thriving and growing each day.'And I will shake this underworld to its core.'

I was really angry at what happened the other day, I knew I was being targeted now, the underworld wanted to pluck me, the problem, from the bud. It seems like they still have the belief they can shake me. They did nearly shake me, but that was because I let them.

I won't be so naive, as to how I am gonna do it, haha, I will start with the Genovese Family, I already have nearly all of their businesses mapped out. All I need to do is get someone who will help me publicize all these things. which means getting someone in the police who is the epitome of justice, or getting someone from the press to work with me.

I had several candidates from the police department, having a bug in the police control room helps you judge people's behaviour regarding their job, several famous and just policemen included a certain Capt. Stacy.

Yup, the one and only Captain Stacy from the Amazing Spiderman movies. There was also the Yuri Watanabe from the PS game Spiderman Marvel.

It was a tough decision between the two, but I am more inclined to Yuri, not because she is a woman or something like that, it's because of that police guy and his friends I save in one of my first squabbles with the Russians and the Mexicans.

He was a part of Mrs Yuri's buddies or whatever thing they have going on at the police, so she was grateful enough to thank me, and give me an 'I will let you go one if you get caught'

Now the problem was she was familiar with Cedric, and not me, or Midoriya.

So I have decided to go meet her as Mr Magic, I would have preferred to be called Merlin or something more awesome, but the public and the newspaper is stubborn about it, they didn't change it when I painted the building walls with 'Give me a cool name!'

But those things are for later, first I have to deal with the problem of my mind, due to the awakening of one of the quirks inside the OFA, I honestly never thought I would wake up to Those other quirks so early,

Though they did help me save my skin, they are a lot harder to deal with, I am not able to once trade in school, it's exams season, and so the place is filled with negative emotions which greatly stimulates my Danger Sense.

If I can master this thing to the extreme, I will have the ability to perceive negative emotions, the general direction of my enemies in case they have malicious thoughts of harming me in any way, and the great sixth sense.

The best way for me to do that is to walk through the areas of Newyork that are infested with mobs, which will cause me to be surrounded by negative emotions, I have to learn how to control my quirk or else it will be more harmful than advantageous.

With that thought, I descended from the building and roamed the streets of New York to better test my power and try and control my quirk.

I had tried to locate the previous users of OFA In my consciousness but I was not successful.

It took me twenty minutes before I felt a stab in my head, I stopped in my tracks and tried to feel where it was originating from.

After trying for a while I failed and the stab disappeared, I hope the crime wasn't big enough, maybe it was just some random guy who was angry at me for some petty reason like me stepping on his balcony during my patrols, waking him up in the process, ruining his sleep.

It went like this for an hour before I finally was able to sense the general direction of the said intent...or not. I looked behind me and nobody was there.

'Is this thing broken'

I tested the whole day and was finally able to tolerate the stabbing sensation of the quirk as I fought off a couple of criminals, got looked at by the police because I was taking care of their job and essentially making them more useless than they already were, after what happened to me, I don't have that much respect for the police anymore, 'Why the heck are we even paying our taxes if these guys are just gonna betray us like that'

I got back to my warehouse and decided to go to the training room and practice some of my danger sense, to try and see the limits of Danger sense, I remember reading in the manga(A/N: didn't read it ) that the quirk wouldn't activate if the other person did not have any malicious intent, but I was able to use the sixth sense and my strong OFA physique to dodge all the attacks.

I even designed a homing attack type magical ball that would try to hit me for ten minutes straight, it was really fast and I was able to dodge almost all it's attacks.This either means I am just that good or my sixth sense works on all things.

Or maybe there is something else to do here


A/N: Yo!