chapter 41



Jack was in his tech lair, the one where he conducts his scientific experiments, different from the one where all his magical experiments are, Tech lair is also the place where his servers are located, meaning if someone were to crack the code of his website and use some way to track him, they would come here, however it is a lot more difficult since Jack has very good expertise in this field. unlike the magical warehouse that is close to his home. The tech lair is way outside the city.

Right now he is about to lift the Shadowban on influential people such as Tony, Norman, Wilson and many more.

Recently he received the notification that a certain 'Wesley' ordered a potion, Jack knew that he couldn't pull out every person and know every person that had something to do with MARVEL world out, so he put in as many names into the system as he could, and it rang several alarms.

Now the question was, is this Wesley the one friend of Wilson Fisk, if yes, which Wilson Fisk is this, the one that can bulldoze Spiderman or the one that beats Matt up.

Tonight nearly all the people were lifted from the ban, and we're allowed to receive their package, Now the potions and medicines will be delivered to the people without his needing to send them over personally.

It took some time but now the rate of delivery with the envelope has reached the minimum of 80 to a maximum of 90 per cent, meaning not many packages will be lost, Now Jack can focus back on his High school life and fight a life of crime.

'I wish I get someone from Naruto world, will make it easier for me to multitask. I wonder what will happen once one for all mixes in with my original body and interacts with magic and other energies. will I blow up or will I become stronger' Jack thought as he tinkered with a small device on the crafting desk?

He was making a device that should hypothetically allow him to not be invaded by a telepath, after what happened with the police and how he nearly lost it. Jack didn't want a second time.

'Besides I feel like Charles is a dumbledore's through Jack.

Jack carefully picked up the device and put it over his ears, a humming sound was released and the device glowed in blue colour.

'Let's just hope this works'

as for why Jack was doing all this, it was because he was contacted by the X-Men. something came up that needed his attention, or so was said by the hawk type mutant who can fly around.

Jack turned into Cedric and flew off into the night sky, he finally reached the X mansion in all its glory.

Jack could make out the visage of people running around the place, some occasional shouts here and there.

"I wonder how Jean is, and why she never answered my massages"

Jack skillfully landed at the main entrance just outside the gate and rang the bell, he could have come right in but didn't wanna come off as a rude person, heroes have manners as well, as taught by dear old Cap America.


Soon enough, a boy with a visor on his eyes came outside and walked towards him, which took three minutes by itself because of the huge ground.

"Welcome, Sir Xavier has been waiting for you"

Cedric nodded his head and calmly walked in as he made way for the mansion's entrance. Cyclops opened the door for him and led him inside, Cedric saw kids of all ages playing around and having fun.

He also got glimpses of some old-timers such as Ororo and Wolverine, surprisingly, giving classes.

'Do they also have a danger room, should I even try and monologue in this place' thought Jack as he smiled and walked behind Cyclops, this cyclops was rather young, not like the movies version or anything, might be one or two years older than Jack.

After walking around the various hallway and walking up a flight of stairs, Cedric was finally led to the room where Charles was at.

"Greetings, Mr Magic" Charles gave a smile and greeted Cedric, who gave back the same greeting and shook Charles outstretched hands.

"I see you have made an upgrade, I can't even get a hang of your surface thoughts now," said Charles as he looked at Cedric curiously

"Not, though I am training in such arts, this is just a display of today's technology in the making," Said Cedric as he pointed at his ears, a blue glowing earpiece was present.

"Marvelous," said Charles as he looked at the earpiece with new interest.

"You think it can be reversibly used to stop someone from using his telepathy powers," asked Charles, Cedric noticed a hint of hope in Charles's eyes and he didn't have a good feeling about that

"I suppose, though what's the occasion," said Cedric with a hint kf defensiveness

Charles noticed that and hurriedly defused the misunderstanding

"Haha, it's not like that my young mutant friend, maybe you remember the young teen you helped us save from Magneto"

"You mean that guy who controlled metal and stuff," asked Cedric, so as not to raise suspicion.

"Yea, he is called Magneto, he is like us, only a little extreme in his methods, he is after people with the ability to manifest abilities"

Cedric nodded, it seemed like Charles did not want him to known about the X-Gene,though it's alright since it would be weirder if Charles we're to be open about everything.

"But what does all of this have to do with me"

Cedric asked

Charles became silent for moment, Cedric realized he was having a telepathic talk with his confidants.
