Chapter 43...Ancient One

After flying for a while I was finally in front of the Sanctum Sanctorum, looking at the building I was filled with nervousness, the woman I was about to meet might just seal me and be done with me.

She was someone who has been protecting the world for at least a thousand years, provided she got help from that Dormammu guy, but she was still someone I couldn't mess with, I feel like even at OFA being at 100 per cent, I would lose to her if she were to trap me In the mirror world.

'Come on man, you can do this'

I was currently present as Cedric, I wondered if she knew about me being able to change the form, would she find me evil, that I was able to turn Into so many people, would she count me as a threat or being that wanted to harm Earth.

*Ding* I quietly rang the bell and a bald man opened the door for me. I was not sure who he was, at least no one important,


"I am here to meet the Ancient One"

"The Ancient One has been waiting for you, come on in"

The bald man led me inside, the place looked just like in the movies, I don't remember much since I didn't watch the Doctor Strange series.

Only some clips here and there. I was led to a room and the bald man opened the door, an old man was sitting inside, quietly pouring tea

I looked back at the man who led me here, I wanted to ask if he was messing with me, this could not be the ancient one.

Even if this worlds Ancient One were a male, he wouldn't be so old due to Dormammu.

I decided to go ahead and sit beside the old man, "So what is it you seek" said the old man

"I seek an audience with the Ancient One," I said seriously, I didn't wanna come up as a rude person

"Yes, why do you seek an audience with me"

"You are not the Ancient One," I said to him, the old man looked at me, he looked angry

"What nonsense, I am the Ancient One," he said, almost yelling at me.

"Hmph, you aren't the Ancient One if you need to yell at me to get the point across" I laughed at him in mock arrogance.

"That's enough Zoi, you can go now" I looked to my left to see the movies counterpart Ancient One walking towards us, the old man gave the first salute and walked away.

The Ancient One sat down in front of me and I felt the pressure she exuded, I could feel she was the real deal, Her demeanour explained it all.

"So Mr Jack, what do you want to talk to me about," she asked me as she poured me a cup of tea, I on the other hand was stumped, how did she know my real name.

I was just about to ask her when she put up a hand and pointed at her neck, the eye of Agamotto, the Time stone, she must have seen my conversation with her or something like that, fortunately, she is a good person, besides if I am sitting with her and drinking tea, it means I am good in her books, right.

But if she has seen her talks with me, she should already know about Jean

"I have not seen my conversation with you, because you are not in the time stream, your existence is an anomaly, you weren't supposed to exist, I have seen your death at 11 years old. You were dead but here you are drinking tea," she said as she looked at me and took a sip

"That's why I decided to follow you, and eventually found out all about you, you nearly found out my followers once or twice, so I had to personally take action and was able to uncover your identity, so should we talk to each other for real now" The Ancient One put down her cup and looked at me in all her seriousness

I sighed and turned into my original form, seems like my identity was not as secretive as I thought, what's to say that Heimdall and some other such people don't know about me.

I changed back into my Real form and looked at her

"So what brought you to my home, and my universe, Mr Jack"

I knew I was in for a big problem if I didn't satisfy the Ancient One today, and I also needed her help with Jean.

Plus I had School tomorrow, Life is starting to become tangled for me nowadays.


X-Mansion, Charles Office

"Why would you let some stranger come and assess her, what if he has some nefarious thoughts," asked Ororo as she looked at Charles like he was going mad

"Yeah, who knows what he might do once he knows what she is capable of," said Cyclops, he was particularly angry at the professor for putting Jean at risk

"Listen to me Bub, that guy is a good person, he was the one who saved her in the first place, we can't just let her die like that, she is losing her handle" Wolverine being Wolverine, still tried to calm down the teenage hormonal Cyclops who was looking at Charles as if Charles was responsible for the problems Jean was facing, at least he wasn't responsible yet if Jack had anything to say about it.

"If he comes knocking on our door the next day with an army on his tail, who will be responsible" rebuked Cyclops.

Cyclops had a lot of say in matters ever since he became a formal part of X-Men, he and Jean were the first ones to join.

"I don't think we have to worry about that," as everyone was busy barking at each other and pinning blames

Beast came walking in with a pair of empty potion bottles in his hands,

"Don't tell me you made her drink it" Yelled Cyclops as he looked at Beast as if he killed his parents.

Wolverine couldn't help but look at Cyclops weirdly, the guy had been acting weird ever since Jean became sick
