Chapter 59 Ivan Vanko and the trail

Jack flew over to the stadium, by now, all the cameras were pointed at him, one could see him on the screens.

Ivan Vanko was looking at him as he twirled his whip around before sending it towards Jac who easily dodged out of the way.

"Get out of my business, my problem is with Tony, not you" yelled Ivan as he looked at the flying wizard, he had heard of this person, the friend of Tony Stark and a possible hurdle in his way.

Ivan tool something from. his exoskeleton and threw it at Jack, Jack was surprised when the thing thrown at him turned into several bots and chased after him.

"Tony!" Jack yelled as he threw a small box at Tony who caught it in time. They were the gauntlets that they had made for Blitz.

Jack knew that Tony would win in the end but he didn't want to leave things to fate, so he had these on him just in case he needed to give them to Tony.

With the Gauntlets now equipped, Tony had a way to defend himself, although the gauntlets were tough, they were made for Blitz use in mind, Tony felt like he was carrying thirty kilograms of weight on his hands.

But the good thing was that he was able to defend himself, Tony was even able to deliver a punch or two while he was at it.

Jack on the other hand was quickly able to take care of the bots, they looked real from the start, provided Vanko didn't have much to work on because of poverty, with the bots dealt with, he quickly dived down and held the madman in the air, with another pull the core was out of the armour and in his hands, he threw the core towards Tony who caught it.

At the same time, A car came into view, Happy and Pepper came out of the car and looked at the scene of the battle.

They sighed in relief when they saw that Tony was alright. Jack took apart the Exoskeleton and landed with the Culprit of the fight, struggling In the air trying to move.

"Took you long enough," said Tony as he took off the Gauntlets and gave them back to Jack. Nobody knew if he was talking to Jack or Happy.

"I was busy myself, you know," said Jack

"Oh, I was talking to her," he said

"Oh! alright, then why did you suddenly have the brilliant idea to get on a race car and go for a lap without informing me" Pepper literally yelled at Tony, which greatly surprised Tony

"Were you worried about me" asked Tony


"Yes, You were" Tony Persuaded as he talked in a childish voice, while the police led away from the criminal

"No I wasn't, I just don't wanna lose my job"

it seemed like the both of them were in a world of their own

"Ughhhh" Jack couldn't help but feel like puking

"Yeah, tell me about it, I have to see this every day," Said Happy as he looked at the two lovebirds flirting

Although it didn't feel like it, but the fact that someone was able to replicate the arc reactor technology was the breaking point as everyone started pressuring Tony again.

Tony was led away to talk with Ivan Vanko while Jack decided to go back as he had things he needed to take care of

Things like improving himself and checking out the gauntlet that Tony made. It wasn't a surprise when he was being tailed by SHIELD.

Though what surprised him was the fact that they were able to track him, this greatly surprised him, because he was using a spell to make himself obsolete.

This could only mean one thing, they had built something that could read him, more specifically, his energy signature. Jack used the portkey and directly moved to his warehouse.

'So SHIELD was finally able to track me, it seems that the worlds largest spy organization is not so bad after all' thought Jack as he lay down in his room

He wasn't worried about them finding out his lair, because it was hidden by the fidelius charm, yes, Jack was finally able to learn and implement the Charm. If SHIELD is really able to find his warehouse, he won't even be angry, as that would be an achievement in itself, since not even Ancient One was able to accurately find it.


Tony was having a headache as he thought about the new nuisance that came his way, Ivan Vanko, the man who just defeated him, not in a fight, but his claim.

He wasn't able to find out any useful information and Pepper was starting to act really crazy, The recent attack had really scared her. Thankfully she calmed down once He explained to her that he had The Wizard and Green Peas on speed dial.

Speaking of Green Pea, he had to take a look at the schematics for the gauntlet, it would be really great if he could somehow crease the weight, the thing was monstrous to carry.

Unknown to Tony, someone had hacked into his servers, and had taken out some very secret stuff, which slowed them to tail the Wizard.Something Tony had been using to keep an eye on the Wizard ever since he became active as a potion seller.


A/N: hope you enjoy the novel, also I have conducted a new poll for the third character, we are very close to opening the third template.

The poll is on patron , the profile name is NOVACORP, THE POST IS PUBLIC.

The previous poll was sabotaged by people, many people commented more them four times,I really hope you can visit the site and vote.

Hope I don't inconvenience you