chapter 69

After rescuing the kid and delivering him to the authorities, Jack and Matt shared a drink, Jack took out the fire whiskey for the special occasion.

He considered Matt his friend and so did Matt.

Jack used the Portkey and they went to his magical warehouse where Jack showed him some of the things that his other character made.

Matt couldn't see the stuff so it was a little difficult, maybe Matt was making it difficult on purpose.

By the end of the day, Jack gifted Matt a burner phone that only had his number on it, in case Matt finds himself in a pinch, he also gifted a few potions since he knew Matt was a little low on money.

Matt went on his way, Jack didn't bother to tell Matt that his real identity was blown, he didn't know how Matt would react.

It was night time and Jack was working on the prototype gauntlet,to make it even better, the main problem was that Jack didn't want e gauntlet to be t bulky as that would be counter productive his speedy fighting style that relied on speed and vital areas to work.

the only thing that could make the gauntlet better would be an alloy that can take high amounts of stress and not break

'The best choice is obviously Uru, Vibranium or proto Admantium , where am I gonna get it anyway ' though Jack as he ruffled his hair in frustration.

He noticed how his sync kept increasing the more OFA he used, whenever he would try to use OFA above his bodys limit, the sync would increase faster.

It was at this time that he received a call, and to his surprised , it was from Yuri.

Jack picked up the call and the first thing he heard was a bunch of insults for not contacting her with the recent escapade.

Yuri came to hear how Blitz and an unknown vigilante took down a Russian hideout.Yuri was livid, she didn't want Blitz to leave her with things like this.

Jack could only laugh dryly as he tried to persuade her otherwise, After some promises, he was finally able to have Yuri calm down.

Jack knew that Matt would soon be launching an attack on Anatoly, the only brother of Vladimir.this would cause Vladimir to become more and more aggressive.

Though what he didn't know was that things were becoming more and more dangerous for Daredevil, because of his appearance in the Russian hideout, Vladimir was angry as hell, while Anatoly ended up dead after he went to meet up with Fisk,

Fisk came to know of Jack and decided to ask for help from Madame Gao, who already had her eyes on Jack,ever since he beat Hanzo to a pulp, the Hand considered him an enemy.

Jack also hadn't forgotten the HAND, he wanted to give them a big injury, but that would only be possible if he knew of their operations.

Matt was his only key to get to Stick, the warrior from Chaste, the Chaste was an organization that had been fighting against the HAND since times of old

Many things were happening in the dark, people were starting to take note of the rising Vigilante, while others were trying to steer clear of their way.

Others were becoming greedy for the power possessed by these individuals.Jack was waiting for the next time Matt called him so that he can get some trace of Stick from him, or maybe come upon him one day if things went according to the series

Jack worked on the Gauntlet the whole night and went to school in the morning, though the next things greatly surprised him.

It was when Peter and Gwen told him about a visit to the Oscorp.

Jack wondered if Peter would be bitten by the spider or not, if this was the start of the tales of Spiderman , the amazing spiderman.

They were going on the tour of Oscorp on the start of next month and the three friends agreed to go together.

Jack wanted to see if Peter would become spiderman and if he could take advantage if this situation.

During the school hours, Jack noticed how Harry and his group of thugs would laugh at Peter and him from time to time, though they didn't do anything since Gwens father was a policeman, Jack knew trouble might come knocking one day.

Although he didn't wanna butt heads, he wasn't afraid of any confrontation, he could handle the thugs, much less some wannabe bullies from school.

Peter also knew about Harry and his group , he was once Harrys friends, so he knew Harry better and knew what kind of person he was.

Regardless of the coming problems, Jack returned to his home happily, his mother was out for a whole week on some trip for the company so he had the house to himself, he got home and took a shower, changed his clothes changed and was about to head out for Tony's place when he received a signal, the bracelet on his hands issued a kacha sound as a bead broke, the one that signified that Bruce was the one who issued the change.

"I hope I don't see The big green" Jack said out loud as he turned into Cedric before he disappeared from sight.


Meanwhile Fisk who just had his donner interrupted by Anatoly was cleaning his hands ,Wesley looked at the headless corpse of Anatoly and sighed

"The situation isnt simple anymore, i think we should stay down for a while,The Blitz is also involved

"If they wanna come,let em come" Fisk threw away the cloth as he walked away.


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