Chapter 71

Jack sighed! he couldn't help but sigh as he drew up a contract for both Banner and Betty, in case they wanted to leak any info on him, it also said that if Betty betrayed Jack, she would be punished accordingly, Banner was a little upset with that, but Betty immediately signed.

Jack didn't know if it was because he aggravated her or because she just loved Banner that much.

After signing the contract, Jack brought them both to his magical warehouse, he didn't have any spare property so he couldn't just give it away.

Jack decided to ask Tony to buy a multipurpose property for him and Tony bought it for him in under an hour, Jack was a little surprised when Tony didn't receive any money for him, his view of Tony increased.

"I will remember to gift him something as well then, maybe infinite Fire whiskey." - Jack said to himself as he cast several spells on the new property.

He could have just taken any property but decided not to steal it since there won't be much difference between him and a goon.

The warehouse that he had occupied in his previous years was also paid off by now as well, courtesy of Tony as he didn't have an identity for himself as a hero.

The next day, Jack took his classes as usual and then trained in mystical arts, he trained himself, went on his usual patrol around the neighborhood.

At midnight, he came back home, and to his surprise, Jean was in the house, sitting on his spot, Eating his favorite chips, watching who knows what kind of damned show.

"Oh! you are back,were you at Peter's?" - asked Jean.

"None of your business." - replied Jack as he sighed and sat down, looks like Banner will have to stay at the warehouse for one more day.

He couldn't simply go out again, or Jean might insist on going with him and he hadn't exactly told her about his other powers, the Ancient One was the only entity that knew of his special circumstances.

He spent the night talking and playing with her, She asked him about how far he was in his magic studies, he showed her some of the spells he had mastered.

Jean had also mastered one of the powers granted by the Phoenix to a degree.

The Phoenix fire, a mystical flame that can heal and burn according to the user's wish, probably one of the hottest flames to exist and one of the most soothing ones.

It also granted its user many added benefits such as unlimited life force. Jack was amazed at how easily she was handling the flame.

The next morning, Jack decided to wake up early, He walked for a while before turning into Cedric and immediately met with Banner and Betty who were having a double date with Mr. and Mrs. living Robes.

Upon seeing that Cedric had returned, The enchanted robes immediately greeted him before flying away.

"You have got to tell me how you did that!" asked Betty as she looked at all the wonderous things, Meanwhile a notebook flew towards him.

I am had named it the logbook, it recorded everything that happened in the warehouse and around it while he was away.

an added measure of security in case he was ever breached.

"Like I said before, with magic." - Jack replied for the nth time.

"Like hell, magic isn't real." - scoffed Betty, it seemed she still wasn't on the board.

"I don't care if you agree or not. Dr Banner,I believe I have your accommodations ready, these are the newly made bracelets for you, upon saying the special word, your face will change to accommodate your social life, I have already arranged fake papers and everything. Here.." - Jack gave the man his papers, Betty also read hers and was happy with them.

Jack took them to the new place. It had everything they could ask for. It had three bedrooms, A big living room, a lounge and a spacious parking that had a multitude of Cars in it.

There was also a beautiful lawn that looked to be filled with exotic plants.

"This is so nice, I don't know how to thank you for this, Cedric." - Banner said as he looked at the garden from the terrace. Banner and Jack were alone , Betty was busy cooking a meal for them.

"You don't need to thank me ,I consider you a friend, I hope you do the same." - Jack patted the man, Banner had suffered enough being on the run.

"And besides, I have stored many cool gadgets for you in the basement,it's like a whole personal lab, I believe you won't be needing you now that you are Mr.Nelson, a scientist working in XXXX."

Banner couldn't help but smile, he felt that this deal was one of the best deals of his life. Jack stayed with them for a few hours before he decided it was time for school, he had already missed the first and second lectures, what always surprised him was that the principal never switched on him.

Though Jack wasn't upset about that, he just felt it was weird. Jack walked into his class and waved at his group of friends as he sat down with them.

"Hey! you missed the first two lectures, are you alright?" - asked Peter.

"Yeah, I had an errand to run." - answered Jack,

"Thank God you came on time!" - exclaimed Gwen as she pushed herself between the two.

"Hmm, is something supposed to happen today" - asked Jack, All he knew was that the oscorp your was supposed to happen next month or so.

"It's a transfer student! and you know that best part, she has silver hair, just like you." - Gwen said as she pointed at his hair.



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