
Jane and Darcy felt a weird feeling as they held the hero's hands, in the next moment, they felt as if thousands of ants were crawling on their skin.

"Blegghhh!" Jane and Darcy immediately vomitted as they appeared on the living room of their living place.

Jane pointed at Jack,ready to rebuke him, only to feel another batch of supplies coming.

Jack couldnt help but feel a little bad for them, he shouldn't have teleported them like this, but it had to be done or who knows what the crowd might have done to them.

He knew that when a group of unknown people form a crowd, most of the time they forget they are still normal people and act differently, they end up doing stuff that would normally leave them shameful.

Jack decided to apologize once they were alright, it was time he gave the fallen god his attention, the guy was looking at him in a weird way.

"If only i had my hammer.."

"Remind me again,what are you the god of again." - asked Jack in a sarcastic manner

"My name is Thor Odinson, First born of Odin Borson, and the Prince of Asgard, the god of thunder." - Thor roared, as if thunder was supposed to strike in the background.

"So what? yet you are still standing here, without any power, just like a weakling, you are nothing without your hammer, you are more like a god of hammer and less like a thunder god."

Jack yelled at Thor. with a single move of his wand ,a streak left the tip and traveled into the distance, striking the ground and reducing it into a mess.

Jane and Darcy were suprised by this, while Thor on the other hand was not that shaken, he had seen destruction that wasn't explainable by normal means.

"Don't ruin my mood, magician, tell me what you want?" - asked Thor.

He had calmed down by now. He knew that at this moment he was so weak that he couldn't take care of this crown.

Jack knew it was time to stir the pot, so he spoke what Thor wanted to hear the most. The location of his beloved hammer, Although Thor would come to know about the hammer sooner or later.

"I know of the location of your hammer." - said Jack.

This instantly caused a reaction in Thor.

He quickly arrived besides Jack and started shaking him rapidly in happines,

"Tell me! Tell me! where is my hammer?" - Thor had already forgotten the previous squabble.

Jack didn't ask the god to wait anymore and immediately told him the location of his Hammer.

Thor roared in happines as he said "Thank you friends, Iwill forget our previous fight, once I reclaim my hammer and return to my original and rightful place, we will have a feast, haha!" - Thor ran out, going in the general direction of the Hammer.

Jack shrugged his head, it was unlikely that he would be able to life the hammer at all, such was the plans of the Allfather, Odinson.

Jack was left alone with Jane and Darcy who were drenched in vomit. "Damn you!" - said Jane as she went away, probably to change her clothes.

Jack was left with Darcy who had a notebook in her hands, She squealed as she handed it to Jack, who almost stepped back, due to the stench of vomit.

"Can I get an autograph." - she said.

Jack smiled weakly "sure,what do you want me to write?"

"Anything you like."

"What about a sorry ,for all you had to go through." - Jack wrote an apology and signed it.

Darcy recieved the notebook and looked at it, as if it was some ancient text that held some unknown power.

"Thanks so much, I am your biggest fan." - said Darcy.

During this time, Jane returned in a new set of clothes.

"Never do that again, never" - said Jane.

She still remembered the lingering feeling, the feeling of thousands of ants crawling on her body.

"Again, as I said , Iam sorry , I didn't wanna leave you alone in their." - said Jack

Jane understood this and nodded, she knew that leaving them alone in a group of curious people would be a bad idea.

"Where did Thor go?" - said Jane.

"He left to retrieve his hammer."

"Is he really a god?" - asked Jane, still taken back by the notion.

"In a sense, he is a god, but not a god at the same time, its just that they have a longer lifespan and a unique property, called the divinity." - Jack answered.

"So what is this Hammer supposed to do? give him back his power?" - asked Jane

"Sigh, To tell you the truth, this all feels a little weird to me, he is supposed to be the god of thunder, not of hammers, plus he is the Prince of Asgard, his father is just angry at him and sent him here as a punishment." - said Jack.

He explained to Jane everything he could about Asgard and stuff, this made her really happy, everything Jack said supported her theories.

The next moment, Jack received a phone call from Coulson, One of the reason that he wanted to send Thor to retrieve his hammer quickly was because of SHIELD, he wanted to see if the Agents would go behind his back or not.

He took the call and gave them instructions on what to do.



Hope you enjoyed the chapter,

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