Chapter 82

Although Sif was smirking as she looked at Heimdall, her hands were still resting on the sword, ready to defend at any moment, after Odin and his children ,Heimdall was the strongest and couldn't be defeated easily, nor did Sif have the thought of defeating him.

She gave a nod as she looked at her company, ready to stall for time so that they could go to Midgard.

What they didn't expect was that Heimdall suddenly moved aside as he said;

"Good then, go on" - Heimdall.

Sif was surprised by her brother

"So you are going to help us?" - she asked, a little hopeful.

"Me, help you, I have a duty to protect and obey, although who knows what's happening when I am not around." - Heimdall said as he kept going, in moments he was far away, his sword stuck inside the Bifrost.

The warrior three couldn't help but grin at that, they didn't expect their biggest hurdle to just vanish.

"We must not waste any more time, Thor must be waiting for us, we need to bring him back and get justice." - Sif charged at the sword and the others followed.

In moments they vanished, Loki became aware of this and made way for the Bifrost, anger apparent on his face.

'It seems like we have some rebels, Thor and his three great warriors will need to be vanquished, hmph, daring to go against my orders is a huge crime" - thought Loki.

In the distance he saw Heimdall, Heimdall already knew who was coming but he wasn't worried, for he had seen something in Midgard, something that might be more helpful than the warrior three.


Midgard, somewhere in Mexico

Jack watched as Thor and Jane acted all lovey-dovey with each other, he couldn't help but sigh, though he wasn't the only one who sighed, Darcu also sighed as she looked at the two lovebirds, by now, everyone was accustomed to Jack's presence, at first they treated him with too much respect, Selvig was also acting a bit reserved.

But later the incident happened, SHIELD, despite his continued suggestion, tried to steal Jane's research and Jack was present, he immediately stopped them, it caused a bit of commotion but after a bit of back and forth argument, Coulson finally backed out.

Jack couldn't help but sigh at their stupidity, or perhaps this was an order from those in the higher place.

Finally, the group opened up to him and Thor grew more grateful to jack and his actions. They even had a drinking competition and Thor lost, he would have won if not for his mortalness or so the god declared.

As everyone was chatting and having a good meal, suddenly they heard the sound of someone shouting.

Jack and the others looked at the source if the noise, at this moment, a shadow three weirdly dressed people came in view, Jack already knew what was happening, while Thor was happiest as he saw who arrived.

"Friends!" - Thor

"Thooooor!" - The Warrior Three

"My friendssss" - Thor

"Princeee!" - The Warrior Three

"Excuse me, what the heck is happening?" asked Jane as she gave the armor-clad Sif a look.

"Lady Jane, look, these are my friends, the warrior three and some of the mightiest the Asgard can offer, Guys, this is Lady Jane" Thor hurriedly introduced them all before he pointed at Jack and said

"That man is a wizard." - Thor said, Jack couldn't help but hiss at the way this introduced him, it seemed that much time will be taken before Thor will become accustomed to the way of midgardians

The warrior three became wary as they looked at Jack,

"Fret not, he is a good person and has helped me much."

He them hugged his three lifelong friends as he asked about his homeland, what he heard devastated him.The three asked him to come back but he denied.

"I can not come back to asgard,I will only hurt mother with my presence, I already killed father,I don't want my mother to die" - said Thor.

He couldn't help but clench his teeth and now his head in sorrow.

"Eh, what are you saying Prince, The all father, the all father still lives."

Thor turned around as he looked Sif right in the eyes, he knew that she had no reason to lie, she had always been a straightforward women and had no reason to lie to him.

"LOKIIIIII" Thor who had become much more civil suddenly roared in anger, only he knew how much heartbroken he had been by Loki, Loki had kept him captive in a lie.

Others couldn't feel it, but Jack felt a sudden feeling of pressure, a presence of some kind of energy, much like magic.

Thor immediately calmed down after his sudden outburst, this really surprised the warrior three,once the hear what Thor told them, they couldn't help but curse Loki.

"Thor, you must go back with us and clear your name, Loki needs to be taught a lesson" - said Volstagg.

Thor couldn't help but sigh. "Although I am happy that father is alive and sad and angry that Loki lied to me,I still was the cause of all this,I put the realms in danger, father is right,I am not fit to be a king."

The warrior three couldn't believe their eyes, they gave each other a look, almost feeling like they were in a dream, Thor admitting that he wasn't fit to be a king was like thunderclap in their ears.

Jack was witnessing all of this along with Darcy and the rest, He wanted to say something, after a bit of hesitation, he decided to join in.

"No Thor, at this moment,I believe you are fit to be a king, well , not completely but you are way better then that skewed Loki."


A/N: Double chapters today since I want you guys to reach chapter 90 plus faster, so that you guys can see his travels.

Hope you guys enjoy,

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