Chapter 86...System Essence

As Thor flew towards the Castle in the distance to confront his idiotic brother, Jack on the other hand was flying towards the opposite direction, he knew that Thor had it handled, what's important is to see what's been calling him ever since Thor arrived on Earth.

After flying for fifteen minutes, Jack arrived in a weird area, weird in the sense that The area was like a forest, except the trees were much much bigger and the feeling kept getting stronger as Jack flew ahead.

Suddenly A projectile hit Jack, causing him to fall off his broom and hit the ground skidding for a while before he was able to cast a levitation charm and stop himself, He had several minor bruises.

Jack looked around himself trying to look for what hit him, suddenly he heard the sounds of footsteps and immediately cast a spell just in time to slow down a might bug eagle the size of a car from scooping him up into the air, Jack quickly dodged to the size, the next moment, the eagle broke out from Jacks spell, and rushed at him once again.

Jack saw this and used a fire spell, a stream of fire was released from his wand, but surprisingly, it did little to scare the big eagle as it tore right through the fire and snatched him

Jack knew it would be better to fight this eagle with physical might, he had a hunch that, either most Asgardians were resistant to magic, or his just wasn't that good.

In the next moment, his body emitted a bright light as it changed into that of Midoriya, the eagle felt the change and the bright light caused it to release Jack,

Jack used his OFA and landed safely.

The eagle, seeing that the person it had caught,changed was a bit curious before it lunged at Jack, Jack got into a stance as he pulled back his punch and released a 20 percent of OFA, directly blowing off a dozen of the towering trees and the eagle along with them

After dealing with the Eagle, Jack decided to continue his journey, he didn't have much time, it would be better if he could get to the source of whatever he was feeling before Odin woke up, if he was even asleep to begin with.

Jack directly used 26 percent of OFA and flew ahead, disregarding the ensuing chaos from his sheer strength, he was like a mini Hulk.

After some time Jack came upon a clearing, Purple grass that glowed with ethereal light swayed slowly, Jack felt a cool sensation as he walked on it, In the far distance was a pedestal that had something on it, It flowed with purple and blue light,it's shale was like a drop of water,constantly moving, Jack arrived beside the pedestal and after carefully touched it

[Ding! System essence detected, would you like to absorb it]

Jack was surprised, System essence, what was that supposed to be

[Host, the system essence is an important component for the system upgrade and repair, it can also provide various benefits for the host]

"Alright then! absorb it"

[Beginning Essance absorption, it is recommended that host low down in a comfortable position within a meter of the essence and not move much]

"Alright, How much time will it take anyways"

[It will take roughly fifteen minutes to absorb the essence]

As Jack lay down to absorb the essence, Thor who was chasing after Loki, arrived at the Bifrost to see that Loki had hijacked the Bifrost and was currently halfway done with his plans


"Brother, so you have finally come here, you can't stop this brother, come and witness as I, the king of Asgard, shall truly get rid of the giants" Loki yelled, his eyes were blood red, probably due to his heritage rather than rage

"Loki, listen to me, this is madness, you are going to start a war," said Thor

"Start a war, The war is already upon us Brother, I shall get rid kf the frost giants and be hailed as a true prince," said Loki, in his life, he had never felt loved by his father, always doting on his big brother, never praising him much, except for his mother, no one had ever praised or comforted him,

Finally, with Thor gone, he now had the chance to prove himself

"Brother!! I was never a brother of yours, we were never equals from the start, I never wanted the throne, I only wanted..."

Thor looked at his brother, He knew Loki had gone too far, and partly, he knew it was his fault, the previous him was an idiot, a battle-hungry maniac, and an arrogant ass.

Loki looked at Thor with hatred...and sadness, what's done was done, he couldn't go back now, once Jotunheim was destroyed, he will be hailed as a hero to his people.

"Loki! I know you are hurt, but this is not the way, war will always end with war, not peace"

"War will end with war!! what is this brother, has your time on Earth made you weak and gutless, like our father, or is it because of that pathetic antlike lady on Earth, oh, what was her name again, Jane was it, how about I give her a personal visit after I am done here" Loki, who was too far gone, taunted Thor, as expected

Seeing that Loki had bad thoughts for those that he cared about, he finally raised his hammer and ran toward Loki to smash him

A fight between two brothers began, one was fighting for recognition. The other was fighting to protect his love.

in the castle, Frigga looked in the distance

"Are you sure this is what you want, Odin?" said Frigga, tears were going down her tears

Odin, who was now awake, shook his head, he had a hopeless look on his face, it could be seen that he was filled with regret

"I know what you are thinking Frigga, but believe me, this wasn't supposed to happen," said Odin as he got up from his pod.

"I will believe you when you stop them from killing each other," said Frigga as she gave Odin the death glare.



Hello guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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